Nothing else need be said.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
The Tards, huh? Hello "next docusoap".
Posted by Griffworks (Member # 1014) on :
I almost pissed myself while reading thru that site!
Either someone is highly creative and has too much time on their hands or that's the Real Deal!
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Argh, that stupid site again! Utterly moronic, I hope someone reports that teacher and gets her fired.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Read this aloud, slowly
I'm we todd did
Posted by Epoch (Member # 136) on :
As off the wall and utterly moronic as this site is it really shouldn't be allowed on the net. This is due to the simple fact that there are people out there who will think that this is real and start throwing a fit. I frankly find it distasteful.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
THe second you start the list of "what's too distastful for the net" (underage porn aside) is when we'll all be given a list of words we can't use on the net. Then a list of people we can't disagree with. Then people we can't mention....
If you don't like it, don't view it: no one forces you to visit a website.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
The 'net police They live inside of my pc The 'net police They come to me in my bed The 'net police They're coming to arrest me Oh no
You know that type is cheap And rumors ain't nice And when I go online I don't think I'll survive
Don't type this, Don't type that, cut your hair, get a job, look both ways before crossing a street, eat your veggies, don't talk back, wash your hands, don't talk to strangers,
So, Epoch, the internet should be controlled to suit your tastes, so that everything that people can view needs to fit your perspective on everything??
I have found a lot of sites that I find distasteful, but I don't allow myself the arrogance of thinking that they should be banned from the 'net. Now, child porn type sites, should be banned, and the viewers hung, the creaters deserve a slow drawing and quartering.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Hey, I was using that soapbox for storage! Now it's broken.
Ritten: "I don't allow myself the arrogance of thinking that they should be banned from the 'net. Now, child porn type sites, should be banned"
You didn't really think that through, did you?
So where do you draw the line? 17? 15? 13? Have the girls (or boys) given their consent already? Maybe they're just doing it for their boyfriends? To show their love? Then it's just the most romantic thing ever, suddenly.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
quote:Originally posted by Epoch: As off the wall and utterly moronic as this site is it really shouldn't be allowed on the net. This is due to the simple fact that there are people out there who will think that this is real and start throwing a fit. I frankly find it distasteful.
I suspect that there's a very good chance that it may actually be real.
This is one of those "mile in their moccasin" things.
Caring for a developmentally or physically disabled person for an extended length of time in one of the most high-stress occupations I can imagine, and that someone who has to not only simply provide care, but actually attempt to teach not just one, but a group, finds a useful outlet on a starkly humorous website neither surprises nor offends me.
After all, I recognized some of the same emotions I've sometimes felt when caring for Julie during her sicker times. (I thank whatever Gods there are for the Jefferson Migraine Treatment Center and Dr. John Keuk-Sung Lee.)
Posted by Griffworks (Member # 1014) on :
The more I've read of that site, the more I think it's real. Having been around the mentally and physically handicapped and having a screwed up sense of humor, I can tell you that you sometimes think these sorts of thoughts. I've got friends and family who work at various types of homes and have to deal with extremes in patients. It's never a pretty thing, but everyone copes with stress in different ways. This lady likely deals with it in this fashion to keep from blowing her head off. You should hear how medical professionals I know talk about a night in the ER in cities such as NYC, Houston, LA, Seattle and San Antonio. On the one hand, it's shocking what people will say about those in their care sometimes. However, every body needs an outlet.
Personally, I hope that this teacher continues to find a release for her how she deals w/her "tards". As long as she's changing all the names, it doesn't do anyone a bit of harm. Indeed, it's good therapy for her.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The main problem I have w/ the site is this:
"We decided on the word 'tard' mainly because it is not a word. We picked it for this reason, and thus we can assign our own meaning to the word 'tard.'"
Uh-huh. Sure. And "nigger" isn't a real word, either. Why don't you self-define it to mean "kind gentleman", head into the ghetto, find some dark-skinned fellows wearing copious amounts of red or blue clothing, and start addressing them as such?
I mean, seriously, if I walk up to this woman and call her a "malodorous, repulsive, brain-damaged cunt", I don't think she'd believe me if I told her that none of those words meant what everyone else means when they say them. You can't just give words your own personal definitions on a whim and expect people to take it seriously. That's not how language works.
Well, most of the time, anyway.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
If you put on your HAPPIEST of happy faces and deliver a COMICAL "wazzup my niggah" without crapping your pants, they'll let you live. Most of the time. Unless you're Chinese.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
That was my first thought about the site, too, TSN. I think the explanation was dreamed up after the blog had started since the early entries by "Riti Sped" refer to the students as retards much more often than just tards.
Some of the entries are amusing in a "If there is a God, I am so going to Hell now" kinda way. The altercation between one of the students and a basketball referee was quite funny. And there were a couple of entries where it seemed like teacher did care a good deal for her students in spite of whatever's going on. The cafeteria lunch lady story is a fairly good example of that.
I think this is probably a special education teacher's exaggerated ventings on her job. From all the references of teaching aides in the classroom with her, I doubt that she'd get away with a bit of the stuff she claims to.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
quote:Originally posted by TSN: And "nigger" isn't a real word, either.
*Calmly walks over to Webster's Third New International Unabridged Dictionary*
*takes previous assertion, crumples it up, tosses it into the proper receptacle, and flushes.*
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
THIRD!! Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
If it weren't for the fact that I've already ceased to take seriously any arguement you make, Rob, this would have cinched it. You're honestly stating that any word which can be shown to be excluded from a single dictionary is "not a real word"? Even if your point is that the word is not included in any dictionary, you're still suggesting that dictionary publishers are the be-all and end-all when it comes to deciding which words are "real" and which aren't. All words are fake until the great lexicological gods declare them valid. That's not the way language works. New words in a language are created by the people who speak it. They don't show up in dictionaries until they become common enough. If all the dictionary publishers decided to quit updating their books, do you seriously think the language would cease to change?
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
You are correct, TSN, in that First of Two's argument reached new heights in ridiculousness.
You are also correct in that the website's attempted retconning of the word tard (or, as it is commonly spelled, 'tard) is a pile of crap, made even more sinister by their brazen attempt to make the reader blame himself for thinking the word really might mean what it obviously means.
And by the way, HOLY COW, "retcon" isn't in the dictionary! I must've been referring to god-knows-what, because if it isn't in the dictionary, it has no meaning! DOWN WITH CONNOTATION!
But, I digress . . .
It is an unfortunate truth that one day, First of Two's argument might appear valid. After all, we did just see the inclusion of the term "bling-bling" into a real dictionary.
Posted by Phoenix (Member # 966) on :
Anyway, if you used the proper dictionary rather than some Webster's rubbish, you'd find that tard is in it.
It means "Smeared or covered with tar", and is a variant of "tarred".
Edit: Having read the site, I can't help but comment on this:
quote:From an entomological perspective, the definition of "tard," as we use it, could be something as follows:
tard: n., A student in a class that is set aside for children with some sort of special need, e.g. metal retardation, autism, behavioral disorders, etc, generally referred to as Special Education classes.
Now to start with, I'll have to work on the assumption that she means "etymological", and not "entomological, which means "of, or pertaining to, insects".
However, etymology is "the facts relating to the formation or derivation of a word", which in this case would go something like "tard: n, also 'tard, contraction of retard".
I am not sure of the word for "taking a word, completely changing its meaning, claiming it never had its original meaning, and saying that anyone who thinks it means what it actually means is wrong".
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
"slang" is the embryonic form of "word."
Whether any specific slang term is "real" or not is a matter of some debate among the literary and scholarly communities (which those of you who have taken any advanced writing or english or literature classes should know)
Yes, usage is important, however, that a word is used is not the end-all and be-all of its reality. Acceptance is. If twelve people start calling a particular type of clear colored-ink pen a "frindle," that won't make "frindle" a word.
In examining the case of 'tard,' I agree that I may have been hasty in judging its 'reality.' On the other hand, those who are claiming that 'tard' does NOT mean what the webpage's author says it means have also been hasty. If we're really going by popular usage, in fact, they're dead wrong.
I have, many times in fact, heard the abbreviation 'tard' or 'tards' used to describe precicely the people the author refers to. An entire group, regardless of cause or nature of physical, emotional, or mental impairment.
Is it a disparaging term? I suppose, like "nigger," it will be considered so... at least until some "tards" start using it in a self- or group-referential manner, whereupon it will become their exclusive prerogative to use it.
OOH, TSN doesn't take my statements seriously. In my book, that's like not being taken seriously by Gene Ray. I'll live.
Don't worry, the last person to take TSN seriously was returned without incident to the Pleasant Meadows Home for the "Disturbed" about six weeks ago.
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
Maybe I should start a blog of all the random thoughts that come to my mind after I spend several hours mixing coating emulsions... or printing-press ink.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Rob makes a nonsensical arguement.
I say "That's a nonsensical arguement.".
Rob says "Okay, maybe this bit was slightly off, but I'm still right, and here are some random insults for you."
I hope I'm not the only one who sees that as really dumb?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
No, but I DO find it highly entertaining. Like tards losing fights with inanimate objects.
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
Yes, but some of his insults are quite amusing. I plan to use them during meetings.
quote:Originally posted by TSN: Rob makes a nonsensical arguement.
I say "That's a nonsensical arguement.".
Rob says "Okay, maybe this bit was slightly off, but I'm still right, and here are some random insults for you."
I hope I'm not the only one who sees that as really dumb?
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
"deasil" means "clockwise."
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
quote:Originally posted by TSN: Rob makes a nonsensical arguement.
I say "That's a nonsensical arguement.".
Rob says "Okay, maybe this bit was slightly off, but I'm still right, and here are some random insults for you."
I hope I'm not the only one who sees that as really dumb?
Pot calling kettle, come in, kettle...
Posted by Griffworks (Member # 1014) on :
Now this is abso-fucking-lutely hilarious! Reminds me of a Bitch-Off!
Woo Hoo! Where's the brew?!?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Pot calling kettle, come in, kettle..."
Okay, you're supposed to be a fan of providing evidence to back up an arguement. Where's an example of a time that I finished a debate w/ the equivalent of "you have a point, but it doesn't matter because I'm still right" and then tacked a couple of random insults onto the end?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Anchors aweigh.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
the Flameboard! WE CAN SAY TEH'FUCK' NOW!!!!1!!
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Awwww, MAN...AGAIN?!?
Would you two fucking assholes knock this shit off? It's like every time I post a fun link or something, it degrades into petulant namecalling & party-line politicking. Just knock iy the fuck off & fucking lighten UP, would you? Jesus H. fucking Christ on a fucking popsicle pogo stick. It's like living with 3-year-olds sometimes.
Neither of you are right. All of us are wrong. To quote Ghetto MCP, "End'a line, mutheFUCKAZ!!"
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
What?! We're seeing a debate-to-the-death between two people renowned for believing they know everything, and thinking they're always right, and you want them to stop?! But it's so much fun! You have a distorted sense of values. But then we knew that already. 8)
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Actually, that's how all the trouble started. 8)
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
quote:Originally posted by TSN:
"Pot calling kettle, come in, kettle..."
Okay, you're supposed to be a fan of providing evidence to back up an arguement. Where's an example of a time that I finished a debate w/ the equivalent of "you have a point, but it doesn't matter because I'm still right" and then tacked a couple of random insults onto the end?
Finished? The FUCK, boy, you started with one!
quote:If it weren't for the fact that I've already ceased to take seriously any arguement you make, Rob
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
That isn't an insult. That's simply a statement of fact. I really don't take you seriously. I've only been continuing this in the hopes that your responses would be more laughable than they have been. Unfortunately, it's becoming a bit boring...
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
Geeze. This reminds me of the circular logic that used to prevade my old workplace.
We are loosing money because it's broken but yet we can't spend the money to fix it even though it's causing us to loose money we can't spend money to fix it so we continue to loose more money because we can't spend money to fix it.
Gaaaa! Fucking flashback!
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
PLASTIC!! Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
quote:Originally posted by Styrofoaman: Geeze. This reminds me of the circular logic that used to prevade my old workplace.
We are loosing money because it's broken but yet we can't spend the money to fix it even though it's causing us to loose money we can't spend money to fix it so we continue to loose more money because we can't spend money to fix it.
Gaaaa! Fucking flashback!
You've just described entitlement programs.
And TSN's most recent post reminds me of the trolls who try to cover for themselves by saying "This was all a sociology experiment."
Nice try, but I don't buy the bullshit.
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ultra Magnus: PLASTIC!!
Very clever. Your stinging wit leaves me in awe.
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
This place makes me laugh.
"Never Under-Estimate The Power Of Stupid People In Large Groups..."
I'm not taking sides here. But this reminds me so much of the meetings I used to attend. Same kind of ego-thumping and bullshit logic.
ME: "If we modify the process then we could make more money"
BOSS: "But that would require spending money. Therefore your idea is stupid"
ME: "Uh, but we'll make more money in the long run. It'll payback in less than a month."
BOSS: "We are trying to cut costs. That means we can't SPEND money. We're looking mostly to blame people becuase that's the best way to save money."
ME: "Isn't it better over the long term to fix a problem rather than ignore it?"
BOSS: "No. I can't explain it to you because you only have a BSE and I have a Masters. I couldn't possibly explain it to you in terms you could understand."
ME: "Right. I have a hard time understanding idiot logic."
Internet: 1.5 Billion Stupid People Can't Be Wrong!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
*sigh* Well, if I'm a troll now, I suppose I'd better start acting like one...
Ah, yes... That feels much better. I needed that realease. Thank you.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :