quote:Palin pointed to her experience as governor as evidence she can help the U.S. achieve energy security./.../ Palin said that by relying on oil from the Middle East, "we not only provide wealth to the sponsors of terror, but we provide high-value targets to the terrorists themselves." The Alaska governor stressed expanding drilling, using nuclear power and tapping into the "American ingenuity" to solve the energy problem.
(emphasis mine)
What a series of fresh and innovative ideas! Now let's see: Alaska, expanding drilling, nuclear power. Of course! Let's sick Steven Seagal on Palin! Whoever wins, it's pure gold entertainment.
Oh, almost forgot , Palin/McCain also tries to connect Obama with PLO. Main focus of the article. It's so great, if you can't get an October Surprise, invent one!
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
This is worse than the Bush/Gore race. Man, we are so screwed.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
She doesn't even know what a VP does. Though lately I haven't found her as annoying as Joe the Plummer and Tito the Whateverthefuckhedoes. I'm tired of turning on the news and seeing those two cockstains espousing ignorant bullshit.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Her current line is to claim Obama associates with terrorists. Terrorists like Rashid Khalidi. Here is an elequest response to such slander:
Holy crap- they're really drumming up lies for the ignorant mobs at their rallies to feed on- people that wont bother to check any facts.
I wonder exactly how much real threat of physical violence this places on Kahlidi and Obama. Of course, Mccain/Palin cant be held responsible for the actions of a few extremists can they?
Also hysterical is Palin claiming that her First Amendment rights are being infringed upon by the press calling her attacks on obama "negative". Someone has not realy read the ol' Constitution at all to be so far wrong in it's meaning and intent.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :