Spock has a better haircut than the one he sported at the end of Disco Season 2, which I'm thankful for. It looked like they were trying way too hard to emulate Nimoy's Spock hair without taking into account how it would look on Peck.
It looks like we're getting another variant of the TOS uniforms, which I'm also thankful for. Disco's version looked too much like palette-swapped Disco uniforms. I'm especially liking the version worn by Number One (like heck am I calling her "Una"), which has black on the sides of the torso.
We're also getting some more TOS characters, such as Uhura, Chapel, and M'Benga. Very odd that we'll have simultaneously have two different characters both originated by Majel Barrett.
New characters include Hemmer (Aenar, I think), La'an (I'm guessing a descendant of Khan, given her last name), and Ortegas.
De Lancie still has his Q snap down.
So yeah, if it wasn't obvious from previous trailers, something has happened to history, and its up to Picard and co. to fix it.
Borg Queen's back, now portrayed by a third actress. Also, maybe it's the camera angle, but the Queen looks big. Not Spock 2 big, but bigger than previously shown.
Seems that at least part of Season 2 will be Picard and co. traveling back to present day (or close to it). Seven trying to drive a car looks like it'll be... interesting.
Laris is back! She and Zhaban were the only hands-down awesome things from Season 1, so I'm glad she's back at least. I haven't spotted Zhaban yet, though.
Extremely interesting to me is that one scene has Picard seated across from actor Jay Karnes. Whether or not Karnes is reprising his role as Ducane is unknown, but given temporal hijinks are afoot...
Also, I've not spotted Narek yet in any of the trailers. Is Harry Treadaway not returning?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
SNW thoughts:
Gonna preface by saying I really like Anson Mount & Rebecca Romijn as Pike & Number One. Ethan Peck is okay, I guess.
• I like M'Benga being there, but what about Phil Boyce? M'Benga wouldn't be CMO & then step aside for McCoy later, that's just dumb. Are they gonna use the name of Jabilo from the books?
• Giving Number One a real name kills the mystery. "Una Chin-Riley" is not a winner, kids. Speaking of names..."LA'AN NOONIEN-SINGH"?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL? WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?!
• I am not really digging the idea of Cadet Uhura mainly because it means yet another bridge member who's spent their entire career on Enterprise, which is statistically unlikely. If she graduates & is eventually posted elsewhere, I will be happy. In fact, it HAS to be that way because Alden & not Uhura was comms chief in WNMHGB.
• Where is Jose Tyler? Adding Cadet Sidhu would've been a good touch, too.
Anyway, still gonna watch.
Picard S2 thoughts:
• Ugh, more fucking 21st-century time travel Borg bullshit.
• Why is there a queen in a random storage unit?
• Yes, yes, Trumpism & Brexitism leads to totalitarian Trek times. We get it. Very subtle.
• The amount of hard-ons & wet vag on the internet for Daddy!Q is hilarious.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I still think if they’re going to have Chapel AND Number One then they should’ve just had Romijn play both characters and play it completely straight… no in-jokes or comedic references to similar appearances. But oh well.
Agreed on the names. Though I feel that the mystery around Number One was a bit overhyped in days past (pre-Disco, I mean).
And considering that the Eugenics Wars were almost completely forgotten, how the everloving frak can we justify Spock not recognizing Khan Noonien Singh if he served with La’an Noonien-Singh? This will be very tough for me to accept… the writers better have one HELL of a good explanation for this character, whatever her role in the show.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Yeaj, Chapel shouldn't be there at ALL. She didn't join up until 2261 or so to go look for Roger.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"And considering that the Eugenics Wars were almost completely forgotten, how the everloving frak can we justify Spock not recognizing Khan Noonien Singh if he served with La’an Noonien-Singh? This will be very tough for me to accept… the writers better have one HELL of a good explanation for this character, whatever her role in the show."
"Yeaj, Chapel shouldn't be there at ALL. She didn't join up until 2261 or so to go look for Roger."
I've never believed for a second that there's any possible way the new shows can be in the same timeline as the old ones, so none of this really matters to me at this point. However...
"We're also getting some more TOS characters, such as Uhura, Chapel, and M'Benga."
Y'know, as much as I hated DIS and PIC (and I never even watched LD, since the trailers and stuff just didn't look that appealing), when I heard that SNW was going to go back to more of a planet-of-the-week episodic style, I actually planned on checking it out. But now that they're apparently quadrupling-down on the whole "everything must be something that already came before" shtick... Forget it.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Oh, for sure it's another AU. It all has to be to make it work.