I'm watching some local news and it is showing a special on the present relationship between Canada and the U.S. Let's see, what do we have here?
- Bush initially thinks that the Prime Minister of Canada is Jean Poutine. - Bush "forgets" to thank Canada for its role during the 9/11 attacks. - Bush has not given a public announcement regarding the American Bombing accident on Canadian shoulders (to my present knowledge). - Bush does not invite Prime Minister Chretien to his ranch or Camp David. Both Russian President Putin and British PM Blair get free passes.
Some Canadians are beginning to think that the "Moron" remark made by one of Chretien's aides is actually well deserved, considering Bush's "cold shoulder". I've also heard that some Americans are beginning to think the Cold Shoulder is very well deserved. I'd like to know what the Americans think. That means you, Fo2 and Omega. Let's hear it.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Canada is like the US, only better, and we resent you for it.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
LOL... That is rich.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Well, this American thinks George, Jr., and all his daddy's cronies with whom he is occupying the White House, are a collection of shortsighted, warmongering assholes. Pardon my French. George is just a dim puppet, but the people his father and Ken Lay have surrounded him with are evil men. I think Chretien's aide's comment is more appropriate than the notion of the "cold shoulder" being justified.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I thought that Canada was a group of US States in training.....
No, what really bothers me about Canada, are the following two things: 1. When the wind blows the stench from the Sarnia Dow Chemical Plant to Port Huron. 2. When they sent my wife's son back, did'ya have to deport him, come on, you could'a kept him to replace one of the soldiers we killed.
Oh, and drive a bit better too please...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
What exactly does one have to do to get deported out of Canada back to the US? I mean, look at how many people simply picked up and went there during the Vietnam War to avoid being drafted. Apparently, Canada will take US Americans at random. What did the kid do, kick the prime minister in the balls, or something?
Posted by Daryus Aden (Member # 12) on :
I believe he mocked them relentlessly from a castle rampart in a silly French accent. You donkeys bottom wiper.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Which would explain why Bush feels the need to deal with Al-Qaeda by dropping a metaphorical giant wooden rabbit on Iraq.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I'd prefer a hallucinatory one thanks....
The kids is 22 with the mind of a 12 year old, so dating a 15 year old is no problem.... er 23 now....
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Oh. Pulled a Shik, then, did he?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
he would have to be older to pull a Shik.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
No, I'd say "pull a Shik" should simply be defined as "get in legal trouble for illegally banging a high-schooler".
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Remember, back in Grade School, when you'd be hanging out at the monkey bars, and you'd be all having some fun at the monkey bars, playing around and hanging? Well, say there's a guy, and he's cool, he's a bit of a bully, and he's not tremendously bright, but he flipped of the teacher, and now he's a god amongst students. So, he decides to hangout at the monkey bars. And this other kid, a kid with a lot of acquaintances, but no real friends, but he's not hated. He's a bit of a weener, but he's nice enough. Anyway he's one of those kids that sees this bully guy at the monkey bars, and maybe, he doesn't really like the guy deep down, but it's cool to admire the dude in public, see? So, he goes out to the monkey bars and tries to hang out with the cool rebel guy. And the little guy tries to initiate conversation and such with the big guy, but the big guy doesn't really care about this little weener, and ignores him. This should't really bother the little weener, as he has no reason to be offended, at the heart of him, he doesn't really like the fellow, but publicly, he's all "Oh no you didn't." And then all the little bacteria who live on the guy hear this and they're all, actually, trully offended, and offer up banal editorials in The National Post being all offended. Which is the bestest Newspaper evar.
Uh, anyway, I don't think this analogy holds up too well, but, anyway, Canada should stop basking in their inferiority complex and stop reading each and every slight by anyone as a major diplomatic kick in the penis and testicles. Canada is not a major player in anything, and as much as it dreams to be, and as much as it pretends to be, with it's backroom bar boasting about how clean and nice it is, it, collectively needs to thicken it's skin, and worry about things that are a little more important than pats on the back by the Big Rebel.
Like, stick to Hockey. Only two Canadian players are on the Starting lineup in the NHL All-Star game.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Canada is not a major player in anything..."
Eskimos. And beavers.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
quote:Originally posted by TSN:
"Canada is not a major player in anything..."
Eskimos. And beavers.
Inuit. And, yeah, beavers.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
And they're not even all Inuit. Some are Tlingit, some are Igloolik, some are even Netsilik & Sadlirmuit.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I'm aware "Eskimo" is incorrect. It just sounded best in the joke.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Super-fattening Bacon and Cheese.
Molson Beer.
Kraft Dinner.
Poutine (the real thing).
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
quote:Originally posted by TSN:
"Canada is not a major player in anything..."
Eskimos. And beavers.
And land-mine treaties that don't ban antivehicular mines.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Because A-V mines don't go off when a child or adult steps on one.
Because A-P mines are about a billion times more proliferated.
Because banning mines of ANY type is infinitely preferable to PRODUCING and SELLING them (as China, Russia, and the USA still do).
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Now, now, as I'.m sure Firsty will shortly remind you, mines don't kill people - it's the people stepping on mines that kill people (mainly themselves). It's their own fault for not being American and not living in America where there aren't any mines lying around.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tahna Los: Super-fattening Bacon and Cheese.
Molson Beer.
Kraft Dinner.
Poutine (the real thing).
Our bacon and cheese is only fattening to non-Canadians. It's all part of our plan for world domination...Oops I've said too much.
I once heard someone say that it takes 3 swedes and 5 belgians to equal 1 Canadian. I don't think we're that dull.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
5 Belgians in each of us? That would make us a nation of R. Kellys, wouldn't it?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :