T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
This is my first post in this new forums since it's conception and it has to be bad news. My friends car just got broken intowhile me and a few buds went club hopping around town.The loss was substanial with new rollerblades,cell charger,cable jack,cigerrte tray,$100 dollar sunglasses,$100 dollars worth of keys. That is just his stuff. My loss includes a Brand new N64 I jsut bought for $350 bucks Canadain about two maybe three months ago. That was the last straw. The day I ask my friend to return the dam thing to me and his car is broken into. It was bad to leave stuff in the car i know but dam it!. Not blaming my bud but H e admits he should have known better. The area has the incedence of drug use and intravenous use in North America per Capita in the area as well as aids and other disease cases. A block or two away are the nice dance clubs and tourist districts. Maybe the Government should have redeveolped the entire area instead of just that one freakin historic street. F@%#^@&$^*%*^*&%^#. Oh well. There goes my belief in humanity.
------------------ I did'nt do it.
If your friend is insured, won't the insurance cover the cost of most of the lost things?Or is his insurance company staffed by poindexters who won't beleive there was anything in the car to begin with unless you can provide photographic evidence and a letter from your (deceased) great-grandmother? --Baloo ------------------ Carpe Canem!
The Excalibur
The best car stereo I ever had was stolen from a school parking lot.------------------ Here I Come To Save The Day : Mighty Mouse
Ohh.... I feel your pain.... though I've never had my car broken INTO, I DID have my old one totalled last fall parked in my high school parking lot. The deed was done by two 14 year olds out joyriding in a stolen vehicle...Insurance companies suck, insurance is a pain to deal with... Cops, accident reports, and claims are all a pain too... When something like that happens, it's nothing more than a big headache that never truly gets resolved... welcome to society, huh? :P I'm truly sorry, monkeyboy, and I hope it all works out somehow... good luck! ~LOA *agh! I can't type at ALL tonight! Pleh! Sorry had to fix some errors...* ------------------ *in memory of Ralph* "Ch-ch-ch-CHIA!" May his terracotta soul rest in peace... [This message was edited by LOA on March 22, 1999.] [This message was edited by LOA on March 22, 1999.]
I live in a world of almost no competiion insurancecompany where they are the only company around.Subsidzes by the Governement. This means, we on the Western coast pays alot of money to get insurance. We pay $1300 dollars worth of insurance. That is %40 off the regular price cause of ten years of spotless driving. I beleive they would not reimburse for the machine. As I stated before, they will think it is a scam and wouldn't pay. It was in the worst part of town. Here's hoping that they do pay some money to cover it. ------------------ I did'nt do it.
Orion Syndicate
I know what motor insurance companies are like - I worked for one a couple of years back, and I admit they are complete wan***s when it comes to handing out the dosh. It's annoying, but you just have to live with it and keep pestering them.------------------ "YOU SMEG!"