T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 281
http://home-news.excite.ca/news/r/010531/11/odd-gadgets-dcDamn, time sure has changed from the old time. So, instead of "winning" your gf over for sex with flowers or chocolates, now man like us gotta get cellphones or palms for our love one to get that bit of action... Oy, women are getting more and more expensive to afford!
Member # 31
"Six out of the 10 women tested said their love lives suffered if they did not have their mobile phone or palmtop computer with them." Eh? I guess the phone is set to "vibrate", or something... Oh, BTW... Giving women something in exchange for sex... That's usually called "prostitution"... :-)
Tora Ziyal
Member # 53
I think the last paragraph means that their love lives suffered as a result of lacking the *communication* provided through the cells and palms. You don't really need to give your girlfriend more than one of them. 'Course, I didn't like flowers to begin with, so I'd take a palmpilot over flowers any day.
Tahna Los
Member # 33
This looks more like OL material. Can someone chuck it there?
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
What? When some Christian weirdo is bound to come along and denouce such women as harlots, should really be a) barefoot, b) pregnant, c) not enjoying sex anyway? quote: The biggest response came from women given a DVD player.
Note, it doesn't say what sort of response. 8) I nearly bought my girlfriend a clock radio - because she needed one! Sanity prevailed. I sent her some flowers (a huge bouquet, delivered at work, for our first monthiversary) - and she's "not particularly into receiving flowers" - and she loved them. It's not what you give them, guys - it's the sentiment that is meant to be conveyed that counts.
Member # 343
Werd.I sent my girlfriend a copy of Stranger In A Strange Land. She kissed the book in the car as her father drove her home from work. Ha.
Member # 31
Diane: The "vibrate" thing was a joke, you see... :-)
Member # 49
I hate flowers....
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
Prepare to be inundated. . .
Member # 91
Yes, Tim and I will now begin a flower-sending contest to see who can win your love. But then, you knew that. I'm sure it was your intention all along. You're evil, Liz.
Member # 31
Uh... I'm not sending any flowers...Actually, I shouldn't have said that. I should have said I was sending something outrageously expensive, so we could all laugh when Omega tries to beat it, and finds out he's competing w/ nothing. :-)
Member # 49
*LOL* You guys are weird.....