T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
137th Gebirg
Member # 2692
This came up on TrekToday on Friday:
Such a profound loss of an immense talent that has had a hand in so many of the shows we've enjoyed over the years - multiple Trek Series, BSG, Caprica, etc. His many contributions in model-making have been frequent topics of discussion here and on other forums.
Just thought you all should know if you haven't seen it yet.
RIP, Mr. Hutzel.
Mars Needs Women
Member # 1505
I'm sorry to hear this. Being that starships and special effects are what hooked me on Trek, I never really appreciated the work that went into model making and SFX until I had access to the internet and learned about the work that went into making Star Trek look like Star Trek. The people who worked on the shows and films were unsung heroes to me until I read articles and other background information about the men and women who worked to make those ship designs that inspired me. People like Jeffries, Probert, Sternbach, Drexler, Eaves, Jein, Hutzel, and many others. I am forever grateful for your work sir.
Member # 341
Ditto what MNW said. While Hutzel wasn't as publicly communicative as Sternbach, Okuda, Drexler et. al were, he was right up there in their league as far as the great work he did and the love he had for Star Trek. It's such a shame that he went so early in his life.
Capt. Kaiser
Member # 10511