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Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
This is a thread to discuss what a lot of people are calling for - a break from Star Trek for a few years. Majel Barrett herself believes that while the franchise shoudl continue, a few years without Trek would help revive the waning fortunes of the whole enterprise (no pun intended).

The fact is, Trek and its current setting of the 2370s and the creative staff behind it have long since gotten stale. It no longer reflects the world it is made in. DS9 may have been a more realistic view of people's interactions but as gritty, hard-edged TV it falls far short of Homicide or even NYPD Blue. Voyager is a step backwards, hastily abandoning the element of conflict inherent in the mixed-crews scenario almost fromt he word go.

So, imagine the world in a few more years. B5 is a fading memory, the X-Files are a movie franchise along with maybe Xena/Hercules and Buffy. The rush to bring out any sort of SF show has faded. Then would be a good time to bring out a Star Trek not rooted in the 1980s. The present staff would help start it off, but as with Fontana, Justman et al they would soon fall by the wayside. Trek for a new Millenium.

Can anyone come up with rational arguments why this shouldn't be? And please spare us the "any Trek is good Trek" spiel - it's quite obvious from the continuous Voyager-bashing that no-one really believes this. And more than anything it's time to grow up - it is possible to live a life where you're not getting at least 26 episodes of new Star Trek every year. Far sooner to take a break now and return refreshed than see one more misguided, ill-bred Trek spinoff made by people whose ultimate interest lies in protecting their cosy jobs at Paramount-Viacom.

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I would like to see Voyager finish a seven year run. It would hopefully improve as it went, rather then drop back into the quentionable quality of the second and third seasons. I would kind of like to see one more TNG movie, but If it were going to be of the quality of the last two, then forget it. A five to ten year hiatus would be good for the franchise. I'm not fond of the word franchise in regards to trek, but that is what it has become, and the franchise needs a break, and so do we. If "Flight Academy" is more then just a rumor, well, I hope that don't happen.

Maybe JMS could talk someone into doing a cheap "Crusade" movie. Say ten or twenty million dollar budget.


[This message has been edited by Kosh (edited July 06, 1999).]

Posted by HMS White Star (Member # 174) on :
Well I really don't like Trek any more, but a few years rest might be good for everyone involved.

Btw on a Crusade/B5 movie jms stated that it wouldn't happen for lest a couple of years, until the Star Wars stuff was over . Also He said it would likely cost around 35 million bucks (which is pretty cheap for a movie).

HMS White Star

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Oh boy, a Crusade movie. Maybe they can show it as a double feature with the Forever Knight movie.

But in all seriousness, I can see what our First One is saying. From an objective point of view, I agree. While I think there is a lot of potential in both the current time period of Trek and in the current production staff, a rest would be still be helpful.

However, I've come to the realization this summer that Star Trek is basically the only thing left that holds my interest on television. Oh, there are plenty of other shows that I'll watch, I suppose, but none that I will set out purposefully to see. Maybe MST3K, but that won't be on next season. So for purely selfish reasons I'd like to see a new incarnation sooner rather than later. But those are hardly good enough reasons to actually do it.

The only "rational" argument I can think of is that just because TOS survived for decades doesn't mean our newer shows will. Not because of any difference in quality, but a difference in the fans. There's just so much else out there. People don't feel the need to become attached to a series. But that's a question for those research types to answer.

"And give me back my evil heart so I can see you as you are."
John Linnell

Posted by Voyager on :
I do agree that some kind of break is needed, if better material can't be produced. I also see many possibilities that could happen if Trek has a break or not. If the rumors about "Flight Acadamy" are true, they should forget that idea and have a break, 3-5 years. If they are able to come up with something that will be more generally appealing than they should continue. The only problem is, the audience that watches Trek at this point may not wait a few years for them to take a break and put out a new series, they may move on to other stuff. My question is how many of you are going to keep an interest going for 3-5 years, while no new material is being produced or created? The complete absence of new material could hurt Star Trek more than help it.

