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Posted by seanr (Member # 277) on :
I hope you'll all forgive me for polluting the forums with this garbage, but here is some info regarding the status of SFA:

After reading I think it is fair (but sad) to say that SFA as we knew is kaput. The error message on the forum says it has been shut down due to an unauthorized access, however this is completely untrue. As near as I can tell, Tachy is primarily responsible for the breakup. I would personally encourage all SFA forum members to email Tachy and personally request that he turn the forums back on and allow them to remain in their current state, with or without his continued presence (preferable without). Tachy can be reached at the following email address:

[email protected] (that is the only one of hi email addresses not currently bouncing).

Sean Robertson
[email protected]

WEBolutionary Consulting Services

"Great is the glory for the strife is hard"
- Wordsworth

"Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?"
- Dr Evil


Posted by Spunkey on :
sean, i agree with you that it looks like SFA's time is up - not that it much of a surprise after recent happenings, not that im 100% up on whatever the hell has been going on.

better make my home here now i spose.

Why dont you all just ffffffffffff-fade away??

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, since there's something of a history of bad blood between the us and SFA, let me just say that so long as no one causes any trouble, you're all welcome here as far as I'm concerned, and we're glad to have you.

Francesca: He was born on the tundra, that's where he belongs. You'll kill him if you take him to Toronto.
Thatcher: That's a bit drastic, don't you think?
Francesca: Look, I've been to Toronto. Trust me, nothing can survive there. - "due South"

Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
I'd like to make that official... If those from SFA do wish to take up Flare as a residence, whether it be temporary or pernement, do feel free to register and post.

Excluding those already stated as not welcome, or outright banned because they constantly cause troublesome issues. *cough*

"Uh, Cody, what has the Mullah of Cappistan been smoking?"

[This message has been edited by Charles Capps (edited November 03, 2000).]

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Interesting. I remember a board called Starfleet Communications Relay had a similar breakup. Whatever happens, the community created will live on.

*sheds a single tear*

Intelligence, Integrity, Responsibility.
Vote Bush/Cheney 2000


Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
It seems the meltdown at SFA was somewhat similar to what happened to SFCR... Only the other way around. The owner's leaving rather than the users leaving, or so it seems from the ten or so different ways that it can be interpreted.

"Uh, Cody, what has the Mullah of Cappistan been smoking?"

[This message has been edited by Charles Capps (edited November 03, 2000).]

Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
These places are about exchanging ideas. I've been offline for a couple of weeks and haven't spoken to the tachster, but twill be interesting to see what he says. Anyway, the ideas will live on. I'll second CC's welcome, there's plenty O' room.

Re: Russia in WWII

"Hey, we butchered Poles! Thats OK."
- DT.


Posted by Cooper on :
How sad the events individually were, they become unavoidable. It should have never gotten too that point. SFA is not kaput, it is merely offline for the time being.

Too much has happened in the past and that has taken his toll on the former senate and the organization as a whole (which was the problem it was no longer a whole). I could give complete insight into the situation but that serves no purpose it is not a matter of blame but it has become a matter of continuity. I choice continuity as I do not which things too end like this. Too many people have sacrificed too much for SFA.

What future brings is uncertain but I can inform you all that SFA will be back. Off course I leave it free whether any one wants to return or not

We will again am for bringing the best place to learn and the best place of artwork.

Greetings Cooper
Head of SCIFI-ART Character Studio

Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Good better English soon perhaps grammar yours?

"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much."


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Hey hey hey, Shik... be a little more tolerant :P

Intelligence, Integrity, Responsibility.
Vote Bush/Cheney 2000


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Hey, not everybody's a native speaker, you know. SHEESH!

As for SFA... Not entirely unpredictable. Certain elements have a tendency to react... explosively.

"Uhura is 'busy.' I am monitoring."

"Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ty Kwan Leap. Approach me, that you might see." -- The Master


Posted by seanr (Member # 277) on :
Here is the inside story from the two people who would know:



-) massive struggles inside the senate and forums because of things cyrille did
1) snowcrash resigned from sf-a senate
2) xmess suggested snow "to 'ask' cyrille to resign himself"
3) cyrille resigned
4) snowcrash's resign was rejected
5) darrell worked out new plans
6) xmess worked out new plans for the forums
7) spudmonkey worked out new design ideas
8) public discussion was initiated
9) cyrille abused public discussion, posted confidential (that is senate internal) material
10) cyrille claimed sf-a for himself, fired the majority of senate members
10.2) cyrille accessed the server and "dicked around" as snow put it
11) snow decided to close the forums and to close the server down by end of november 2000
12) xmess had several discussions with numerous members of the former senate and many others on what to do
12.2) xmess had discussion with seanr
12.3) xmess is finished with sf-a
13) xmess met mythos
14) xmess and mythos decided to found a new group
15) xmess collected ideas and discussed
16) xmess sent out an email

Mike Wright:


Being the co-founder of Scifi-Art, its probably a little more than pathetic just how little I'm aware of the situation right now. I've been getting in touch with people and trying to get in touch with other who won't respond to my queries, so all I can really do is make assumptions here and there. But let me tell you what I know.
This conflict is not something that started overnight. Its been going on since the creation of SFA. Tachy can rant and rave all he wants about people not willing to help him. But you ought to have seen some of the crap behind the scenes. Every idea someone else came up with was shot down. Every mesh I started making Tachy claimed was not good enough. Then he'd flip it around, someone would post some new image or animation to the list and Tachy would say "Look now, me and so in so are the only ones doing anything, why doesn't anyone help us? Maybe I should just fire the whole group and start over."

Its hard to talk about this... Tachy was a very good friend for a long time. And I did what friends do, I completely supported everything he ever said and did for three years. And I felt the combination of myself and the rest of the SFA senate doing this is what kept Scifi-Art together.

When was it, four months ago we turned the forums over to XmESs? That was a result of me coming out of hiatus a little too soon. Tachy contacted me and said SFA was going south and needed help in fixing it. I told him it was the forums that were the problem. (that was exactly what I said; Tachy being my friend, I didn't get specific in saying that it was because 90% of the problem was users sucking up to Tachy and no one else getting any play, 7% was him reading EVERY FUCKING MESSAGE, seeing something wrong with it, and complaining that the mods weren't doing their job, and about 3% was someone downloading a mesh that we put up for d/l and then posting an image of it on our own board without specifically saying it was ours) So we did that, then we tried rearrainging SFA so it would work better... Of course lots of people didn't like that and the hostility grew a little more open. We argued about various stupid things and I think about three months ago I sent a message to both Tachy and Snow saying I was sick of all the crap and was taking myself off the Senate list. Both ignored me and I had no contact with SFA for two months. I came back to see what was up and pretty quickly got jibed by Tachy, so I told him quite frankly to fuck off and resigned permanently from SFA. I placed all SFA members on my ICQ ban and refused to go near the forums for a month. Then last week in a drunken stupor I stumbled back around to see what was up, downloaded about 150 messages off the Senate list and caught what were the final arguements of Scifi-Art's demise.

I won't go so far as to post the content of the argument but I am glad that some of the things said were finally said. They've been needed to be said for a good long time. And what sickens me is Tachy completely ignored the greivences of the rest of the Senate and to this very day is still bickering about the so called "lack of support" he had.

Well I say fuck it. I'm glad its gone. SFA turned into another Behaviour group, which is exactly what I feared in the beginning.

Sean, on one hand you should really shut up... Let it go. On the other hand, I also think this group you are rumored to be creating is a good idea. The presence of SFA has been hampering the creation of competition for three years, and I will stand up and applaud the day you can do what we did. Made EVERYONE turn their heads and look at us.

I've been talking with Darrel Lawrence (WarriorDL) and Rob Caves about where to go next. Warrior has retained rights to 3DGladiatiors and will have a page and forum up soon. I asked him about Agorophobia and after reading this thread I'm not sure exactly what he ment... He said he would be hosting Agorophobia and had a UBB license for it, but I don't know if he meant this was in the works or if he was going to offer this to Mel... (as it stands, we haven't been able to contact Snowcrash) But at any rate, Warrior is starting a new group that is all ready fairly big and has a following. I don't know all the specifics but he offered me a shot to come back and since him and I are still cool and Rob and I are good friends I'm sticking with them... I went and picked up 256 megs of ram so I could increase face count on my meshes and get them up to spec.

I've only heard rumors of what happened in the final minutes of the forums being online... Its just disgusting.

Anyway, I just thought I'd say what I know... If any of the old SFA members want to get a hold of me, you can post a message here... I'll contact you.

Tachy, don't bother... I will NEVER speak to you again.

To answer MW's comments about the last few minues, the word straight from Snowcrash (the server admin) is that after Tachy resigned, his server access priveleges were never canceled (MAJOR breach of security, IMHO), so he was able to log in later and he actually tried to block snowcrash from his own server.

I dare say the problem between this forum and SFA was caused by Tachy specifically, not SFA in general, though I only have a limited knowledge of the history of that dispute.

In the name of decency and honor, I urge all of you to urge a boycott all of Tachy's future projects. I original planned to post stuff there, but once I heard about his break-in attemp, I think I can say he has gained yet another permanent enemy (he collects enemies like most frogs collect flies).


Really off-the-wall idea not sanctioned by anyone but myself:

I don't know if you all are open to combining resources with XmESs and the new SFA group, but it might be something to think about. Why have two competing forums when you could merge into one all-powerfull one?

Sean Robertson
[email protected]

WEBolutionary Consulting Services

"Great is the glory for the strife is hard"
- Wordsworth

"Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?"
- Dr Evil


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
If I boycott Tachy, can I still go to France for cheap booze?

"If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there it would've been like Woodstock. I was at Woodstock. I fed off a flower person and I spent six hours watching my hand move." - Spike, BtVS

Posted by Cooper on :
Keep in mind that the information you receive is incomplete and not accurate. Yes you actully have a few facts correct, but lack the majority of them.

Even Mike's information is not complete nor accurate and filled with personal opinion. So is probably mine, although I hold no personal crudge(please forgive me if this is the incorrect word ) against anybody or do I favour people over others.

Like I said in the minutes before the end at SFA I love everybody at SCIFI-ART, being it the members or former members like Mike or the forum visitors .

All I tried too do extremely hard was too keep everything together (Tachy and Snow) (I still try now to keep up relations.) Obviously I failed.

You may think what you think about me about Tachy about everybody and about SFA it is your right. You may stop coming at our attempt to rebuild what we once had, your right too.

Sean if you have dealing with Tachy let them remain between the 2 of you. Take this things up with Tachy and not start big issues on a borad where he cannot defend himself.

By now the public knows what happened at SFA as we knew it is gone. This saddens me extremely as it was the best group of people I ever saw together, what we did was huge and perhaps there it went wrong, I don't know. All I want too do now is to do something constructive again, I couldn't keep it together then I will help in rebuilding it.

I suggest you give your idea an attempt too I would welcome another major board where I can show my stuff too and get help if I needed it. So the public has a choice .

Good luck too you all, and you all are welcome at SFA, should you wish to be there

Greetings Cooper

PS: My sincere apologies about any typo's or bad grammar.

[This message has been edited by Cooper (edited November 04, 2000).]

Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
I dare say the problem between this forum and SFA was caused by Tachy specifically, not SFA in general, though I only have a limited knowledge of the history of that dispute.
It was mainly disagreements between him and other individual members of the forums that led to his removal... Other members of SFA chose to come here and 'back up' Tachy in the largest of the disputes, yourself included. This has lead over the years to a general dislike for SFA by many of the regulars.

Ok, so, in summary, Tachy and the Senate fell out and everyone's grouping with allys and going their seperate ways.

Change happens.

After talking with Tachy, I believe it's best to just leave things at this. Thread closed.

"Uh, Cody, what has the Mullah of Cappistan been smoking?"

[This message has been edited by Charles Capps (edited November 04, 2000).]

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