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Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :

I discovered this warning the other day. I have been handling DHMO all my life and have suffered no long-term ill effects.

Does anyone care to disagree? If so, why?


Carpe Canem!

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Of course, if you hadn't been handling it all your life, then you might be 2 inches taller and have slightly nicer teeth.

The problem is in these cases trying to sort the wheat from the crap. It's almost impossible from one article to determine if this is serious, or someone over reacting and basing their information on suposition and slight paranoia. If a sufficient number of reputable people complain long and hard over something like this for long enough, they should gather support. As I'm not a scientist, I have no idea, and defer to those who know more than me...

*Although to amend what I have said, it would be nice to remember basic chemistry*

[This message was edited by PsyLiam on March 24, 1999.]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
DHMO is toxic? I drink this stuff every day! Aw, great...

Motormaster: "Megatron's in trouble!"
Dead End: "Who cares?"
Wildrider: "It looks like Starscream's defeated him!"
Dead End: "So?"

Posted by Chimaera on :
I hear the oceans are quite polluted with that stuff, and Canada is flooded with it every spring The only people here that suffer from it this time of year though are the idiots who drive their snowmobiles onto thin layers of solidified DHMO over lakes and streams.

"Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you."
-Commander Riker, USS Enterprise


Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
Something like this could ONLY come out of Santa Cruz! *ROTFL*

"Okay, so I'm not "SANE" so to speak, but uh... I'm the lovable kind of psycho"


Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
As long as they don't ban C2H5OH, I'm happy.

Actually that is pretty funny page and it is correct is some reguards. I too have used it as a fire extinquisant, and know how bad it can spoil a sunny day on the weekend.

I'm the only one who understands me, and I ire of my company.
--Paul Cargile


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Reminds me of an old ad from the early 80s which featured a kid boasting how he no longer drank "sissy" milk, but had moved on to "A MAN's drink" entitled CP3V.
That stood for calcium, protein and 3 vitamins! (Of course it bore a striking resemblance to milk, and the mum filled his glass behind the fridge door.)
I understand several shops were asked if they stocked "CP3V" by interested customers...

"To appear in an Ernie Wise the final accolade"
"Look at me and say that"


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
As a frequent consumer of DHMO, I have to say I love it.

If people don't want to use DHMO, let them. It will be fun to watch them after a few days without it.

I tell you, the damn stuff's addictive...

It scares my cat, though.. so maybe there's a solution to the Great Cat Conspiracy.. spray them with DHMO when they misbehave.

*I only SEEM Normal*


Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Hello. My name is Christopher. And I'm a DHMO addict. It started when I was first born. I was thirsty on day and he had no milk. So I drank some DHMO. Now I can't get enough of the stop. I drink it constantly! I shower with it, I clean with it, and I even give it to my plants, pets, and friends. PLEASE HELP ME!

*collapses to the floor sobbing*

"Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker

Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

*bangs head against wall* who wrote that? He's a genius!
Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

Or She, of course..
Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
If you think you can avoid DHMO by drinking milk, you're sadly mistaken. DHMO is widely used by the dairy industry, as well.


Carpe Canem!

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