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Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Last week, a Canadian radio show was discussing Tom Delay's resignation when they aired part of his resignation speech in which he parted a few interesting parting shots. Here is what he had to say, for the record:

"In preparing for today, I found that it is customary in speeches such as these to reminisce about the good old days of political harmony and across-the-aisle camaderie and to lament the bitter, divisive, partisan rancour that supposedly now weakens our democracy. Well, I can't do that because partisanship, Mr. Speaker, properly understood is not a symptom of democracy's weakness, but of its health and its strength, especially from the perspective of a political conservative. Liberalism, after all, whatever you may think of its merits, is a political philosophy, and a proud one with a great tradition in this country, with a voracious appetite for growth. In any place, in any time, on any issue, what does Liberalism ever seek, Mr. Speaker? More. More Government, more taxation, more control over people's lives and decisions and wallets. If conservatives do not stand up to Liberalism, no one will. And for a long time around here, almost no one did. Indeed, the common lament of the recent rise of political partisanship is nothing more than a veiled complaint than the recent rise of political conservatism. Had Liberals not fought us tooth and nail over tax cuts, and budget cuts, and energy and Iraq and partial birth abortion, those of us on this side of the aisle could only imagine what we could have accomplished. But the fact of the matter is, Mr. Speaker, is that they didn't agree with us, Mr. Speaker. So to their credit, they stood up to us. They argued with us. And they did so honourably. On behalf of more than 100 million people, for all its talk, it is partisanship based on poor principles that clarifies our debate, that prevents one party from straying too far from the mainstream, and that constantly refreshes our politics with new ideas and new leaders. Indeed, whatever role that partisanship played in my retirement today, or any unfriendliness heaped on other leaders in other times, Republican or Democrat, however unjust, all we can say is that partisanship is the worst means of settling fundamental political differences, except for all the others."

Discuss. Especially the bolded part.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Well nothing wrong with being liberal or conservative except when crazy people on both sides take over and try to speak for you. Nowadays, I feel that both Reps and Dems have lost contact with reality because of those two addictive drugs, greed and power. Maybe its time for more average joes to take the helm at governing our nation; people who will actually analyze and make decisions based on what is the best course of action for our nation instead of just hounding the same old rhetoric in the hopes of getting our way.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Originally posted by Mars Needs Women:
Maybe its time for more average joes to take the helm at governing our nation; people who will actually analyze and make decisions based on what is the best course of action for our nation instead of just hounding the same old rhetoric in the hopes of getting our way.

Uhhh...have you looked at & listened to the people around you lately? They're the LAST people you want to let run ANY form of government, whether it be a nation, state, town, or school sports team.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Still, I know people I would rather have in a position like that, then these one's that we have stuck in to office now.

What gets me, and probably always will, is people in this area bitch and complain about the politicians, yet they don't change their voting. I guess they think that if the politicians are elected enough they will get it right sometime.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
In any place, in any time, on any issue, what does Liberalism ever seek, Mr. Speaker? More. More Government, more taxation, more control over people's lives and decisions and wallets.
So...we're being governed by radical Liberals now?
The "taxation" part aside, the description works swell for Bushco's policies- only much of that "control over people's lives and wallets" has been given to corperate sponsors of the Republican Party.

Last week marked the 2500th soldier killed in, with more than 12000 wounded and 4800 too badly wounded to return to service.

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