GuestComs are supposed to give me a break! B(
[This message was edited by The First One on April 11, 1999.]
"Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you."
-Commander Riker, USS Enterprise
Data: "Would you like to sign my cast?"
"And though I once prefered a human being's company, they pale before the monolith that towers over me."
They Might Be Giants
"Bickering is pointless." - Spock, Miri
"I'm real easy to get along with most of the time, but I don't like bullies, and I don't like threats." - Janeway, State of Flux
Data: Huh?
Geordi: In one future, you awaken and become the great leader of the Autobots, but time shall take a different track now...
Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order.
-Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."
Geordi: "No."
Data: "Please return them."
Geordi: "Data, the last time you gave Spot curry, he got pregnant."
"Audaces fortuna juvat."
"Fortune favours the bold."
[This message was edited by Elim Garak on April 12, 1999.]
Data: It Isn't? But you spy on Cmdr Riker all the TIME!
Geordi: *embarassed look* That's different.....
Ring this little golden bell
And see what changes with it's knell
Or Wonder, till it drives you mad...
What would have happened if you HAD.
Let's get the running gags right people...
'Saying it in a stacato voice doesn't make it any more true'
-Stewart Lee
Data: "Geordi, where is my emotion chip?"
Geordi: "You took it out before you left on the Son'a mission..."
Data: "But, was it not fused to my neural net and deemed unremovable soon after we installed it?"
Geordi: "Erm..."
"I KNOW I'm dense..."
-a certain anonymous administrator
[This message was edited by TSN on April 11, 1999.]
"I KNOW I'm dense..."
-a certain anonymous administrator
Ring this little golden bell
And see what changes with it's knell
Or Wonder, till it drives you mad...
What would have happened if you HAD.
Er, can I post entries on this one?
'Saying it in a stacato voice doesn't make it any more true'
-Stewart Lee
Data: "If we had money, then people would pay a 'good' amount of it for treatment such as this."
The Naked Now
"A screaming comes across the sky..."
Data: Geordi, I don't understand why you're doing this to me.... I have the greatest enthusiasm for the mission... You are destroying my mind... Don't you understand?
Data: Say, Geordi... The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog... The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944
I am Data...I am functioning within normal parameters...My creator was Dr. Noonien Soogn. He taught me to sing a song... it goes like this... "Daisy, Daissy, give mmme your answer dooo. I'mmm halffff; crazzzzy alllll for the lovvvve offfff you........
Jeff Raven - Having more fun than any human being should be allowed to have
Geordi: "Uh... yeah. Nice."
Data: "It's a synthesis of several coffee pot designs I examined in the ship's library. Were you aware that there are over 175,291 different variations of the coffee pot? And were you also aware that the first coffee pot was invented in Sumeria circa 1800 BC? That is even more amazing when you consider that coffee was unknown in ancient Sumeria. The first archeological evidence of coffee plantations was..."
Geordi: "Data! Are you attempting to simulate caffeine consumption?"
Data [smiles]: "Why, yes, Geordi. Was I successful?"
Geordi: "Yes. Cut it out."
I want it all, but I'll settle for some Chocolate!
[This message was edited by Baloo on April 14, 1999.]
Data: "I know"
*hopes everyone gets this one*
Data (after stuffing cotton into his mouth): We'll make him an offer he can't refuse.
Geordi: Yes, godfather. Ru'afo sleeps with the fishes tonight.
*end movie capcom mode*
To make an apple pie from scratch, we must first invent the universe.
~Carl Sagan
Geordi: You are not a Jedi yet!!
The Naked Now
Geordi: Funny, neither can I...
Jeff Raven - Having more fun than any human being should be allowed to have
The Winner is...
Jubilee is runner-up. She would have won, but she forgot that the 'Riker loves Geordi' thread will be forever unrequieted, much to Lennier's, erm, I mean Riker's dismay.
Honourable mentions to TSN for having the audacity to point out a flaw in Trek's continuity. If you had mentioned the line at the end of Generations 'so, why have you deceided not to remove your implant' you might have been higher.
And RW gets a mention for just screaming 'SPANK ME!' Although he gets no points, cause I@m a sadistic bastard I is...
[This message was edited by PsyLiam on April 18, 1999.]