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Posted by jh on :
Mine, in some future Trek movie where the Borg make their appearance again, between Janeway and Picard.

Picard: You formed an alliance with the Borg. You aided them in a fight against an enemy that could have destroyed them and eliminated the threat they pose to the Federation once and for all.

Janeway: In my mind, at that time, Species 8472 posed an even greater threat than the Borg.

Picard: At that time!

Janeway: That's right.

Picard: And yet, according to your own log entries, on subsequent encounters with Species 8472 you were able not only to avoid conflict, but were able to establish peaceful relations and exchange of information. Tell me, Captain Janeway, were you able to establish such relations with the Borg the next time you encountered them? Did your former alliance persuade them not to attempt your assimilation? And how many millions, how many billions, of lives have they ended since your alliance was terminated? How many people have they murdered since then? How many more innocent souls were lost to the Collective after they recovered from their war with Species 8472? How many?
You made a mistake Captain, and now that mistake may cost us all our lives. The Borg do not reason, they do not feel, and they do not negotiate. Species 8472 may have been our one hope for defeating them, and you gave it away.
The Borg are coming Captain, who represents the greater danger now?

Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
We have already seen that scene, with Admiral N blasting Picard for his dealings with Hugh.

I want to see a scene with Scotty, O'Brien, and Bashir having a pint at Quark's

Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!!


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
A simple conversation between Spock and Seven of Nine.
(Fascination is irrelevant... )

A seperated Prometheus class ship beating the crap out of a Dominion super battleship.

Tom Paris doing (or: trying to do...) evasive maneuvers with the original Enterprise.

O'Brien optimizing the original Enterprise computer system (a follow up of 'Trails and Triblle-ations').

*tries to think of some more*

I'll get back here when I have more of these.

Presenting the NX-59650. It can slice! It can dice! It can seperate into THREE parts!!
Now available with THREE FULL warpcores!
But wait! Buy now, and get a free number upgrade to NX-74913!

To order, call: 0800-PROMETHEUS


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
*stolen from "Vendetta" by Peter David*

ANYONE saying to the Borg: "YOU'RE irrelevant, you cosmic $%^&#@s." immediately before blowing a cube all to hell.


"A Kzinti War Cruiser is approaching!"


"I'm sorry, Doctor Crusher. It ate Wesley."

'In every country and in every age the priest has been hostile to Liberty; he is always in allegiance to the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own." ---- Thomas Jefferson


Posted by Individual 5748 on :
In responce to the Picard/Janeway scene, let he who is without sin cast the first stone!

Janeway: Well, Picard, I recall a particular log entry of yours that states you once violated orders to destroy the Borg. Were the Borg any less of a threat then than they are now? I think not. So, if anyone is to blame for the Borg attacking us now, it's you, because you had the first chance to destroy them and didn't.

"Questions, comments, bring them to me. Problems, take them to Kinis."


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
There's a pretty similar scene regarding the Borg in "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy", First of Two.

Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")

Posted by Epoch (Member # 136) on :
I would love to see Starfleet and Species 8472 joining up and stomping Borg b*tt.

Death before Dishonor!
However Dishonor has
quite a disputed defintion.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
No, No I want to see Scotty, La Forge, O'Brien and B'Elanna sharing a 'pint' at Quarks...

SCOTTY: "OK, I can see why Geordi is here... but what about you other two!?!"

O'Brien: "Well, I did SERVE aboard the Enterprise"


B'Ellana: "Oh, I dated Will Riker once, as well"




"Remove your hand or I will remove your arm!" - 7 of 9

Posted by KXZ (Member # 119) on :
I kind of want to see how Picard would react to Seven. Or how Admiral Paris would react to Tom having a good girlfriend and a good job in Starfleet. Or a counsellor helping the crew of Voyager. I personally wouldn't want to be that counsellor.

All hands, abandon ship! All hand, abandon...

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I want to see the Tholians and Tzenkethi team up and start beating up the Federation. :-)

"Agh! Save me from the wee turtles!"
-Groundskeeper Willy, The Simpsons

Posted by Justin_Timberland (Member # 236) on :
I wouldn't mind seeing Seven of Nine start dating other Voyager crewmembers, but only this time she won't break any arms on the first date. Maybe during a bedroom scene, but not on the first date.

