T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Tahna Los
Member # 33
Something to think about Okay, so I don't necessarily agree with this article, but hey, it gets ya thinking......
My Publically Displayed Name
Member # 256
Oh J*zus F*cking Chr*st. quote: She became so distraught over the news that she suffered anxiety, depression, emotional upset and suicidal thoughts which required medical attention and admission to a psychiatric hospital, said the claim.
Sounds to me she's got a few wires crossed the wrong way. This is real life, honey. Get used to it.
Member # 73
There doesn't need to be an affiar for Yanks to suffer anxiety, depression, emotional upset and suicidal thoughts which require medical attention and admission to a psychiatric hospital. Someone getting their order wrong in McDonalds seems to be enough.
This space for rent, 800-634-7213
Member # 417
Just waking up sometimes will do it.....
Member # 411
I couldn't agree more.In fact, I had such a lousy night of sleep, I'm going to sue Fell's Point Futon for selling matresses which do not provide for an adequate night's sleep. Of course, it could have something to do with being up all night playing "Counter-strike" ...