"Chocolate is a serious thing!"-Counselor Troi

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I think Voyager should finish it's run, then they should make one more movie, involving characters from at least two of the three modern series, to would wrap up loose ends: Bajor joining the Federation; relations between the Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, etc. Sort of like ST6. Give the main characters one last adventure together, maybe kill a few, let them change the galaxy one last time, then sign off. Take a break for four or five years, then give us a new series in a slightly different time. And find someone who shared Gene's view of the future. To bad Majel is so busy, but maybe she won't be in the not-so-distant future...
Posted by KXZ (Member # 119) on :
The next movie is scheduled for 2001. That's what I heard. Voyager also ends that year. They should end Voyager, have the movie (which can be the Next Generation's crew's final change of the galaxy) and have a resting period of a few years. Paramount could save up its money in the few years and bring back the Next Generation crew. It could seem like the movie was the end, bring them back with all the money Paramount has saved and the show might just get the ratings it did before The Next Generation ended. This does sort of seem unlikely, but you can hope.
Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
DS9 was also quite literally the only thing i watched on tv habitually...and even that i had trouble making sure i caught it. *cries* i hope they play reruns on the stations i get at school. :P

"Fear attracts the fearful"

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Oh, I think the interest will remain. In 5 years' time the sheer excitement a Trek revival would cause would make it worthwhile.

And that's the problem. The interest is there now, and as long as they can exploit it they will. They'll run it into the ground, beyond any hope of recovery, but then that's preferable to them because in 5 years they'll all have moved on and a new Trek series won't benefit them personally - look at how all the old hands (Roddenberry, Justman, Fontana, the guy who did TOS and early TNG uniforms, even Harve Bennett) were out after doing all the work that led to the interest in new Trek series.

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Voyager: It survived a long time between series before.


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Exactly. It's the difference between:

1. An audience that can't imagine life without new Trek but suspects - in fact KNOWS - that whatever TPTB come up with will make Voyager look good.
2. An audience that has gotten sick of reruns, remembers those late-nineties shows with fondness, and would like to see some new Trek after a five year absence.

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
I agree that a break is needed. This is what I would like to see, in order:

1. Voyager go on to finish its seventh season.
2. Star Trek leaves TV for a while. Meanwhile, a TNG movie, hopefully showing post-Dominion War events.
3. After a few years, Star Trek returns to TV, with the awful "Flight Academy" idea having been banished long ago.

Darlene: I read a lot of science fiction.
Herbert: Bless you, my child.
Kay: The world needs more people like you.

-Deep Space Nine, "Far Beyond the Stars."


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Firstly, why should Voyager even get seven seasons when DS9 was only supposed to have six, and secondly, what's this "Flight Academy" that no-one seems to like?

"I could never sleep my way to the top, 'cause my alarm clock always wakes me right up." - TMBG

Posted by Jaresh Inyo on :
I'd like to see Voyager go for seven years, with at least one full season in the Alpha Quadrant. There are many loose ends the Dominion War episodes didn't resolve, and I'd like to see Voyager return to a battered Federation, with Starfleet stretched to the limit. A Federation where the euphoria of winning the war has worn off, and now people are turning their thoughts to rebuilding.

After that, it's down to movies. It doesn't look like the crew of the Big-E is willing to do one beyond the next movie, so I guess that would be it. I however do not want to see some epic action packed movie, with the Enterprise, Voyager, and Defiant blasting their way from one side of the Federation to the next. I'd like to see a movie where the crew does something that they feel really good about (Saving some small race or something like that, you know, the usual) and the last line of the movie would be Picard saying "Engage." End on a positive note, and leave the fans thinking that the series may be over, but the characters are still out there, boldly going. A DS9 movie is probably not going to happen, and Voyager doesn't look to good either.

As for a new series, a break is definately needed. I remember back during the pre-DS9 days how everyone seemed to like the Next Generation. My grandfather liked it, my six year old cousin liked it. It appealed to everyone. DS9 didn't have that, Voyager certainly doesn't. We need a break, to allow the people to start wondering, and to start talking, and start imagining again. Do you all remember the barrage of toys that the Next Generation spawned, with commercials for them showing lots of fun scenes created with action figures and starship toys? I do! And I never saw one for DS9 or Voyager. And that's the key. The Next Generation had broad appeal, and if Trek is going to survive, the next series needs that, too.

Oh, and that Flight Acadamy idea? I hate it. I wouldn't watch it. It would be an action show, with all of that standard "Coming of Age" shit like dating and loosing virginity. It wouldn't be Trek. I'm afraid however that it may be true. Rick Berman, when asked about the next series, mentioned that he doubted we'd seen the last of all of the DS9 characters, right? Well...(Warning, DS9 spoiler appoaching...)
Perhaps he was refering to Professor O'Brien?

Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift.
Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift.
Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Frak: Berman is making some noises about doing a Pilot/series with a younger crew. Possible based at the academy. It was likened to Top Gun. I liked the movie, but it's not trek.


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, what exactly did Berman say? It sounds like a lot of speculation on the part of the fans is involved.

"I could never sleep my way to the top, 'cause my alarm clock always wakes me right up." - TMBG

Posted by Warped1701 (Member # 40) on :
I agree with just about everyone else here. We need a break from Trek. Not only the fans, but the writers as well.

I don't want to get off on a rant here, but Trek is getting old. Not old with age, but old with storylines. It's getting to be where we can go "Wait a minute...haven't we seen this before?" The show isn't exactly the same...but they've got similarities. The stories in Trek used to be interesting, and intellectually stimulating. I understand making a fun episode every once in awhile, to get a laugh not only for the fans, but for cast and crew as well. But it would also be nice if they came up with some shows that after they're over...make you think. Not that when the shows over, you turn the TV off, and say "That was nice." A show that makes you go "Hmmm...I wonder..." That's what Trek is all about. It's not supposed to be "Star Trek: Day's of Our Academy".

Trek has fallen astray of the high ideals set by Gene Roddenberry when he created the series. He portrayed a future where the humanity has made it to the 23rd century. And not only that, humanity had prospered. These days, I'm inclined to agree with McCoy from STIV: "It's a wonder these people ever got out of the 20th century." TNG followed Gene's ideals, of a bright future full of wonder, and amazing things. There were dark hours, but they weren't dark for very long. DS9, was a darker, more mature Trek. Especially in the last few seasons. But it didn't have the appeal TNG or TOS did. Why? Because it was dark, and dealt with things that most people would rather not see. A perfect example is "The Seige of AR-588". I thought it was a brilliant episode, that showed the true horror of war, set in the future. But that doesn't appeal to most of the people who did watch TOS, and TNG.

Then, there's VOY. A show that had great potential, but has never really lived up to it. The tension that should have been there between Starfleet and the Maquis for at least the first few seasons, never really materialized. Writers forgot that these were two opposite sides, and instead had them all jump together on the bandwagon. What's worse, is that they never get together and use their brains to figure things out. They get together, then use the 'mystical plot device' to find the good old 'particle of the week' and save the day/ship/whatever. Plus, they've been stranded out in the Delta/Beta Quadrant for 5 years, and the ship doesn't even have a scratch! The crew is always nicely dressed, well fed, and comfortable. I suppose that they've adopted the style of MST3K, and said: "For those of you who're wondering how they eat and breath, and other science facts,(Lalala!),then repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax". I wish I could, but when you don't even try to explain something that fundamental away, it reduces the quality of the show. Not once has there been reduced power, the crew doesn't get to eat, no showers, etc. The Voyager has been destroyed so many times, and yet each time it turns out to be alternate universe/temporal distortion/or some other nonsense. Get real. Fans aren't stupid. They want to see something other that the holodeck screwing up every 5th episode, and seeing a 'fake' Voyager getting destroyed once or twice a season. It gets old, really fast.

The quality of Trek has degraded over the past few years. Especially on VOY, which has been plagued with poor writing, and storylines so weak, my 12 year old sister could come up with something better. DS9 had a good writing staff, and came up with some excellent shows, that just didn't have the broad appeal that TNG and TOS have. Trek needs a break, and we need a break from it. Take a few years, and come up with something new and exciting. Something that challenges the mind, and the limits of society. Break some taboos, and boldy go again! Make it a show that Gene Roddenberry would be proud of. Not something that will only make money. Trek isn't about money, it's about people. It's time that Paramount realized that. Of course, that's only my opinion, I may be wrong.

"I see you have the ring. And that your Schwartz is as big as mine!
-Dark Helmet, Spaceballs


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Frank: check out the Great Link. It's the first story on the scroll this week.


Posted by Voyager on :
I only raised the issue because of the lower audience ratings and the fact that even the fans are bashing Trek now. I think they should try and draw more interest into Voyager before it ends, then take the break with people wanting more. I with all honesty think the interest will remain even if it is a five year break, and I certainly know that I would keep interest for that long.

"Chocolate is a serious thing!"-Counselor Troi

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Trek isn't as popular these days because it's too popular. People start to hate whoever or whatever is on top. Trek becomes the leading SF show...people hate it. Microsoft becomes the biggest OS company, people hate it.

