A Modest Proposal: Winning the War in Yugoslavia.
Part 1#: Let's gather up all the back issues of National Geographic we can find anywhere and dump them on Belgrade. This should be enough accumulated mass to cause the formation of a small black hole, imploding the area and rendering the military effectively headless.
CON: The problem is, this would be a one-use weapon, although I suppose this could be overcome by using multiple magazines, like Science Digest and People together.
Part 2# Operation: "What's that Smell??" We gather all the worst trash from the cities of America and other allied countries. Then we drop THAT on 'em from low-altitude bombers. Tons of coffee grounds, used diapers, leftover escargot, flat beer, moldy bread, sour milk, used prophylactic devices... result: total chaos.
CON: This may qualify as chemical/biological warfare. I know baby poop can be as toxic as nerve gas...
*I only SEEM Normal*
To make an apple pie from scratch, we must first invent the universe.
~Carl Sagan
Where do I put these babies?
"Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker
Down for Upgrade
Geezizz, grow up man. Besides, breasts women can throw over their own shoulder aren't exactly attractive.
Did I go too far now?
'My rigid grill structure...'
I came home the other night and tried to open the door with my car keys...and the building started up. So I took it out for a drive. A cop pulled me over for speeding. He asked me where I live... "Right here".
-- Steven Wright
"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us"
-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV