If you are a US citizen, you will find the following information astounding. Paying income tax is voluntary. Filing is voluntary. I heard this guy on a radio talk show named Irwin Schiff who's been preaching this from Las Vegas and has a book out on legally not paying. At first it sounded like a Too Good To Be True spiel, but honestly it's not so good when you have to deal with the IRS and their pursuit of enforcing voluntary compliance. www.ischiff.com/prod01.htm is where you can find out more about this actrocity against American citizens. Hey I like my earned money. I like to keep every bit of it. Basically the US government is panhandling us, and we have a Constitutional right not to give.
------------------ What do you mean I'm not kind. Just not you're kind. --Dave Mustaine "Peace Sells" MEGADETH
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I can't tell if this is intensely sublime sarcasm or not. If so, I am extremely impressed.
If not, well, with all the complexities inherint in the tax codes, such a loophole wouldn't surprise me. It is, of course, only applicable if you are exceedingly rich.
------------------ "The record of my unspeakable crimes, in previous lives, in previous times, indelibly stains the pages of history." -- They Might Be Giants
Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
Let the website speak for itself.
------------------ What do you mean I'm not kind. Just not you're kind. --Dave Mustaine "Peace Sells" MEGADETH
Posted by monkeyboy on :
Don't know if this is true in the States but income tax was a temporary tax used during WWI by Canada and some countries to help pay for the war effort.
HMmm temporary has been for a lonnng time.
------------------ I did'nt do it.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Ok, I've looked over the site, and unless I'm missing something, it seems to me that instead of providing any concrete evidence, the author is just repeating himself over and over again, while pandering to people's natural distrust of government agencies. He seems to be making the assumption that government spin control is legally binding.
------------------ "And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me." -- They Might Be Giants
Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
He sure is.
Let's subvert the government.
------------------ What do you mean I'm not kind. Just not you're kind. --Dave Mustaine "Peace Sells" MEGADETH
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
You might appreciate this page, then. (Assuming I can ever link to it successfully.)