That, of course, leads weight to the idea of a break. You have to let Trek become a bit of an underdog again, so people will root for it. It's not exactly fair, but it is often true.

"And give me back my evil heart so I can see you as you are."
John Linnell

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Trek Overdose? Perhaps. I read most of the books too, and would watch TOS or TNG if they were being shown in this area now. I've got it bad. Have had it bad since '66. It's a part of my system. maybe I have OD'ed. I admit, I didn't pick Star Wars apart like I did the last two Trek movies, and it had some glaring flaws as well. But I left the theater feeling good after TPM. Feeling bad after First Contact, and Insurrection.
I think what bothers me the most is the "We don't care what we said before, as long as it works for this story" attitude that TPTB have these days. Even the fan friendly Ron Moore has said something like that. Also the "The franchise is bigger then the shows and the fans, the franchise will go on" At least that's the feeling I get when I read interviews with Berman.


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on : is reporting that "Star Trek: Flight Academy" is only a rumor. Berman and Braga are working on a new series, but it is not based around the academy.

There is also an interesting bit about Battlestar Galactica at this site.


Posted by Chimaera on :
One reason TNG did so well when it started out was that it was pretty much the only SF show on at the time, and there was a lot of anticipation because it was the first trek series in a long, long time (just like the anticipation around Phantom Menace). But now there are lot's of SF shows on, and this with the two additional spinoffs divert attention away. People just get bored. I aggree a break would be good once Voyager stops production, a hiatus and some fresh ideas would be good for the franchise.

"But, it was so artistically done."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I just got a TV guide hot stories thing by E-mail. It says that Berman and Braga are working on a new Star Trek series called Star Trek: Flight Academy.


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Uhh. . . then I suggest you subscribe to a different service.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I read the other day at IMDb that the Academy idea was a rumor. I think any faith anyone was putting in it can be dropped...

"Keep honking: I'm reloading."
-bumber sticker on a friend's truck

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
IMDb ?


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Internet Movie Database

RB: "'Get a life' is a phrase heard a lot, though I have never known exactly what kind was implied. Seems a lot of shallowness and greed is the rule."
CS: "I guess that it means the kind of life led by the characters of 'Dawson's Creek' or 'The Simpsons'."

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK, I haven't read this thread fully, since I was egre to add my opinion.

1. I think there should be a large break before any new Trek TV series, the TV series Idea - for the moment had tarnished. I think Voyager had been getting better - I think Videos 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 have been better than DS9's 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 - and from me that is saying a LOT - I am a HUGE DS9 fan - It was my first trek, i.e. it was Emissary that pulled me into all things trek seriously.

2. I think Rick Berman is quite batty, simply because over the years he says - I don't CARE what the fans want - WE watch the show Rick - we LIVE the show - a lot of us aren't watching Trek anymore - think about it.

"Ooh, FASA." - The Shadow, aka Frank G - June 1999


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
To be frank, Berman, Braga, and Behr did and do their jobs to their fullest potential. Piller and Taylor even have some input on Voyager as I type; very few people realise that.

Flight Academy is a rumour, as far as I'm concerned. It can't fly.

Oh, and since Braga was willing to turn down the ninth film in order to care for Voyager 100%, is it likely he'd spend three hours a day planning a new series with Berman? I don't know, to be honest...

A three-year break sounds good to me.

Voyager deserves as many seasons as DS9. It's a different style, but as good in its own way.

Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")

[This message has been edited by Elim Garak (edited July 11, 1999).]

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Why you would want to be Frank is beyond me. @)


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
*bludgeons Kosh with his brand-new SpoonSabre*

RB: "'Get a life' is a phrase heard a lot, though I have never known exactly what kind was implied. Seems a lot of shallowness and greed is the rule."
CS: "I guess that it means the kind of life led by the characters of 'Dawson's Creek' or 'The Simpsons'."

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Whips out Sporksabre! You will return to the Sharp side!


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Never! The dull side has Nicole de Boer, last I checked.

RB: "'Get a life' is a phrase heard a lot, though I have never known exactly what kind was implied. Seems a lot of shallowness and greed is the rule."
CS: "I guess that it means the kind of life led by the characters of 'Dawson's Creek' or 'The Simpsons'."

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Yes, Kosh. It does. Don't be afraid! Join us!

Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
(Misses Terry Ferrel) I'd watch Becker, but I have to watch Ted Danson.


