T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
First of Two
Member # 16
I couldn't believe this one when I heard it, but there it is in black and white...
State Sen. Mike Taylor, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, will withdraw from the race this afternoon, saying a Montana Democratic Party television ad has destroyed his campaign. Taylor, who has scheduled a press conference in Helena for 2 p.m., said the ad, which he said insinuated that he was a gay hairdresser, had pushed his poll numbers through the floor
quote: What incensed Taylor was the film clip accompanying the ad. Taylor had a twice weekly segment in the early 1980s on a Denver television station. The clip shows Taylor applying lotions to the face of a man siting in the barber chair and discussing techniques. The ad shows Taylor, then slender, sporting a full beard. He is wearing a tight-fitting, three piece suit, with a big-collared open shirt ala John Travolta in "Saturday Night Fever." Taylor's top two or three shirt buttons are unbuttoned, exposing some bare chest and a number of gold chains
State Sen. Ken Toole, D-Helena, and program director for the Montana Human Rights Network, said Thursday morning the ad "is an overt and obvious appeal to the homophobic (voter) that is playing to that stereotypic imagery."
Toole, who has fought for homosexual rights for years in the Montana Legislature, said he had complained to the state Democratic Party.
Toole said the Democratic response was that the image was not intended to imply that Taylor was gay.
"It is hard to believe their advertising firm did not see it," Toole said. "Bottom line is it is obvious and it ought to be pulled.
"Once you play these cards, inject this crap into a campaign - race, gay - nobody controls it," Toole said.
Dan DuBray, a former Montana television journalist who did campaign ads for former U.S. Rep. Ron Marlenee, R-Mont., said Thursday the ad was as subtle as "a 2x4 across the forehead. The video was clearly designed to send a subliminal message about Mike Taylor's sexuality."
"It is bizarre," DuBray said. "I can't believe the senator would embrace this type of ad. The process is out of control. This is far below the floor of any TV ads in the past."
And now the cool part... a turnabout of New Jersey? quote: Unconfirmed rumors have Taylor being replaced by former Montana Gov. Marc Racicot, who is now chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Who, I'm told, is very popular in Montana and might be able to win the day. Wouldn't THAT be ironic?
Montana has the same law as NJ. If the Democrats object, the Supreme Court may be forced to hear the case.
Tora Buttercup
Member # 53
Well, if the implication of Taylor as a homosexual is false, then you bet the Democrats deserve the irony. It's all very hilarious though.
Member # 722
Have you Americans ever considered having an election that envolved issues, like the economy, social issues or such. As an outsider your elections just seem like a bunch of mudslinging and macho displays. This is why most of the world doesn't trust you to run democracies for the little countries.
Tora Buttercup
Member # 53
They do talk about issues, just not in TV commercials. But you're right, I don't trust us to run other countries either.
Member # 31
"...personal slanders of the vilest kind."
"...the most despicable of insinuations about my character." Yeah, this guy sounds like he's a big fan of gays, doesn't he? The article says he fought for gay rights. And yet, when he's accused of being gay, he thinks it's "vile" and "despicable". And I doubt he's merely saying that because it's untrue. If he'd been accused of having dry skin, even if it were a lie, would he have called that "vile" and "despicable"? Granted, that wouldn't lose hime the election. This did. However, that's only because too many of the people in he state hate gays. And he seems to be agreeing w/ them.
Member # 779
quote: Originally posted by Grokca: Have you Americans ever considered having an election that envolved issues, like the economy, social issues or such. As an outsider your elections just seem like a bunch of mudslinging and macho displays. This is why most of the world doesn't trust you to run democracies for the little countries.
Well, they can't do that because then the electorate would realise that both of their partie have policies that are almost exactly the same and that they aren't really being given a choice.
Member # 417
The issues are of now concern, really now, get with the program. The whole thing is who has enough money to make as many appearances as possible. Money to get on TV and fly around all over....
It is the old playground popularity contest, nothing more...