T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
The Talented Mr. Gurgeh
Member # 318
I tried linking to the image on that link in the Big Ron thread (BTW don't you need to know the directory the file's kept in to link to the image?). Anyway, the thread doesn't seem to be working now. I don't think it's my browser because I can view the other threads, so maybe linking to the wrong directory caused a problem. Sorry.------------------ *Kenshiro gets off bed made from solid stone* *Bed made from solid stone explodes* Fist of the North Star
Michael Dracon
Member # 4
I hope you a re referring to a directory on the internet. You cannot link to pictures that are on your own PC, unless you have a dedicated server running 24 hours a day.------------------ "That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!" - Crighton, Farscape.
Gaseous Anomaly
Member # 114
Quote Gurgeh: "For fuck's sake, Altair, I know that!!"You should hear the condescending lashes with which you are being verbally whipped with as I type, Altair. Of course, I realise that you meant no harm, but try telling that to an egotisitcal maniac hell-bent on his own self-delusions and proving his superiority complex. What? No, not Omega!! I'm talking about the moral philistine seated to my immediate right, drooling over a QBASIC program. Oooh, he'd prefer to do it in C!! Mmm, perhaps an 8051 microprocessor and a soldering iron would be more to Sir's needs, hmm? Ooh, I needed that. ------------------ "Sack me!? I MADE the BBC!!"
Michael Dracon
Member # 4
You're welcome Anyway, I needed to explain that local PC stuff twice in the last three days... It was posted before I knew it... ------------------ "That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!" - Crighton, Farscape.