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
I think that a break is needed too, mainly because the writers just bringing in old storylines and changing them a little to form a new episode is just getting tedious. The most blatant that I can remember is Cause & Effect being turned into Coda (I think that's what it's called). I didn't like either of them, so that was very annoying.

They need to take a break, develop new stories and then come back with a brand new kick ass series about three or four years after Voyager ends. I have said this before, but I think the new series should be set in the future - this will give the writers scope to do what they want.

Do business with us, or we'll ruin you.


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
I didn't want to reply when I first read this, but since many of you seem to support this I can't help:

***** Are you all out of your Vulcan minds? *****

I wonder if one can seriously call oneself a sci-fi fan, Trek fan, Trekkie, Trekker or whatever, but demand A BREAK FROM TREK. In my opinion, if you think you love something but it's dispensable you don't really love it. What about your girl/boy friends?

If you are so critical about the show that you prefer to not see it for a while, please consider if you are still a Trek fan. I can understand that fans are trying to care about the business of TPTB (after all I do as well), but isn't it paradox to tell them "please stop making my favorite show"? I admit I'm a Trek addict, and I couldn't stand three years without Trek on TV. What is this Trek renunciation supposed to mean anyway - besides the reasonable arguments - a personal sacrifice, a sign you're not addicted but live in the real world?

And now back to reasonable arguments: Is Trek supposed to become better (still better?) after the break? If Trek is stopped after VOY season 7 or even 6, there will be no continuity. Who knows if the new production team will make a good show in 3 or even five years? Rick Berman is not so bad a producer as some might think, but I'm not sure if he will be back. The same applies to most of the other people. Who will care about consistency? When TNG started, Roddenberry was still around, and he did a good job.

Starting a new show is always a whole lot of work for numerous people, and it's even harder if it called Star Trek and expectations are high and it's still harder if there's no direct predecessor. Will it be Trek at all or only be called Star Trek?

Will there be a new show at all? TPTB could come to the conclusion that the whole business works without any new investments. Why spend millions of dollars for a new show, if the mercahndising still runs perfectly (George Lucas was aware of that, don't tell Paramount)?

I don't want to think of the worst case - oblivion. There will probably be several new appealing sci-fi shows in the meantime, and Star Trek will not exactly be forgotten, but regarded as "the good old thing our parents always watched". It was a great and unexpected success that TNG did not only manage to pick up, but also revive the idea of Star Trek. I wouldn't risk to skip one generation (of fans) again. The young people (to which most of you obviously belong, while I'm quite a bit older) are much more ambitious, fastidious and daring than my generation, and they change their minds continually. Don't show them any Star Trek, they won't miss it. Show them Star Trek, they will like it or not. As long as there are people interested in it, Star Trek will continue, and I hope it will be forever.

Star Trek: Live long and prosper!

"Now if you'll excuse me Captain, I have an appointment with eternity, and I don't want to be late." (Soran, ST:G)
Ex Astris Scientia


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I can only point out that Trek not only survived, but grew in the twenty one years between series. GREW!
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder", an old saying that is so true. If the franchise still has the heart it had in the begining, it will survive, and pick up that next generation with reruns, If not, then it will disapear. Are they into money more then quality. I never really asked my self that till the casino opened, that and cheesey Voyager scripts have brought me to the point where I'd like to see them take a break.



Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Well, it took several weeks, but finally they're coming out of the woodwork. . .

Yes, we're Star Trek fans - but we're DISCERNING Star Trek fans. We know when an episode or movie is crap, and we've been seeing more of such as time goes on. If you're so blind to quality that you have no judgement at all about what you see, then what are you doing here? This isn't a Forum for saying "gosh, wasn't that episode brilliant?" the day after you saw "Meridian" or "Threshold" or "Shades of Grey" or "Spock's Brain."

What we're talking about is a very noticeable creative buirnout on the part of the Trek producers. That is why we want them to stop - so that in a few years time someone new will take up the mantle of Trek again. But as long as the franchise remains in the hands of Berman, Piller, Braga, Taylor et al, the downward slide will continue. And the politics of Hollywood preclude any purges or housecleaning that will lead to a complete, instant new start.

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Star Trek grew in the 70's because
- there was no serious competitor.
- only a few people were really devoted to and concerned about the show and further promoted it. Star Trek could nothing but grow.
- its quality was not recognized by most people when it first aired.
- due to the airing schedule it wasn't very wide-spread in the USA in the 60's and it was completely unknown in foreign countries.

