I am disgusted our president has more concerned for his reelection than for our men and women in uniforms who are fighting a guerilla war in Iraq.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Pssst, for those that don't pay full attention, be sure to read the site... %)
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
quote:Five Tips on How to Spot an Atheist
Usually Atheists are pale of skin. They spend a lot of times indoors, because they are afraid to come outside. They believe the preposterous lie that Christians are trying to kill them, when in fact, all that we really want to do is force a quick conversion or to kindly place them in a maximum security prison for their own protection from devout Christians who may try to kill them. Many Atheists will try to throw you off by spending time absorbing carcinogens in tanning beds, so it important to remember in hunting Atheists that many, if not most, have very dark skin, too. CAUTION: Do not confuse these artificially dark folks with genuine Negroes. Real Coloreds need to be watched carefully around anything of value, but do not need to be brought to the Lord, as they all unblinkingly accepted Jesus as their loving God during Biblically-sanctioned slavery.
Atheists are overweight. The stereotypes of typical Atheists are the trim, granola cruncher who jogs and plays racquetball or the vain hedonist, party-goer who worships only her full-length mirror, Recent studies have shown, however, that Atheists have become aware of these signifiers of their lack of faith. In order to blend in undetected with evangelical Christians, most Atheists now tend to be morbidly obese and will tell you, whether asked or not, that their enormous girth is the result of an undetectable thyroid condition and not the box of Little Debbie cakes they are holding.
Atheists have too many university diplomas! These folks are chock full of secular knowledge. They toss the Bible aside in favor of so-called, "research" and "theories." They spend their days studying and trying to gather facts and data to support their ridiculous scientific theories, such as evolution and gravity. Don't let it fool you, Christian Brothers and Sisters! All the secular knowledge in the world can't disprove that the reason we are all here today was because Eve got some bad advice from a talking snake! Atheists are too full of their silly "logic" to understand that only blind faith leads to sighted Truth. Why, the homo-lovers in England have already accepted that most scientists are naturally Atheists. Don't let it happen in America! Report your Biology professor – or any so-called teacher who pollutes the soul with extraneous (non-Biblical) information -- to the local authorities before he recruits your child!
Atheists Deceive! Atheists go under many different names, but they don't have the common sense to align themselves yet! Use this to your advantage in reporting them to the police! They call themselves, "humanists, agnostics, secular-humanists, moral relativists, Catholics, free-thinkers, undecided, Unitarians, and more recently, Brights." It is important to note that anyone who has a post-graduate degree or is interested in getting a post-graduate degree, is suspect! Also be warned, Wiccans , Vegans, Yogists, and readers of science fiction are either Atheists or on the road to becoming an Atheist. Our job as True Christians™ is to use this loophole of time under the current Bush Administration to get as many of these God-haters arrested as we can before they do more damage to our country than they already have.
Atheists are afraid! Even though there are as many as 300 active Atheists in the United States, we can safely assume that if recent polls are correct, most Atheists are afraid to come out and say what they don't believe. It's your job to pull it out of them. Put them on the spot. Hound them at restaurants and on cruise ships. Don't take "I'd rather not talk about religion" as a answer. Give them one last chance to save their sorry souls. Then, call the police!
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
I don't think he actually understood....
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
That it's a joke? Yes, I do. I think its funny and I'm laughing. Or are we not supposed to laugh at funny stuff?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Gigantic rolling eyes.
A desperate wish that people will someday figure out which forums are for what.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
And so it begins? The mudslinging, you mean? Or the Democratic campaign, which has actually been underway at least since that first set of debates a month ago?
Hint to Democrats Re: Politics 101: It does you very little good to keep saying the same things that cost you what was left of your majority in '02.
Hint #2: Don't put all your eggs in the No-WMD basket.
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
You're right about that Rob, the Democrats simply need to screw up their courage that the was lacking in '02 campaign and speak to the issues that matter to the country and stop letting Mr. Bush define the debate.
Problem is that this goes back way before '02 and was one of the major issues hurting the Democrats before Florida.
As to the issues, the missing WMD's is a legitimate issue, as is the credibility of Mr. Bush and his administration, but if the Democrats make that the only issue, then they are indeed in trouble.
Mr. Bush has been able to spin his way out of a good many things so far, and it is up to the Democrats to hold him accountable for the things he says and does.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
That is true. However, it may be too late. The two issues of the economy and WMD have already been so played up, that if WMD's are found, or the economy perks up (say, if the Dow is back above 10,000 by Fall '04,) it's curtains.
With the WMD's, it's pretty much an either-or thing. They'll be found by election time, or not. Given recent developments, I wouldn't bet on 'or not.'
With the economy, the thing that we should remember is that the it started its downward plunge before W even took office, with the bursting of the artificially huge tech bubble. Another reason that the stock market was so high was that prices were artificially inflated by corrupt CEOs, who finally got caught during the first part of W's administration. Finally, psychos flying planes into buildings kicked the economy in the teeth on its way down.
All three of those things would've seriously damaged any economy. Two factors made the stock market artificially high in the previous years, which really drove the economy. Those artificial factors were finally shown to be the sham they were, and the market plummeted.
Discounting those two factors, which were fairly recent developments, and you'll find that the economy is still below where it should be, but not by that much.
It was a joke not an effort to start a political discussion.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It is still legal to be a Democrat?
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
It's illegal to think any non-right wing thoughts.
Thought Police!!!
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
How do you define legal?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
In this case, "If Rumsfeld can make a joke about it in a press conference, then it's OK." 8)
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
As we have discussed at length in the other thread, the WMD's and finding them is not an either / or porposition. The pre-invasion statements made by Mr. Bush indicated that the WMD's were pointed at us and that it was not a matter of if Saddam intended to use them but when.
Basicly, the streets of Baghdad were covered in sarin gas and anthrax powder.
These dire predictions turned out not only to be untrue, but now they can't even find a single barrel of sarin or VX. So, even if the WMD's are found tomorrow, Mr. Bush must explain why he overplayed the threat to get his war.
And I'm not sure, given the connections Mr. Bush and his administration has to them, that bringing up the corrupt CEO's is the best thing to do.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Well, the sites were funny. I am still struck the the inability of certain Republicans to take a joke.
quote: In this case, "If Rumsfeld can make a joke about it in a press conference, then it's OK." 8)
Or, more accurately: "If Rumsfeld can make a feeble attempt at a joke about it and then look like a grinning idiot for the next 5 minutes, then it's OK."