It was pretty good.
My main problem with this movie had nothing to do with the movie itself, but rather the fat, balding IDIOT who sat behind us and proceeded to explain the ENTIRE plot of the movie to his date, (or maybe it was a sister or something, since I can't FATHOM how it got a date...) while the movie was playing, and about 10 seconds in ADVANCE of what was playing on the screen.
Several times, I did the half-turn thing and gave him the "shut up" look, but to no avail.
Now, it should be mentioned at this point that, despite lack of an intimidating physique, I am possessed of an EXCEEDINGLY violent temper, of the kind that ends up doing severe structural damage to objects when explosively released, and which it has taken me virtually all my life, since the onset of this condition in early adolescence, to learn how to sublimate and control.
So immediately, instinctively, even, I saw it in my head: The leap over the seat, the grasping hands closing around the windpipe as the stubby arms flailed helplessly and the bulk struggled unsuccessfully to rise from its seat, the bulging eyes, the last pitiful gasps of air. The unintelligible snarl my voice makes when I'm pounding on something in a rage.
The adrenaline rush was there, powerful as ever. I could do it. It would be SO easy.
So you know what I did?
Nothing. Not a blessed thing.
I beat the Monster in my Head down, surrounded him, and crushed him, and let the moron behind me live.
AHHH, I feel so good about it. _I_ am the Master. _I_ am in control. MINE is the superior intellect.
That's what self-control is about. (those of you who have read my other posts on self-conttrol vs. government and other forms of control will understand)
If I can do it, anyone can do it.
The Challenge is Issued.
You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!
Congrats, First of Two, its good to hear stories of people controlling themselves... My brothers both have ADHD, and my youngest bro is bipolar... violent eopisodes are common in this house.
"We are all a product of the environment we live in.... the rest, good or bad, may be free will." Charles C. Bohnam
Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift.
Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift.
Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
Blackadder: I'm King *drops dead*
From me. Especially if anyone does it while I'm watching TPM.
The only way for evil to win is for good to do nothing.
'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?'
-Richard Herring
If the world gets in your face, knee it in the gazoogahs!
"It seems strange that I, Kudos, a doubter, should be given this luxurious window seat whilst you.... AGEING with age, rot away in that disgrace of an aisle seat. Ha, Hah!
Where is your God now old woman?!"
"Jesus, I'm sorry I asked...!"
Is what separates us from the animals and the criminals.
You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!
Blackadder: I'm King *drops dead*
The baser instincts are there for a reason. (or they were, thousands of years ago)
Giving into your baser instincts would have involved actually killing the person.
Turning around, and saying 'excuse me, could you please be quiet, I'm trying to watch the movie' would have been a polite way of telling him to shut up. HOw hard would that have been?
And then if he still didn't shut up, you tip your popcorn over him. Or better yet, tip his popcorn over him. If he was fat, you were saving him from himself.
'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?'
-Richard Herring
Neutral: Calm
1st Gear: Mildly annoyed
2nd Gear: Irked
3rd Gear: Angry
4th Gear: Mad
I often jump from 1 or 2 to 5. That's my problem. But it's under control.
You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!
Clones are People Two
"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"
"It seems strange that I, Kudos, a doubter, should be given this luxurious window seat whilst you.... AGEING with age, rot away in that disgrace of an aisle seat. Ha, Hah!
Where is your God now old woman?!"
"Jesus, I'm sorry I asked...!"