T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 33
Well, my gf and I have had dissagreements on occaision, but none that would prompt me to go to the board to ask for opinion.We have a Chinese news station here in Toronto. By definition, it covers not only news in Canada, but news as well in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. In other words, news that matters to the Chinese community. My girlfriend is born in Vietnam, so she has strong ties to the land there. Just a while ago (I never knew this, BTW), a flood hit in Vietnam killing 70 people (probably due to that typhoon which slammed India, which killed much more). At the same time, my girlfriend tells me that the news was talking about a Disneyland which may be opening in Hong Kong (which I never knew either). The Disneyland stories get top-notch coverage, while the flood in Vietnam gets a 10 second clip. Obviously, she is enraged, and she claims that the Chinese newstation is Biased. However, I hold a different opinion of things. Consider:
- that there are other channels and shows in the Toronto area which cater to other ethnic groups in the community.
- that each and every cultural news channel provides news on what matters most to their audience.
- Suppose that an earthquake hits Italy with moderate casualties. Then while a typical Canadian news show would feature a 10 second clip, the Italian channel would show extensive coverage of the quake itself.
- Now suppose that a scandal hits the Italian government. At the same time, an earthquake hits neighbouring Greece. The Italian news service would give extensive coverage of the scandal while showing a 10 second clip on the earthquake in Greece.
I'm not surprised that the Chinese news did not give extensive coverage of the flood in Vietnam. But I do not think that the Chinese news is biased for that reason. Rather, I believe that they are trying to give effective newscasting, and giving news on what matters most to their audience. How many Chinese would really care about what's going on in Vietnam. Very few, while more people are interested in knowing more about this Disneyland opening up.My girlfriend is now accusing me of being biased, because my parents are from Hong Kong. My defence is that this kind of news coverage is expected and does not mean that they are biased. What do you think? Side note: For those who don't know, the Vietnamese are very closely related to the Chinese. Many Chinese moved into what is now known as Vietnam centuries ago. ------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
Here's the deal, China and Vietnam have a long history of bitterness over such things as border disputes and the like. And like many countries, both have long memories about sights or perceived slights. So the fact that the TV station ran the stories the way they did, and the fact that your girfriend is upset about it does not suprise me. Although your girlfriend is right to be more focused in the people rather than a stupid theme park.------------------ Thank God that we live in a country so hysterical over crime that a 10 yr old child can tried as an adult ~C. Mongomery Burns
Member # 33
Please try to ignore the part about the strife between China and Vietnam. Also consider that the TV station is based in Toronto itself, so they have less exposure to whatever border dealings between China and Vietnam.------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
Jeff Raven
Member # 20
In all seriousness, it is not bias. How big a part does Vietnam play in the affairs of China? Not much, I'm sure. The the show is a chinese show, then its news content is going to be about the Chinese and spend limited amounts of time on other countries. That's all there really is to it.------------------ "Goverment exists to serve, not to lead. We do not exist by its volition, it exists by ours. Bear that in mind when you insult your neighbors for refusing to bow before it." - Jeffrey Richman, UB student
HMS White Star
Member # 174
Tahna what you have hit is a hot button issue, it doesn't matter what the correct answer is because when a person sees a hot button issue all they see is red. Yes your reasoning sounds logical and if we were dealing with Vulcans there wouldn't be a problem, however silly emotional irrational humans have silly irrational emotions you have to deal with from time to time. So Yes your right, but it doesn't matter. ------------------ I will not subject my classmates to medical experiments.
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
Indeed, but attitudes run deep. And attitudes affect opinions and opinions affect reporting.Be that as it may, I work for a newpaper in the library, we ran the Hong Kong story a couple of days ago on page 1 of Business. In other words it didn't make the front page or the front section. The flood story came in after our print time and will run tonight...will let you know where. ------------------ Thank God that we live in a country so hysterical over crime that a 10 yr old child can tried as an adult ~C. Mongomery Burns
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
The Vietnam flood story was burried in a brief on pg. 6. However, the India flood got the lead foreign story, above the fold no less.------------------ Thank God that we live in a country so hysterical over crime that a 10 yr old child can tried as an adult ~C. Mongomery Burns
Curry Monster
Member # 12
That's probably more to do with magnitude and sensationalism, not with any pro-India bias in a American newspaper. 15 million homes destroyed says the tv. BBC that is, and CNN. But the coverage local channels give it is negligable, as Australia has barely any trade with India. So, to answer yer question Tahna of course there is bias. All around us. It's just that sometimes we feel it's ok as it's our side that is being biased. ------------------ "Diplomacy is the art of Internationalising an issue to your advantage" Field Marshal Military Project http://fieldmarshal.virtualave.net
Member # 167
North or South Vietnam?? It could make a difference, depending on who runs the station in Toronto. If the people who run the station are real China Chineese, they may ignore some of what happens in South V.------------------ Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!! Gandalf
Sol System
Member # 30
That's interesting, Daryus. I would have thought that India and Australia would be big trading partners.------------------ "Stirs a large iron pot. Casting a spell on Vermont." -- John Linnell
Curry Monster
Member # 12
Quite the opposite. We only buy some military hardware from India and have a few hundred million in trade. But that's straying a little from the point *L*.------------------ "Diplomacy is the art of Internationalising an issue to your advantage" Field Marshal Military Project http://fieldmarshal.virtualave.net
Member # 33
Not bias, but basically how to best serve their audience.GF has withdrawn her complaint about me. That's good to hear. There's also another thing to point out too: if one source of media is biased, then ALL sources of media are biased. Just now, news on the Vietnam flood has the death toll increase to 300 with many more possible due to intense rains and the onset of disease. The Toronto Star also put a brief on the flood the morning after the story broke. With the worsening of the situation in Vietnam, that brief has grown into a full article with a picture. Chances are that the Toronto Star will put a hotline so people may get an update. ------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation Addendum: I expect the Chinese news network to have more coverage on the flood now that the magnitude is worsened. How would you consider this if it gave the same 10 second clip as it did a few days ago? [This message has been edited by Tahna Los (edited November 13, 1999).]
