Yesterday morning, a supply troop who's wife was TDY (deployed) went to work. When he came off shift, he went to the child development center to pick up his 7-month-old baby.
They told him "But you didn't drop him off this morning."
Before his wife deployed, she had always dropped the baby off in the morning and he had always picked the baby up in the afternoon.
They found the body of his infant son in the baby seat in the back of his car. The high temperature yesterday was nearly 100 degrees. Out of habit, he had forgotten to drop the baby off at the Child Development center that morning.
Right now, this guy is on suicide watch. He has a 2-year-old who's going to be asking "But where's the baby?" What will he say to his wife? His relatives?
Unless this guy's a moron, he's going through a hell worse than any punishment mortal minds can imagine. Let's hope and pray this event doesn't destroy the whole rest of his family as well.
This morning, I dreamed that I forgot to drop my son off at the sitter and didn't discover I still had him in the car until I was going in the main gate. At the time, it seemed like a nightmare. Considering recent events, it's a happy ending.
------------------ [Flippant sigline deleted as inappropriate.]
[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited July 31, 1999).]
Posted by Diane (Member # 53) on :
Good God, the same thing happened recently to two other infants on separate occasions in California. It was the wife who did it in both of these cases though. In the first one, a woman was trying to make up with her husband/boyfriend or whatever and drove to a motel to meet with him. She left the baby in the car, and the couple fell asleep in the motel room for several hours. When they realized where the baby was, it was too late. In the second incident, the woman came home from somewhere(a party, I think it was) early morning either drunk or drugged, and went straight to bed. Four hours later she woke up, remembering her baby was still in the car. Again, it was too late.
But I think these are nothing compared to the horror of the story about a 3-year-old boy locked inside a motel room for three whole days with the decomposing body of his dead mother.
------------------ "I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know." --Picard to Data, "In Theory"
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
I heard about that a couple of days ago. Sad.
[This message has been edited by Saiyanman Benjita (edited August 01, 1999).]
Posted by HMS White Star (Member # 174) on :
Actually here in Memphis, TN we had a baby who got forgotten in a back of Day care bus and died, it was very sad. The really strange thing was it happened twice in one day .
------------------ HMS White Star (your local friendly agent of Chaos:-) )
Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
------------------ "It is important to get up when you fall...for this much I know to be true: That thing we call Failure is not in the falling down, but the staying down."
Posted by Xentrick (Member # 64) on :
I've heard cases like these before and always wondered how the responcible parent can possibly go on----the one I always think of was a local tragedy where Dad hoped in the car to go to the stores...and didn't know his little girl had run up behind the car to go with Daddy.
what do these people do? How can anybody carry that much guilt?
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
I don't know. To be perfectly honest, I think that that would probably set me off into the world of the truly insane. I would probably be so depressed I don't know what I would do. But I hope that never happens to me.