All the above won't be the case if Star Trek is stopped now.

As for the quality, I don't notice it's getting worse. Any Trek season so far has had two or three crap episodes.

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
I couldn't agree more, Bernd!

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I don't know if this has anything to do with anything, but I noticed that 3 of the top ten DS9's, in's poll, were episodes away from the station. And a forth, "The Visitor" had little to do with the station. And it's #1 was tied in with the original series.



Posted by grb on :
I think what Kosh said was right. I think it means that if you have good writers and smart producers, than the show will be good. Let's look at star trek so far:

TOS actually was pretty cheezy, often times sexist. But a few of the shows were really good because a few of the writers were very good, and were reflecting on the ideas and thought of the '60s.

TNG really was pretty good. It was good because the writers were good. TNG barellly even scratched the surface with their characters, yet they were able to create fresh and new and quality stories every week. TNG was actually the most commercially popular trek series.

DS9 did get off to a slow start, u have to admit. But with the coming of the dominion, the show developed its conflict and character driven story lines. Complex story arcs were formed throughout the series. This led to a spectacular 6th and 7th seasons of what is regarded as perhaps the best trek. But we have to notice that DS9 was good because it had good writers, and ira behr has its brilliant producer.

Then came Voyager. Voyager, to put it nicely, did not compare with TNG or DS9. Although Voyager's stories could often times be exciting and sometimes intereting, I often found them shallow. This is because Voyager's writers aren't all the best, and Voyager's producer insits on making each show stand alone.

The reason TNG and DS9 were good was because they had good writers. Voyager might not be as good because its writers are not always as good, and its producer has a different vision for the series.

I personnaly believe that the next seres could do fine if:

1) The characters have potantial to grow and interact.

2) Good writers are brought in to work on the show.

3)An experienced trek producer is chosen who can perhaps find the balance between characters and plot. What this balance should be depends on your own views. I personally think an intermdeiate point between DS9 and TNG would be good. Some of u might want a series similar to DS9, while tohers might want one closer to TNG.

"Can I have a hug?"
-Dr. Evil

Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
I agree with you, grb. You must allow these characters to develop, rather than flat out giving the plot out-right. Say, for instance, Data. It took him years to develop into a human-like personality. Whereas, on Voyager, the developments are done within the episode, like there's not going to be another.

Nurse: Can I help you?
Stan: We're here to commit our friend, Kyle.
Nurse: Reason?
Kyle: I'm a clinically depressed fecalpheliac on Prozac.
Nurse: JACKET!!


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I wish they would work more of "Mosaic" into the series. It was an exceptional story. Jeri Taylor surprised me. I didn't think she had that much writting talant.



Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Far beyond explored space, the USS Foxy finds a short-lived wormhole back to Flare territory. Just large enough to send a message through....

Voyager deserves 7 seasons. After that a break of a year or so may allow creative batteries to recharge, and hopefully a quality team to assemble to run any new show.

Trek has indeed wandered from its Roddenberry roots a bit too much in DS9. The future will only achieve TNG's appeal again if it is an attractive place to be. Everyone wanted to be on the Enterprise. Nobody who valued their bodily limbs would want a posting anywhere near DS9. Voyager is homely, but the isolation is an unsettling influence. Perhaps a new starship show with a return to the heroes exploring outward and meeting adventures ahead of them, rather than where all the drama arises from threats from neighbours or corruption at home. (All very 1990s as opposed to 2370s!)

As for the idea of a "Flight Academy", replete with lantern-jawed hunks for leads and some "teen appeal" in the style of Buffy? Well, I have cornered this idea in a darkened alley and invite you all to join me in kicking it to death most ruthlessly. >

A break of a year then. Then Trek 10 in the cinemas, with a nice TNG resolution. No sudden death or premature end to the ensemble. (Blow up the E-E, Mr Berman, and I shall blow up Paramount studios...!)

One last point before my wormhole collapses and cuts off the line:
I may last a year without it, but my system requires intravenous injection of new Trek to sustain my bodily functions. So if you take too long a break, you will in effect be murdering me to death. Please bear this in mind.

Wormhole closes

Taking foxiness to the rim of the final frontier....
I shall return.


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
*reads the last bit*

And this would be bad because. . ? 8P

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
*prepares some Trek-filled hyposprays for Monty*

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Hey, Monty!!



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