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Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Court Awards Woman who drunk and drove and crashed

Immensely stupid eh?

"My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht."
Psychiatrist: "Again."

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
TL: I clicked your link and this message, "Your browser sent a message this server could not understand." popped up....

"One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget
Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant
Star Trek: Legacy
Read them, rate them, got money, film them

"...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Ritten, here's the main part of the article for ya':

Marchand was ruling in the case of Linda Leigh Hunt, 50, of Wasaga Beach, who lost control of her car and crashed into an oncoming truck after leaving the Sutton Group Incentive Realty Inc's 1994 Christmas party when she had more than two times the legal blood-alcohol limit.

The duty to protect employees from harm applies to more than company premises and extends to harm on the road, Marchand said.

In Hunt's case, where the office party featured an unsupervised, open bar, Sutton had a legal duty to monitor her alcohol consumption, the judge ruled.

The company should have taken away her keys or called a cab, Marchand said. If employees insist on getting behind the wheel while imparied, then employers have a duty to call police, the judge said.

Machand added that employers can't rely on an employee's own assessment of their fitness to drive because, under the influence of alcohol, judgement is one of the first things to suffer.

Basicly, a woman was at an office party thrown by her employer, got drunk, and was allowed to leave and drive home, even though her employer knew she was drunk.

While I agree with the verdict -- it's irresponsible to allow someone to get drunk and then knowingly let them drive home -- I don't think the woman should get that money ... MADD or AA or one of those similar groups should get the $$.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Forum Member Who Shall Be Nameless. 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
(never mind)

Terry: "Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, ...."
Max: "And?"
Terry: "I forgot."
Max: "Come on, Clinton was the fun one, then came the boring one."
Terry: "They're all boring."

- Batman Beyond (aka: Batman of the Future)

[This message has been edited by Altair (edited February 10, 2001).]

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
And Sutton wil (should) appeal this stupidity.

"One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget
Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant
Star Trek: Legacy
Read them, rate them, got money, film them

"...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well, I think the verdict is partially correct, in that Sutton & Co. were irresponsible with the bar, etc. Having to pay the woman $$, though, is ridiculous, and the money should go to MADD or AA or one of those types of groups.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Forum Member Who Shall Be Nameless. 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I find it hard to rationalize the idea that a person who is clearly drunk somehow remains unaware of the fact.

2 times the limit? That's drunk. I've been that drunk, and more drunk, and far less drunk, and known that it was unsafe for me to drive, EVERY time.

This is another case of someone who screwed up and then sought someone else to blame for their lack of personal responsibility, and this time succeeded.

However, most responsible organizations, even the fraternity I belonged to in college, know enough to post a Key Master, whose responsibility it will be to see that no one drives away who has not sobered up.

So.. the woman does not deserve the money. I agree with JeffKarde, awarding it to AA or MADD or something would be the best course.

"My knowledge and experience far exceeds your own, by, oh, about a BILLION times!" -- Q


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
But this holds Ms. Hunt unaccountable for her actions, saying that everybody else should police up after her, which I don't agree with. Being her age she should know how much she can drink, and how it effects her, I knew when I passed my limit, and I am younger than she is, unless she is a complete idiot.

It's like that song, Don't blame me (or some such), were everybody is pointing their finger at someone else.

It's not my fault I killed those people, Colt made the M-16 that fired the bullets that mangled their bodies so they died, all I did was hold it.
A stretch, but not much.

Also, where do we draw the line on where a businesses responsibility ends to it's employees? Well, I was thinking about work while I was getting drunk, then I went and killed a family of six, completely wiping them and their family name out of existance, but it was my jobs fault, since they didn't stop me??

"One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget
Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant
Star Trek: Legacy
Read them, rate them, got money, film them

"...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

That's why I don't think she should get that money. It should be given to AA or MADD. At the same time, employers should be careful with letting people drink at their parties. The company was partially responsible, at least.

First -- I'm sorry, did you say you agreed with me?

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Forum Member Who Shall Be Nameless. 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :

Okay, as a puishment to the company I can agree with the money going to AA or MADD, or SADD, or any other worthwhile endeavor. As long as that stoo-pid woman doesn't get shit.

"One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget
Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant
Star Trek: Legacy
Read them, rate them, got money, film them

"...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV


Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
But this holds Ms. Hunt unaccountable for her actions

That's not entirely correct Ritten. This is a civil judgement against Sutton for negligence in not supervising alcohol consumption on their property. As I understand it, bars also have some level of responsibility for obviously drunk customers as well.

It seems to me that this in no way let's Hunt, stupid drunk woman, off the hook for any and all criminal charges that the Wasaga Beach authorities want to, and should, throw at her dumb ass.

"There's no such thing as legacies. At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."
~ George W. Bush, Deer-In-The-Headlights of the United States

[This message has been edited by Jay (edited February 10, 2001).]

Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :

She went to a bar AFTER leaving the party too.

Two words: A Peal.

"There's no such thing as legacies. At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."
~ George W. Bush, Deer-In-The-Headlights of the United States

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Jay, the best part of the article is:

"By finding Hunt 75 per cent to blame, the court reaffirmed her
responsibility for her own conduct. Effectively the court has told
employers that they too will be held responsible if their employees
get drunk at a company social function and hurt themselves or others
as a result."

"One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget
Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant
Star Trek: Legacy
Read them, rate them, got money, film them

"...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

Too bad that's in Canada, tho.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Forum Member Who Shall Be Nameless. 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
The Doofus-of-a-judge should have laughed her out of the court. So if Sutton Group used greater measures to stop her and she STILL got away? By this measure, they could still get stung because the end result was the same.

Ritten is right. While a company should care about the welfare of its employees, passing judgement on this is quite ridiculous.


"My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht."
Psychiatrist: "Again."

[This message has been edited by Tahna Los (edited February 10, 2001).]

Posted by Epoch (Member # 136) on :
All I have to say is what a stupid bitch. Her comments show this

"I think it's fantastic,"
"The most important thing in this whole case is to save lives," she said. "This will send a message: That they have to stop alcohol in the workplace and be responsible."

I also find this funny
If it weren't for the accident, she likely would have been managing the real estate office long ago.
Yeah right she is 50 years old and was a part-time receptionist.
I can't stand people who try to get more by lying.

Death before Dishonor!
However Dishonor has
quite a disputed defintion.


Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :

Responsible??? :eek:

Even if a person cannot accurately judge just how drunk they are, they should know enough to not start driving. It doesn't matter if her judgement was impaired or not.

The company probably should have had some supervision of the bar, but really -- does someone plan to go to a party, drink lots of alcohol, and then drive themselves home? Transportation requires planning, and this woman just acted like an idiot.

"This will save lives."

Maybe... But so does common sense. Every day.

You know, you really should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessly?
The Gigantic Collection of Star Trek Minutiae


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Does all of these junior guys use html nowadays? I remember, back in the old days... We solved things with the paddle.

Here lies a toppled god,
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.

-Tleilaxu Epigram

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Go good rule of thumb to go by is: If you can't accurately figure how drunk you are, you're too drunk to drive.

"My knowledge and experience far exceeds your own, by, oh, about a BILLION times!" -- Q


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Here's a better rule of thumb: If you've consumed any alcohol, stay off the fucking road, moron!

My new year's resolution is the same as last year's: 1024x768.

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
There's also the sensible:

If you're going somewhere to drink, don't take your car.

Honestly, they don't save any money by driving their. Assuming that they get a taxi home, they'd still need to get one back there in the morning to pick their car up. Idiots.

"And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!"

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
'less they live in walking distance.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 6.27 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with four eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Forum Member Who Shall Be Nameless. 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Then why are they driving in the first place? Yeesh.

And people wonder why a quarter of Americans (US) are clinically overweight, or obese.

"And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!"

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