T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 71
I say it's time we start some interrogatin' again!*sends thousands of Vehicons to eradicate Frank and his canonicity* ------------------ Fabrux's Starship Page "Dream not of today" -Night blessing of the Yash-El
The First One
Member # 35
This should be in Forum Comtests. It is now.
Member # 22
Art thou insane, Fabrux? Dost thou knowst the chaos thoust hath awakened?(If you think this is bad, you obviously haven't seen what he's done at TNO... ) ------------------ "Stop right there! I have here the only working phaser ever built! It was fired only once: to keep William Shatner from making another album." - The Collector, "Treehouse of Horror X," The Simpsons.
Member # 73
How long is the Defiant anyway?------------------ "Give me a f*cking..." -Jubilee McGann
Member # 23
80m or so. I like to scale it against the E-E in First contact... ------------------ "You will be swept away.... You, your men, your ship, your WORLDS!"
Elim Garak
Member # 14
The Divine Canon shall prevail.------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
Member # 36
Hey, no fair! I've been in Pittsburgh.------------------ Frank's Home Page "We've got some new songs here that are not even on the MP3 thing. They're not available in any format, except of course the bootlegs that seem to proliferate all through our audience, as we watch people lip-synch along to songs that HAVEN'T BEEN RELEASED! DAMN YOU!" - John Linnell
The First One
Member # 35
Yeah, kick a guy when he's down. . . 8)