T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 33
...unless they deserved it. But then, ask the U.S. first.
Member # 33
One other thing, Andy Rooney thinks the French don't have the right to protest against the U.S.
What think you?
First of Two
Member # 16
All my standard French bashing aside...
The French withdrew their military support from NATO decades ago, and they still think they should have an equal voice as to NATO's actions as the rest of its members? I think not. Forget speaking German... The military alliance that is NATO is the reason that the French don't speak RUSSIAN.
If it does turn out to be true that the French were violating the Iraqi sanctions, then it becomes even more of a forfeit.
(And I should point out that I doubt very much that Andy Rooney is part of a conspiracy within the innermost levels of the government.)