I'd also like to see Harry Kim's character to actually develop into something, I don't care whether he becomes that guy in "Timeless" or if he becomes a sex-crazed pig.

And I'd like to see Voyager come home with the help of the USS Prometheus. I really want to see more of the Prometheus, this time with the correct registry.

"Women feel the emotions of happiness, hatred, anger, helplessness, and desire.

Men on the other hand feel the guy version, Horny."



Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
If I could pick any scene at all? I want to see Kira and Dukat onscreen together again.

"Stirs a large iron pot. Casting a spell on Vermont."
John Linnell


Posted by Xentrick (Member # 64) on :
1) Voyager returns to Earth, Janeway courtmartialed for rendering assistance to the enemy [still annoyed by her moralistic posturing in "Equinox."]

2) Q Continuum kill Wesley

3) Borg vs Dominion

4) Seven of Nine in a variety of tight-fighting outfits

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
OK, don't kill me here or revoke my membership, but as much as I hate Wesley, I want to see him and Kes show up on Voyager. That new level of existance Kes went off to sounded a heck of a lot like the one Wesley did when he (finally) left TNG for good.

I don't particularly want to see Wes again, but I would like the tie in.

I half expected him to turn up at the end of "The Gift" VOY to take Kes.

I also want to see a really spectacular ship battle scene. Ent-E, Defiant, Prometheus and Akira are must haves.

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Wesley is beamed aboard...but just his head.

(The SCREAMS man, I want to hear his SCREAMS! > )

"NO! NO! Kill you all!


Posted by Gaseous Anomaly (Member # 114) on :
*Activates Poe Mode*
His head fell off, and rolled for some distance.

"Fire, Fire!" said Mrs O'Dwyer.
"Where, where?" said Mrs O'Hare.
"Down in the town." said Mrs Brown.
"Lord bless us and save us"
said old Mrs Davis.
"I never knew a herring was a fish."


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
The Borg assimilate the Pakleds accidentally, immediately become comic-relief.

Me, Deanna Troi, Seven of Nine, and Ezri Dax in the Mudbaths Lwaxana took Alexander to.

The return of the Gorn.

Holographic Captain Sulu lecturing someone on the Voyager crew.

A Scene in the ficional "Captain's Table."

The Mirror-Borg.

'In every country and in every age the priest has been hostile to Liberty; he is always in allegiance to the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own." ---- Thomas Jefferson


Posted by Mikey T (Member # 144) on :
Well, I've always wanted to see an experienced admiral go through that energy field in the TNG episode "Rascals." Normally, he would use a transporter to reverse the effect, but he never ever used a transporter. He then continues to be an officer, but while in a teenager's body. He has to deal with people reacting to the fact that he looks too young to be treated as an admiral.

"All you people, can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Everytime we're down
You can make it right
And that makes you larger than life"

-Backstreet Boys


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :

"Stirs a large iron pot. Casting a spell on Vermont."
John Linnell


Posted by Justin_Timberland (Member # 236) on :
Michael, and I bet I know who you want to be the person playing that young admiral. It's Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys!!!

Just kidding, babe. But I do know who you are thinking of.

"Women feel the emotions of happiness, hatred, anger, helplessness, and desire.

Men on the other hand feel the guy version, Horny."



Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
*attempts to blink, but his eyes seem to have rolled under the couch*

"Stirs a large iron pot. Casting a spell on Vermont."
John Linnell


Posted by jh on :
Oooooh, the Mirror-Borg, wonder what that'd be like...

Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.

Posted by Justin_Timberland (Member # 236) on :
I would like to see what Seven of Nine would have been if she was never assimilated by the Borg and what the Federation's defenses would be with the info her parents collected.

"You can't spell the word canal without anal in it"

-Michael T

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
"Admiral Howser" staring Michael T.

Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!!


Posted by Mikey T (Member # 144) on :
Actually, I was thinking of the actor who plays Eric Brady in the American soap opera, "Days of Our Lives."
His name is Jensen Ackles.

But casting me isn't a bad idea.

"All you people, can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Everytime we're down
You can make it right
And that makes you larger than life"

-Backstreet Boys


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