Ya know? Looking back on it Rua'fo was pretty stupid. This is what I would have done:
I would have snuck on in through the Briarpatch, opened up the collector, sucked out all the metawhatnot particles, and got the hell out of there. I and my trusty Son'a companions would have been good before Starfleet would have realized that something happened. I mean if you are gonna do something heinous, why bother getting Starfleet to back you. Such plans result in what resulted in the actual movie. The Bak'u would probably have died, but we are making omletts here.
------------------ "I know we are several years apart, but. . .the Force is so strong within you. Ravish me!."
Padme, experiencing a moment of weakness. Some might argue the Jedi mind trick.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Ru'afo should have done that, yes. But I think the Starfleet connection came about because killing the Bak'u was too extreme a step for many of the other Son'a.
------------------ "It's not my birthday, it's not today. It's not my birthday, so why do you lunge out at me?" -- They Might Be Giants
[This message was edited by Sol System on June 21, 1999.]
Posted by bryce (Member # 42) on :
Hey, the good guys gotta win somehow!
------------------ I love Zilla's lips ! ;)
Posted by Warped1701 (Member # 40) on :
Yes, the "Amazing Plot Device" works in mysterious ways...
------------------ "I see you have the ring. And that your Schwartz is as big as mine! -Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
My guess is that the Briar Patch was a heavly occupied area of Federation space. The Son'a didn't want to kill off the Baku. Even Rua'fo wasn't intentially interested in killing his own people off. He was perfectly happy with just relocating them to another planet.
Hobbes 9906.28
------------------ Federation Starship Datalink Oh my god, they killed Weyoun. You bastards. -The Kenny of Star Trek.
Posted by grb on :
If worf was in the movie, then the briar patch was probably near DS9, meaning it was near a war zone occupied by thousands of starfleey ships. If the son'a had tried to sneak into the briar patch, than neaby the nearby starfleet fleets would no dought see them.
------------------ "It was...fun-"
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
One of the reasons it wasn't one of my favorite trek movies. The idea was silly. I mean'` if the so'na came from an advanced culture, they didn't need Star Fleet, and could have gotten in without SF knowing.
------------------ WHO ARE YOU
Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
But they have not had technology for some time. They must have only developed the technology they knew they'd need and be able to perfect.
------------------ Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
*AHEM* Edited the title to notify that there are possibly Spoilers here. I, for one, did NOT see Insurrection.*/AHEM*
------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
It's war time. I for one would hope that the Fed would be keeping pretty good tabs on who is traipsing across its borders. ESPECIALLY when they have been known to have dealings with the enemy. And who knows, just because the Sona had the knowledge to build the collector doesn't mean they didn't need federation resources backing them to actually build it. There were a lot of things about this movie that stretched credibility, but in my opinion this wasn't one of them.
Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
there are probably people who haven't seen The Motion Picture, but I wouldn't bother with dollar signs for such an old topic either.
------------------ I was right in the middle of a f*cking reptile zoo. And somebody was giving booze to these goddam things." Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas