This is topic Species, Starship, Anomaly, Oh my! in forum Forum Competitions at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
You know the drill. Can't ask if its a Species, Starship or Anomaly.

I'll even throw in a hint-Its not from Star Trek.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to acheive it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Erm... Methinks the original rules of the game state that it has to be from Trek...

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
I agree. That really complicates things.

"My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht."
Psychiatrist: "Again."

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
So much for B-5...

Alrighty, 20 questions, go at it.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to acheive it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Is it able to be built?

"The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
Is it destructive?

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
We interrupt your regularly scheduled game for this important announcement

Well, how about this. The SSA can be from any of the major SF shows/movies, as long as you state which one, 'kay? let's continue with this one.

And we now return you to your regularly scheduled game, already in progress

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, since this is, due to its ancestry, a predominantly Trek board, most people will be familiar w/ Trek. They may not, however, be familiar w/ others. For example, I don't get B5 here, so I would have been completely lost if this SSA hadn't been changed.

Lisa: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Bart: "Not if you called them 'stench blossoms'..."
-The Simpsons

Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :

"My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht."
Psychiatrist: "Again."

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
I don't even like B5 !!

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :

You don't like B5?! Blasphemer!

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
What do ya mean?? It was a cheap Star Trek rip off !!

They tried to make a scifi show to rival ST and failed ... All effects were computer rendered .. I just couldn't get into it..

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Calling B5 a Star Trek ripoff is like calling a BMW a golf cart ripoff. How many episodes did you watch?

Frank's Home Page
"We're going to take a five minute break...we'll be back in twenty minutes." - John Linnell


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
I'd hardly say they failed.. And besides, it's not a Trek ripoff in any way...

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
No, it can't be built. At least not by humans.

Yes, it is destructive.


"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to acheive it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I'm still confused, Jeff. Is this Trek or not? That shouldn't constitute one of the questions.

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Yes it is trek. After being told that I couldn't use anything else, I switched.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to acheive it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Is it spaceborne?

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
OOOOHHH.. I knew I'd touch a nerve !

I just couldn't get into it is all !!

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Yes it is spaceborne.


"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to acheive it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
Is it Tin Man?

Democracy simply means the bludgeoning of the people, by the people and for the people.


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
No it is not Tin Man. 16 left

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Is it capable of FTL travel?

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Yes it is capable of faster than light travel.
15 remain.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Is it a singular object?

I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would
always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.

-Jack Handey


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
It is a singular object.

14 to go!

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
OK, spaceborne, FTL-capable (rules out most anomalies), can't be built (rules out most ships), there's (was?) only one, and it's destructive.

I'm going for a spaceborne species of some form. I'd say Tin Man, but that's already been eliminated.

Is it alive?

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Alive in the sense that it demonstrates characteristics of a living creature, yes.

13 left.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen

[This message has been edited by Jeff Raven (edited February 07, 2000).]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I imagine it must be the Crystalline Entity, no?

"20th Century, go to sleep."


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
a.) Is it from TNG?

iff a == false:
b.) Is it from TOS?

iff a == false && b == false:
c.) Is it from VOY?

iff a == false && b == false && c == flase:
d.) Is it from DS9?

(No, my keyboard isn't doubling characters. I'm just mixing mathematical and programming symbols in w/ the regular English. :-) )

Lisa: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Bart: "Not if you called them 'stench blossoms'..."
-The Simpsons

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Well, since Sol System answered it correctly, your effort was in vain, TSN.

You're up for the next one, Sol, or pick someone who wants to start it. Nice job

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Why didn't I think of that? I was going for the giant amoeba from TOS.

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'm really not available often enough to run the thing correctly, I think.

"20th Century, go to sleep."


Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Well, if Sol's not going to do it, who will?

Can I? If not, then ok.

"My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht."
Psychiatrist: "Again."

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
Sure, since Sol didn't pick someone else...

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I didn't know such power was within my grasp.

I hearby declare Tahna Los my sole heir in regards to 20 question things.

"20th Century, go to sleep."


Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
I have one in mind .. tho' I guess I have to guess on right in order to post my idea huh??

Who ever wins the next one .. keep me in mind as the next puzzle guy !!

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:


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