T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
You coulda been lucky!Windows for Macs. Or perhaps you were! ------------------ CONSUMER NOTICE: Because of the "Uncertainty Principle," It Is Impossible for the Consumer to Find Out at the Same Time Both Precisely Where This Product Is and How Fast It Is Moving.
The Shadow
I'll take the A/UX version...I can run Windows on Unix on a Mac! (Actually, there are inexpensive Windows emulators these days anyway...) ------------------ http://frankg.dgne.com/ Rodimus Prime: "Don't panic. Stay calm until we know what's going on. Then we'll panic."
I tried Softwindows on macs I used to work on, and it was crap.One of the best things to come along in recent years was the Power Mac...such that you can share things with the PC and not need to have Windows. But I always thought that at least one of the ideas for using a Mac is that it offers an alternative to Gates' Evil Empire. I guess now, he's after the Mac too. ------------------ My childhood was typical: summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring, we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds. Pretty standard, really.
The Shadow
The newest versions of SoftWindows work very well, especially if you have a fast computer.You could transfer Windows files to and from Macs several years before the PowerMacs, actually... ------------------ http://frankg.dgne.com/ Rodimus Prime: "Don't panic. Stay calm until we know what's going on. Then we'll panic."
Frank that quote reminds me of why they had to bring Optimus back, thanks! ------------------ Wheeelersburg Correctional Facility Inmate #05301999
The Shadow
Oh, that's nothing. Ultra Magnus: "I know you're bored, Rodimus, but with the mantle of leadership come obligations." Rodimus Prime: "I don't suppose I could interest you in a used mantle?" Spike: "So, what do we do when the air runs out?" Rodimus Prime: "Well, you have two choices...suffocate, or smother." ------------------ http://frankg.dgne.com/ Rodimus Prime: "Don't panic. Stay calm until we know what's going on. Then we'll panic."
What a shame Rodimus was, though. And how sad that Magnus was up to snuff the Autobots would have never survived the last season if if it weren't for him------------------ Wheeelersburg Correctional Facility Inmate #05301999
Tahna Los
Er..... I actually liked Rodimus Prime. Perhaps it was because of the Transformers movie (ahhh... those were the days)------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
Completly off topic, but what the hey...Me too. Optimus was just perfect. And dull. At least Rodimus had some opportunity for character development. He wasn't perfect. And he transformed into a winebago! And come on, Ultra Magnus? Mr 'I can't DEAL with that now!'? HE saved teh autobots in the last season? Bwahhh. I think the fact that they were being attacked by an insane flipped out madbot probably had something to do with it... See, instead of perfect good leader, evil perfect bad leader, we had unsure indecisive good leader, and mad as toast baddie. At elast that's different. Still, I hate Windows too. ------------------ 'It's okay to only know three chords but God, put them in the right order' -Hank Hill
And come on, he spoke down to Spike even when the twit was about to die.Why couldn't it have been Daniel? (TF's Wesley, only without the intelligence. *shudders*) ------------------ 'It's okay to only know three chords but God, put them in the right order' -Hank Hill
Rodimus couldn't have beaten Bumblebee in a fight if it weren't for Optimus' spirit in his chest!The difference between the two are like comparing Kennedy to Reagan or Clinton! ------------------ Wheeelersburg Correctional Facility Inmate #05301999
[This message was edited by bryce on April 04, 1999.]