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Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :

An assistant principal is suing two students and their parents over a MySpace page that depicted the administrator as a lesbian and contained "obscene comments, pictures and graphics," according to the court filing.

I have a friend who graduated from Clark High this past spring. I'll hit her up for any info.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
How do comments relate to libel online in general?

Like if I start insulting a guy on Usenet, a BBS, a Wiki, or start posting something insulting about a guy on MSN Spaces, MySpace, or so forth. When does the line cross from free-speech and over to libel?

Anyone have a good readable summary?
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
I'm a little rusty since I took High School law, but If I remember correctly any statement that is damaging to a persons reputation or standing is considered libel. Making derogetory (sp?) comments about ones sexual preferences (true or not) is a discrimitory (sp?) comment and sibject to the statutes of Libel. Calling someone a dickweed moron however falls under free speach and is not considered an offense under the law.

*I can't spell for shit tonight, too damn tired*
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
*I can't spell for shit tonight, too damn tired*
Hey! That's my motto! Dont make me sue you...
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I hate when people threaten to sue people. I'm gonna sue your ass now fucker.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
*I can't spell for shit tonight, too damn tired*
Hey! That's my motto! Dont make me sue you...
Show me the copyright information and I will withdraw my comment.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It was my intellectual copyright- it's implied and the Supreme Court will back me up on this (assuming I'm a huge corporation looking to protect my ass).

Originally posted by Hobbes:
I hate when people threaten to sue people. I'm gonna sue your ass now fucker.

You called me "fucker"!
I call slander on your ass!
Probably Libel too if this year does not turn around...
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Hey wait! There's no women on this thread. I'm suing Charles Capps for sexual discrimination even though I'm a man.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I'm suing you for not making it a class-action lawsuit -claiming your suit excludes me from any proceeds of your settlement!
I am emotionally traumatized by said exclusion!
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Well I'm suing you cause your a doo-doo head!
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
I am going to print up bumper stickers that read:

"Strike a blow for Justice...Punch out a lawyer"

People are getting way too sensitive.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by Mars Needs Women:
Well I'm suing you cause your a doo-doo head!

You sir, are a weenee. [Smile]
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :

Charles Capps called me in to be the token set of tits so that Mars Needs Women doesn't sue.

Do I get my check now?
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Is this the part where we demand proof of the aforementioned tits, and the whole thing degrades into testosteronic drooling? 'Cause, I mean, I'm up for that.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
*lifts head off table* Somebody say boobs...?

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by Hobbes:
I hate when people threaten to sue people. I'm gonna sue your ass now fucker.

This is totally off topic, but we just got a new kitten, a long-haired orange tabby with stripes. So we named him Hobbes.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
Originally posted by Mars Needs Women:
Well I'm suing you cause your a doo-doo head!

You sir, are a weenee. [Smile]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Finally someone that gets a Freakazoid! joke.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
And I only came in for the token tits. Cripes.

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