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Posted by Black Knight (Member # 134) on :
This is from the Warp11 website.
The basic premise...
This morning I received an e-mail regarding a possible basic premise for the 5th series. Who this sources and how reliable it is I can't tell. Just thought you might be interested.

* I'm writing to let you know that I work for Paramount (just started -- I'm new and I can't tell you what I do since I don't want to lose my job - got bills to pay!) and I accidentally overheard Brannon Braga himself discussing the next series! All I got was the basic premise: it revolves around a group of covert Starfleet Intelligence operatives... not Section 31, but legitimate agents... that's all I got before they realized I was standing outside the door... I'll keep you posted when (if) I hear more!

This is what I call promising and hope-giving news! Thanks to anonymous!
This seems to stick with that "contemporary," "less technobabble," etc. that we have heard about so far.
So what do you think?

Quark-"Stop. Or I'll disintigrate this hostage."

20th Century General-"With Your Finger?"

Quark-"With my death ray."

20th Century General-"Looks alot like a finger to me."


Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Eek... "Star Trek" meets "Mission: Impossible?"

"Stop right there! I have here the only working phaser ever built! It was fired only once: to keep William Shatner from making another album."

- The Collector, "Treehouse of Horror X," The Simpsons.


Posted by Lt. Tom on :
Interesting, Krenim--Warp 11 describes it as "Star Trek meets Bond", but yours is a better analogy.

I have dibs on Deep Hurting if this thing makes it to the airwaves. =O

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Er... Am I the only one who feels the need for an elephant-sized grain of salt with which to take this...?

"Alright, so it's impossible. How long will it take?"
-Commander Adams, Forbidden Planet

Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Don't beleive everything they say on the internet. I learned that the hard way ( tnx TFO). But, it does have potential, although a Section 31 series would be cooler.

"Scan that ship Mr. Worf!"
"Aye sir, 600 DPI?"

Posted by jh on :
Sounds more like we might need a Jupiter sized grain of salt.

BTW, am I the only one who thinks that if this were true it would just blow?

BTW2, am I the only one that doesn't believe that Braga and Berman would carry this idea to Paramount for what might be strike number 3?

Proverbs for Paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.


Posted by Sir Camelot on :
If it is going to be Star Trek meets James Bond 007, would it be better to have a show more like the Avengers, then you could have more of a cool duo or partnership.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Yes, but then you'd have the X-Files.

When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum


Posted by Dan (Member # 129) on :
My only problem with having a Section 31 series is mostly with the current administration. Plus, 31 would lose its mysterious status completely with this and become something like the Borg are now. Give it back to the DS9 producers and writers (like Ira Behr and Ron Moore), then we'll get a good series.

Daniel Henderson
Senior Babylon 5/Crusade Editor

Contributing Writer
Beyond Babylon

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
If you like Ferengi comedies.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I've decided that if the next TNG movie does feature Q, Moore has to write it. He's written some of the best Q stories, including "Tapestry" and "All Good Things...".

"And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave."
Will Rigby

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Do the math.

"Star Trek" + "Mission Impossible" = "Drek!"


It is less important that you agree with me than it is for you to to understand what I'm saying.


Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Or would that just be "Stission Intrekable"?

Either way:

It is less important that you agree with me than it is for you to to understand what I'm saying.


Posted by Sir Camelot on :
How about a new Star Trek show were a group of Starfleet historians go around looking for lost Nasa probes.
Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Oh, that would be exciting, wouldn't it?

[Science officer standing at the sensors station on the bridge:]

"There's one!"

"There's another one!"

"There's another!"

"There's yet another one!"

[Pauses, wipes screen with sleeve.]

"Oops! Sorry! Lint on the screen."

[Peers back into screen.]

"There's one!"

"If knowledge is power, then willful misinformation is the work of the Devil."
-- Barbara "the man who sought Liberty's talents" Mikkelson

[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited December 05, 1999).]

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
Refer to my post in the "Berman on series V" thread !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax


Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
I am quite surprised that everyone hates the idea of a starfleet intelligence based series so much.
I guess I'll be the devil's advocate and say that I have always thought starfleet intelligence would be a great idea for a show. It offers a great deal of versatility. Practically any Star Trek setting could be used. It could range from vastly different from anything we've seen before, to the same old comfortable starship enviorons. Go anywhere, pose as anyone... the possibilities are incredible.
I agree that this would be something suited to a smaller central cast (2-4, but then again I hope that whatever the next Star Trek is, it doesn't try to do the giant ensemble thing again. A smaller group and tighter focus are in order.
I don't think that a section 31 show would be a good ideal, but they sure would make a great enemy for a SF intelligence show.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I do like the idea but I'm afraid it would turn into a Mission: Impossible picture this:

A Cardassian bridge. They're all walking around discussing a secret attack on a Fed base.

"Heh, heh. They're shields will be down in seconds. They'll never know what hit them..."

The camera pans over to one of the main characters disguised as a Cardie who reaches under his vest to reveal a com badge. He looks at the camera and gives a little grin.

Cut to black and fuse lights and starts trailing across the screen...

Seriously though, I think they may run out of enemies to be up against. Does the fed really have that many serious threats going on? Especially since the war just ended? And the exploration angle might be totally dropped.

"Resolve and thou art free."

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Well, we're dealing with the infinite reaches of space here. Not much chance of running out of things.

But speaking specifically about enemies, nobody has cleared things up with the ones already present.

"I wish that everything went just as I wish everything would go."
John Linnell

Posted by giskard on :
Im sorry to sound the dopey goat here. But dont you think Star Trek needs a rest. I remember looking forward to each and every episode of TNG with baited much so that i never even realised Gates couldnt act

But these days the draw has worn off. Sure the episodes are dull at times..but there used be a time when i never noticed.

Give the show a rest and let the pastures grow..then we can let it loose again with greater force



Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
This it television, not crop rotation.

Beyond that, I think a lot of this has to do with the nature of the fans themselves. I mean, consider that most fans today have grown up with a constant supply of Trek. It's no great surprise that they've lost their taste for it. I went through a two year period where I hated peanut butter, for instance. In any case, I think this has less to do with the franchise itself than it does with fan burnout.

Aha, you say. Proof a break is needed. Not exactly. For the burnt out, sure. But the at times unpleasent reality is that those of us gathered here do not constitute the majority of Star Trek's viewers.

Personally, I'm unsure. A good show is a good show, and a bad show is a bad show, regardless of when they are released. But taking into account the rapidly changing nature of television, I don't think waiting is a risk Paramount is willing to take. Keep in mind that the number of eyeballs glued to almost everything on network TV has been marginalized over the past decade or so. These days, people rarely can sit through an thirty minute episode without watching three others at the same time. And we expect them to continue to care for years? Why should I stay devoted to a show when I've got five hundred other channels to choose from? And, in another five or ten years, when I can watch almost anything I choose online, created by anyone who wants to create it.

The times they are a changin', and Paramount is no doubt aware of this.

"I wish that everything went just as I wish everything would go."
John Linnell

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Welcome to a fellow Asimov fan!

I think a good old exploration show would be good enough. Just keep it in the same general area, so we get some good recurring characters like DS9.

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