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
So, today the Times ran a front page story about the Veitnam floods. I think it took some time for a reporter to get to the affected area.------------------ Thank God that we live in a country so hysterical over crime that a 10 yr old child can tried as an adult ~C. Mongomery Burns
Member # 53
A Disneyland in Hong Kong? Are they out of their minds?! How would they be able to build a decent theme park any bigger than the head of a needle in that sardine can?------------------ --Then, said Cranly, do you not intend to become a protestant? --I said that I had lost the faith, Stephen answered, but not that I had lost self-respect. What kind of liberation would that be to forsake an absurdity which is logical and coherent and to embrace one which is illogical and incoherent? James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. [This message has been edited by Tora Ziyal (edited November 12, 1999).]
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
Who are we to try to figure out the mind of the mouse?
The First One
Member # 35
Oh, well, I console myself with the knowledge that no parrots were involved. . .
Member # 33
Tora: So what do you think about the disaster in Vietnam and the coverage it got compared to some stupid "Disneyland"?------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
[This message has been edited by Tahna Los (edited November 12, 1999).]
HMS White Star
Member # 174
They do lots of crazy stuff in Hong Kong, like the worlds biggest airport, O did I mention the spot they choose to build it was under water. It's going to take a lot of rock to build that airport. Folks it don't little details like that's isn't possible ruin there fun.------------------ "Think of all the delightful aspects of the reproductive process: menstruation, pregnancy, labor. And the part we're trying to eliminate is sex?" Cecil Adams the guy who does Straight Dope.
Member # 5
I have thought long and hard about this subject.Bias is often used in a negative context. There is always more news than there is time to report it in. When the Chinese station excluded news about the flood in Viet Nam, it was being insensitive to the Viet Namese audience. However, Since it does not primarily serve the Viet Namese audience, it may have scrubbed any reference to the flood in favor of news the producers perceived would be of greater interest to their Chinese audience. If there is a sizable population of Vietnamese listeners, they should make an effort to tell the station that they want more Viet Namese news. Radio stations, especially, are sensitive to petitions. They want their listeners to buy their sponsors' products so they can stay in business, and a list of signatures below a list of demands represents a lot of potential listeners who will be more likely to patronize the sponsors' businesses if their demands are met. If, on the other hand, the Viet Namese community does not regularly listen to that station for news from home, the station is right to put the needs and desires of their regular listeners first. After all, they (indirectly) pay the bills that allow the station to remain in bussiness. If I go into a Chinese restaurant and ask for a Viet Namese dish, they are not being biased for not having what I want. They are just serving the demand for what they do offer. If a LOT of people come in that restaurant and ask for Viet Namese cuisine, they might consider getting a chef who can prepare those dishes and adding those items to the menu. It's rather the same with radio stations. They'll serve what they perceive their "customers" want the most. --Baloo ------------------ Remember: pillage before you burn! -- G. Khan www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/8641/
Member # 53
Tahna: Baloo said it. I'm not really surprised that the station chose to report about something in Hong Kong rather than a flood in Vietnam. First, news about a new Disneyland would probably draw more audience (I'd certainly watch it). And second, your girlfriend is more sensitive to news (or lack of it) about Vietnam. Ask her how she'd feel if the situation were reversed. (Disneyland in Vietnam gets more time than flood in Hong Kong.)------------------ --Then, said Cranly, do you not intend to become a protestant? --I said that I had lost the faith, Stephen answered, but not that I had lost self-respect. What kind of liberation would that be to forsake an absurdity which is logical and coherent and to embrace one which is illogical and incoherent? James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Member # 33
If it were around 50 people, I'd understand. We're talking about 500 people now. If the Chinese TV gave the deaths of 500 people a 10 second clip, then it would be considered as grossly insensitive. And at this point, if that happened, I'd be terribly upset because of the lack of respect for human life.------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation