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Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
Are drugs ok? I don't think so? Should Marijauna be legal. My opinion is nope. What about medical purposes? I think if you've got cancer, and if you want to smoke pot, then you should be allowed, I mean you're dying already. What are your views on Weed? I would like to hear...


"I'm not feeling alright today, I'm not feeling that great"

Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
Why don't you like marijunia?

I'll ask you this. How many people do you know are actively smoking pot?

"Never met a wise man, if so it was a woman" - Kurt Cobain
Territorial Pissings, Nirvana


Posted by Mythril (Member # 286) on :
Generaly it is a mellow drug. But i condone it for medicinal purposes.

I am not responsible for the stupidity of other people.


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Drugs are bad. Unkay. Don't do drugs, unkay.

Personally, I do know several people who smoke pot. I've never seen anyone so lazy, or lack so much ambition.

"I suppose you thought I was dead? No such thing. Don't flatter yourselves that I haven't got my eye upon you. I am wide awake, and you give plenty to look at."
Household Words, Aug. 24, 1850
From the Raven in the Happy Family


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
IMHO, all drugs should be banned. Alchohol should be replaced with synthehol and all tobacco plants should be jettisoned into space.

Chris's Home Page
The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.

Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
Yeah, well, now you're making sense. Thanks for the useful suggestions.

"Never met a wise man, if so it was a woman" - Kurt Cobain
Territorial Pissings, Nirvana


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
My school is pretty much made out of pot. I know alot of people who do it, and it doesn't bother me.

I don't do it, and that'll stay that way. But, I'm not going to do any good going around yelling "Don't do that! It's bad for you!".

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
I only bug my family about it, ie my parents and my bro. But they only smoke cigarettes.

Chris's Home Page
The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.

Posted by Gepta001 (Member # 231) on :
well it is a gateway drug. I've seen people who would never touch drugs start drinking, then they starting smoking cigarettes, then they start smoking pot one night when they are drunk, then the pot replaces the alcohol, then in some cases, not all, far from all, but still a significant amount of pot smokers will go on to shroom, and acid, and then on to meth, and then once you've done meth, why not cocaine? ok so that might be a bit drastic, but it is possible. When you are under the influence of alcohol and marijuana, and of course all more serious drugs, you are not in control of your decisions, the drugs are in control.


"I'm not feeling alright today, I'm not feeling that great"

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
"you are not in control of your decisions, the drugs are in control."

That's a good quote. I knew a person (very vaguely) and saw him start to use, and then get into harder and harder stuff, until he was completely under the possesion of addiction. It was very sad, really.

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Of course it's also psychologically ludicrous. People who drink do not automoatically go on to take Heroin. If the person is drinking to escape life, or whatever, then yes, he might take stronger stuff. But people who drink socially will not become Opium addicts by default.

All of my friends drink. Actually, since we're students, it's pretty heavy drinking. A fair few of them do pot. One once did Heroin. But he stopped. And none of them have ever eaten a baby sandwhich.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I decided long ago that I'd never do drugs of any sort. Didn't see the point, as my hold on reality is shaky enough already (Borderline Personality Disorder). I was present in a trailer once where several people smoked pot, but I was at the opposite end in another room, the place was ventilated, and I never even smelled it. (And yes, I did inhale .)

I gave up alcohol several years ago when I realized I was starting to like it TOO much, and I still crave it sometimes, though I've never had a sip since.

The guy across the hall from me in my dorm did a lot of pot, and a more dull, dumbed-down person you'll never see. He walked around with his mouth hanging open, and basically did nothing with his existence. He dropped out, eventually.

My best female friend, however, who is one of the smartest people I ever knew, one of maybe 5 people I know who'll I'll admit is smarter than I am, smoked pot on a very occasional basis (I knew her for five years, during which she smoked maybe twice), and wasn't affected by it at all, otherwise. She's making more money than I am, now.

My cousin did lots of stuff when she was younger, and although she's clean now, she's pretty much screwed up her life beyond repair, she's now divorced with one kid and living in a house her mother paid for, working a low-paying job.

Is pot worse than alcohol? I dunno. Alcohol isn't all that good, though. (Neither is tobacco. ECCH! Foul-tasting crap!) Under the influence, both pot and alcohol have caused people to kill, either accidentally or deliberately. So do yourself a favor and forget them.

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson


Posted by bryce (Member # 42) on :
Yep, its bad!

Peace on Earth


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
*resists urge to scream*

Thanks for that. Next time I go out to the pub, I'll have a Coke, and be thankful that I've managed to save someone's life, someone that I would have murdered, due to the evil influence alcohol would have had on my addictive personality. My arse...

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And you know, leaving your house has caused people to kill, either accidently or on purpose, so do yourself a favour, and never leave your house.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
I think anyone who needs alcohol and/or drugs to have fun leads a very boring and pointless shitlife existance.

That's why I took up playing guitar. (Well, that and I liked music). While all of the other kids my age went out and got "totally fucking bombed, yeah!", I did something constructive. I think I get more enjoyment from that than I ever would "getting totally fucking bombed, yeah."

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Here here, Ultra!

Chris's Home Page
The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
I've never done drugs.. never will .. never want to..

I have the occasional drink - love my guinness.. is alcohol a drug? Hmmm... Maybe .. but it's legal.. and dope isn't .. at least not right now it isn't.

Do I condone its use for medicinal (sp) purposes??? No.. it's illegal !! You wanna take away the pain?? Go to a doctor and get a shot! By smoking pot.. you are increasing your pain by subjecting yourself to the possibility of getting cancer... Increase chances of Cancer of the throat, lungs, mouth .. what the hell kinda medicinal drug is that ???

And here's the hypocracy ==> They'll make pot, an illegal drug, available for medicinal purposes, but they won't make, say, Cocaine, or methadone, or heroine, all illegal drugs, available.. Why? They're all freakin' illegal drugs.. why make one available and not the others?? Sure.. Coke, Heroine, Methadone,.. they're BAD drugs.. they're addictive.. SO ARE CIGARETTES FOR CRIPES SAKES.. THE BIGGEST KILLERS OUT THERE..

and I'm not saying they should be make these horrible drugs available to anyone.. I'm just trying to point out that if you make one one illegal drug available to ailiing people.. make them all available... If the gov'ts wanna make pot available to ailing poeple.. make the damn stuff legal..

I'm not huge on morality.. don't get me wrong. I've had my day in the drunk tank .. sleeping in the middle of fields, and pulling all nighters .. sure.. drinking is hard on the liver .. if you do it too much .. but it's legal..

Should pot be legal?? not for me to decide.. Do I care if it does?? not really... But I find it as disgusting as smoking a cigarette. It stinks .. and it can kill you. Drinking can, yes.. I know that.. and that the debate isn't it??

I'm open to debate on this one.. I can argue both sides..

I feel more like I do now, then when I first got here!! :)

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax;


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I agree with UM (except the guitar part. Harpsichord is the way to go). IMO, drugs are bad for most non-medical applications. I see little use for them otherwise. I even avoid caffeine.

Frank's Home Page
"I'm still amazed at how unintuitive the Windows world is and how it tries to mimic the Mac." - John de Lancie

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I don't enjoy anything.

Is marijuana bad for you? Yes. Is it worse then alcohol or cigarettes? Probably not.

"20th Century, go to sleep."


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Frank: I tried Harpischord, but I was so overwhelmed will flirting young lovely women, I had to turn to an instrument that was less popular with the ladies. That, and I wanted to play the riff from 'Crazy Train'.

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Sol: I think marijuana has some rather nasty life-long effects.

UM: Oh, come on. "Hey, I play the guitar!" "Yeah, you and everyone else."

I'm personally waiting for polka to come back into style. Or disco. Disco polka!

Frank's Home Page
"I'm still amazed at how unintuitive the Windows world is and how it tries to mimic the Mac." - John de Lancie

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Count me in! I'll finally get to wear my homemade German Bell-Bottom overalls...

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Something less popular with the ladies? Guitar? Ohhhh..... I dunno... where I come from, guitar is VERY popular with the ladies... or maybe that's just me... *L* What do you play? Electric, acoustic, both? Just wondering....

And as for the purpose of this thread: I've never smoked pot. I've never had a drink. I've never even TRIED a cigarette. And I've never done anything else that's even REMOTELY "illegal" or "rebellious"... I've just always been able to find better things to do, I guess....


"The battle is raging inside my weary heart
screaming for me to let it all go...
My body is weak and I can't take the struggle anymore...
the love that was here is filled up by anger and rage..." ~FOM

Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Hey, marijuana isn't bad, afterall it's just a all the rest of the plants on the Earth. Save that someone somewhere at some point discovered that it does wacky things to the brain. Does that make it a bad plant? has some reason to exist in the scheme of nature other than to dull the sences of teenager slackers.

Marijuana doens't get you high, smoking marijuana does. Hell, it's the same form of argument that pro-gun types use.

Ohh, so Mother Nature needs a favor? Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts, and plagues and poison monkeys. Nature started the fight for survival and now she wants to quit because she's losing...well I say "Hard Cheese"!
~C. Montgomery Burns

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
*applauds LOA*

Well, again, except for the guitar part. But she liked my accordion.

Frank's Home Page
"I'm still amazed at how unintuitive the Windows world is and how it tries to mimic the Mac." - John de Lancie

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
I as well applaud LOA, and all of the forums advocates of anti-drug use.

Oh, LOA: I play both, depending on what kind of 'mood' I'm in. There are certain things you can do with each. And I was being sarcastic about the Harpischord thing. guitar is pretty popular with the ladies here, too.

Like a while ago, I was 'jamming', and a girl asked me if I was playing as Les Paul. I said 'yeah'. She said 'it's nice.' and left. Like I said, the guitar is popular here.

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey

[This message has been edited by Ultra Magnus (edited January 15, 2000).]

Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
No way... a Les Paul??? Ohhhh...... *drools* What kind???

I've got a 1956 Gibson ES-225t that I'm learning to play on... it's AWESOME.... near perfect condition, and plays like you wouldn't BELIEVE.....

But Les Pauls are... ohhhh.... *drools some more*.... NICE......

"The battle is raging inside my weary heart
screaming for me to let it all go...
My body is weak and I can't take the struggle anymore...
the love that was here is filled up by anger and rage..." ~FOM

Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :

First: Ya know, I know people who are completely and utterly boring and stupid who don't do weed. And some of my most interesting friends (I can think of two off the top of my head, both of whom are funny, work hard, one is a DJ and stand-up comic and the other DJs in a band that is in the process of being signed) get high often. So, by anecdotal logic, smoking pot is neccessary to be motivated.

Ultra: ooh, Crazy Train? I can play the bassline for Paranoid, so we'll need to jam next time you're in my part of the woods.

"I'm so happy cause today I found my friends. They're in my head." - Kurt Cobain
Lithium, Nirvana


Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
Oh, and the theory that using pot leads you to harder stuff is shite. I think Liam put it well. The other thing is that those who do pot often have to hang out with those who do harder drugs, do to the moronic laws. That makes it easier. Yet, it still isn't as prevalent as Republicans tell you it is.

And incidentally, we got by just fine when acid was legalized. Sure, you'll have your Syd Barretts. But you have your Bon Scotts and John Bonhams too.

"I'm so happy cause today I found my friends. They're in my head." - Kurt Cobain
Lithium, Nirvana


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
DT: I can only extrapolate from my own experience.. which at least is beter than just assuming out-of-hand, like some people.

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson


Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
First: Yes, which is why I didn't want to rip you for that. But anecdotal evidence is, in general, very very bad. Hell, anecdotal evidence would lead all of you who know me to think that socialists are a bit crazy.

"I'm so happy cause today I found my friends. They're in my head." - Kurt Cobain
Lithium, Nirvana


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I already thought that. You just confirmed it.

Hm. If the government were to legalize all drugs, necessarily they'd want to tax and heavily regulate them. To, essentialy, make it a government monopoly.

Then the question becomes, do you want the US federal government having sole control of the hearts and minds of several million addicts?

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And I have had fairly good experience (belive me, I do live in Romford and Walthamstow) or people who do pot. Hell, to have experience of people who drink in Britain, you just have to come to Britain, and out of all of them, I can countthe number who went on to take Heroin in one hand.The thing is, you coul dhave guessed when he was about 12. total gobshite he was. Stealing, shagging around, always knew that he'd never get caught.

Still, I love the argument that people who do drugs to have fun live very boring lives. Especially coming from a canadian, well renound for being the most happening place on Earth. Even your clubs sell Bovril.

And Jay was right. Several people's arguments about grugs sound remarkably similar to anti-gun arguments. hmm...

Actually, the worst thing about pot (and smoking) is that it affects people next to you. Drinking doesn't. Which is why it's better to do in public.

Addiction isn't a cause of problems. It's a sympton of a deaper problem. And, to finish, anyone who says that Marijuana is more harmful to you than drinking or smoking? Bollocks!

Oh, and to whoever said "is alcohol a drug?". Of course it bloody is.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
"Actually, the worst thing about pot (and smoking) is that it affects people next to you. Drinking doesn't."

Unless you're drunk and you crash into someone.

"And, to finish, anyone who says that Marijuana is more harmful to you than drinking or smoking? Bollocks!"

Everything I've ever heard indicated that marijuana causes life-long health problems, but if you have any information to the contrary, post it.

Frank's Home Page
"I'm still amazed at how unintuitive the Windows world is and how it tries to mimic the Mac." - John de Lancie

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
I already posted this in the "Damn you Guinness!" thread, but I think it's appropriate here.

Personal experience:

When I went to basic training, I had been "indulging" in the nasty illegal herb for over a year. Not continuously, but frequently.

[Side note:] I told the folks at the induction center, not to get out of enlisting, but because if you tell them about it first, it won't be an issue if it comes out later (like being investigated for a security clearance). They sent me to the psychiatrist, who asked me, alternately:

  1. "Do you need marijuana to get to sleep at night?"

    Me: "No."

  2. "Do you think you can follow orders?"

    Me: "Yes."

He asked those two questions several times, rephrasing them each time. I'm not sure what the point of the exercise was, unless it was to see if I'd get confused and answer differently than before. He wrote something very illegible onto a form and told me to take it to the next station. They let me enlist. (I have since seen that very document and examined it carefully. It is completely illegible. For all I know he may have written down "This guy is a nut-case! Don't even THINK about letting him enlist!"

[Back to the subject:] I had been in basic training for over two weeks when something amazing happened. I was standing guard duty, studying my little "How to Be an Airman" manual (not the real title) when I suddenly realized: My memory had come back!

This was doubly amazing since, up till then, I hadn't noticed it's absence!

My guess is that, if marijuana were legalized, anyone who uses the stuff should be restricted from certain jobs (care to drive or operate heavy machinery?) until they have been off the stuff for some period of time? How long? I don't know if my case is typical. I look back and figure I was a heavy user, but I also realize that I knew some folks who, while not burned out as I was, seemed to recover their faculties much more quickly than I.

With Alcohol, there is a large body of knowledge regarding how much is too much, and how long one must wait for your body to metabolize the alcohol, prior to doing anything requiring all your wits and coordination. Pilots have a saying: "12 hours between the bottle and the throttle." While inaccurate, it is not completely so. With Marijuana, I would suspect that the amount of time between indulgence and full unimpairment would be significantly longer. I do not plan to resume using the leafy stuff when I am fully retired from the AF, mainly because I missed so much during my burnout days. I had fun, but I can't clearly remember what it was that was so much fun.

Legalize? If you must, but carefully!


The moral of this story is, when you tinker with drugs of any sort, do your homework and be careful! Most of them tinker back.


"Politicians and diapers should be changed regularly, for the same reason."
Come Hither and Yawn...


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Like I said, I don't use, advocate the use of, or condone the use of Marijuana. It's really the only drug that I've been in contact with, and nobody's tried to force me to do it.

I'm acquaintances with people who do smoke it, and they don't seem all that funny or intelligent. I guess once you hit college, pot affects you differently, and you become highly philosophical and have mental clarity.

Marijuana use itself doesn't bother me. I have a fairly laissez-faire attitude towards, where I think it's the person's decision, not mine. Of course, I think it's a stupid decision, but that's just me. I'm not going to change their minds, so I don't try. I'll just be happy when I go to my high school reunion and see how many of the 'stoners' actually got somewhere in life, because it doesn't look they're going anywhere right now.

LOA: Yup, I'm the proud owner of a 1974 Les Paul Custom, with a bookmatched flamed maple top. I own other guitars, but it's my baby.

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Unfortunalty I've thrown away my big book of marijuana clippings, so you'll have to wait until Monday.

Id o know two medical doctors, one surgeon, and 5 medical graduates. All of whom say that smoking fags is far more dangerous than pot.

And UM: You're making my point. The people you mention aren't going to fail in life (if they do), because they smoke a lot of pot. It's because they are lazy, unambitious slobs.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
' "Actually, the worst thing about pot (and smoking) is that it affects people next to you. Drinking doesn't."
Unless you're drunk and you crash into someone.'

You're talking about drink-driving there. Which is going into another area. Besides, you could do that sober.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
You, uh, can't drive drunk while you're sober

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :

See, that's what you get for drink-posting.

I meant that you can still crach into someone, without drinking. But that's by the by. I was making the point that a group of people drinking in a pub only consume what they want to consume. Sitting with smokers, pot or tobacco, you don't have a choice. Which is why, although I don't have a problem with dope, I wouldn't want it to be smoked in public places. I'm not a great fan of my mates haivng fagswhile I dirnk at the pub, but I can live with it. As long as the air recyclers are working.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
"I'm not a great fan of my mates having fags while I drink at the pub, but I can live with it."

It's a Good thing you're British.

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
At my radio station there is a push by many of the DJs, almost all the smokers, to make that an American thing too. We have a standing order to say, if we need a smoke, that we're "going to go blow a fag"

The admin doesn't seem to like it, but...

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
One of my mates is a fag. And he smokes. Coicidence?

New warning on cig packets: Warning! Smoking can make you dress well and want to shag men.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison


Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
Hey! I dress well! And I don't want to shag any men. Aside from Gavin Rossdale. And Oasis. But that's it!

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

Posted by Diane (Member # 53) on :
Too much information.
Posted by Jaresh Inyo on :
One of my closest friends began drinking a while back. Not heavily, but enough to get her drunk. When she was drunk, she did pot. Pot became part of the routine with her. Later, while stoned, she was offered shrooms. Shrooms became the routine. Now it's ecstasy and acid. A perfectly nice girl, an excellent student, is now living in a daze. She can't remember her own phone number, or what day it is. She remembers events by what she was on at the time. She's not even 17 and she's dropping out of school. She called me once and asked me to help her out. I told her the first thing she should do is stop drinking. Face the other problems sober. She tried, and stayed clean for almost a month. Alcohol doesn't lead to weed, but even she said that she wouldn't have tried it sober.

I drink sometimes, but never to get drunk. Is there really a way to do pot without getting stoned?

"I promise you, Wilma, that not one man on this force will rest until the criminal scum that did this are behind bars. Now let's go get a bite to eat." - Frank Drebbin, Detective Lieutenant in Police Squad

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
That's the problem... the whole point of smoking pot is to get high.

Alcohol was originally used to socialize, to loosen up. But lately, especially among the younger population, it is has served only to get drunk.

"I suppose you thought I was dead? No such thing. Don't flatter yourselves that I haven't got my eye upon you. I am wide awake, and you give plenty to look at."
Household Words, Aug. 24, 1850
From the Raven in the Happy Family


Posted by DT (Member # 80) on :
But getting stoned is fun!

Almost as good as an acid trip dude. That used to be legal, ahh, the days...

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

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