This is topic Repost from Nov '98 My New Series idea in forum General Trek at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK, This is Andrew '00. I wrote this if some of you remember back in Nov 1998 - and posted it here, and to Emony Dax's web board - way back when... anyway I though with all the crap Ideas hanging around I'd repost my "brain fart" that I had that night... and Its typed as I remembered it... so sit back enjoy and tell me what you think... I wonder if this will look like anything they put out...

Andrew '00

OK just had a brain storm and so I had to let it out before I forgot it

OK this sorta combines 'young', 'acadamey' and 'alpha quadrant'

cast so far (based on me wanting to see them after DS9 finishes

Ezri Dax
Jake Sisko
The 'Cheif' from 'Valient' (just watched it for a second time in about a week - don't you just want to punch that Captain and slap that XO grrrr. anyway!
oh and Alexander... hmmm

and here is another interesting point -
A young Romulan Officer - lower than a subcommander. centurion?

anyway - Female would be good

OK, we need a 'commander' doesn't have to be a 'Captain' since - you would probably have an older character for a captain - it just wouldn't fit

and not a young asshole like Captain Waters - Somewere in between.

so we have a Trill, A 1/4 Klingon (not a typical Klingon), A Ferengi (not a typical one) you have two humans (jake not your typical human - y'know - not in starfleet) Oh and the Romulan (a romulan woman would be good - (Romulan women seem to kick ass)(Face of the enemy) (The Search 1 and 2)

and the premise -

On a ship (starfleet/federation) (duh!!!) but not a super-duper ship like Voyager/The Big D/Defiant)

in the aftermath of the of the Dominion War (if its resolved) travelling War ravaged planets of the federation Benzar/Betazed just to name a few - the planets of the DMZ - remnants of the Cardassians - Klingon worlds/Romulan worlds destroyed etc.

The ship is an older ship - not a battle ship - but an explorer etc. that has to basically go through and pick up the pieces we have Fed/Klingon/Rom presence we have a counsellor - and we have a reporter - ?Federation 'civilian' presence.

Not a big crew - but it a recognised 'special' crew noticed by starfleet etc. cause of the representation on it - the 'relative youth' although they are all getting older - lets face it Jake and Nog AREN'T kids - the only 'kid' (and a messed up one at that is Alexander Rozhenko Ezri is like 400 years old

ok 'conflict' I wan't to see a spinoff of DS9 not TNG or VOY... but with those elements thrown in...

So you'd have the conflict with - first and foremost - Starfleet vs. Romulan
Klingon vs. Romulan
Klingon vs. Federation

Federation/Romulan/Klingon vs Ferengi

we have - 'messed up' woman - the cheif from Valient (seriously eight months under those 'wankers' would send anyone crazy) but she hasn't decided to drop out of starfleet

we have - 'messed up' counselor - Ezri isn't totally right after the joining is she...

we have - 'messed up' klingon - with a father like worf - even less accepted than worf was in either world... didn't fit on a klingon ship

we have - 'sort-of outcast' ferengi - nog in starfleet

we have - 'fish-out-of-water' Romulan - probably 50 or so romulan years - but still relatively young... the 180 degree oposite to Alexander - who is a tried and true Romulan - who detests the assignment - but is trying to live up to his/HER romulan heretige.


So what do you think - I love the idea - I think it has potential - it has the exploration of TNG, the character drive of DS9 (I really wouldn't want this to be a Voyager) the grass roots of TOS.

e-mail me or reply to discuss.

OK, so what we need is a captain - and a medical officer.

How about a young 'captain' a LT. Commander
Woman/Man doesn't matter Youngish - don't want it to be a rose up the ranks quickly to captain sort of thing - 'space seasoned' for age/rank a real Romantic explorer very optimistic - but wasn't in the War... - this would annoy everyone else - very the 'humanitarian' but in the beggining not realise what he/she's getting into - with the aftermath of the war... the Romulan/Klingon presence ferengi - etc. as mentioned before
prone to take unnessesary risks - and not 'by the book' which annoys the starfleet crew by the book people - Nog - especially.

as said - very diplomatic/optimistic - wanting to help were ever possible - wants to be a part of everything - sort of a 'Julian Bashir' Naive optimism...

and for the doctor not too sure

weve always had the wizzdoctors everytime - howabout this time - and actually noncommisioned doctor - not 'old' either - interest in all thins medical - came from father - they both used to 'planet hop' the father was also a doctor - but with a bend towards traditional/alternative methods... 'in the field methods/discoveries' which the doctor on this shipi has picked up... the father was killed by cardassians... during the war. THIS doctor has the 'training' like all our other wizz-doctors bashir, crusher etc, but is a specialist in alien medicine/biology/physiology. to deal with what they are going to be faced with -

'messed-up' too with the father being killed in front of hee/she and all... while they were on their usual 'planet hopping' caring for a small village on a planet invaded by the dominion...

the others not too keen on this Doctor - but only because this doctor is so 'uninterested' in the political nature of things concerning the races and the war - just wants to help and heal - as he/she did with his/her father... still planet hopping medicine - but now on this ship... (probably just a bit older than Ezri - early twenties!?! - older)


Romulan (XO!) (to make things interesting)
Security/ops/tactical/anything?!? Alexander...!?!

I think the Romulan XO would make things interesting since the Romulans have taken a lot of worlds during the war - etc AND for the reasons mentioned above!

eight is a good number

(oh maybe we could have Dax - the Trill klingon heh heh teaching Alexander! the ways of klingonhood!?!)

must have recurring Characters...
Aliens/Cardassians/Klingons and what have you.

What do you think!

boy what a brainstorm - this is fun


"All the lonely people, where do they all come from" - Eleanor Rigby, The Beatles.

[This message has been edited by AndrewR (edited January 20, 2000).]

Posted by Enterprise (Member # 48) on :

Sounds good.

Would you consider a 36 year old Captain who acts like a damn kid to old for your series? In 'Star Trek Sovereign' (the series I write and put on my website), the Captain (who I named after myself) is like that.

Brandon "Enterprise" Grasmick
Commanding Officer, USS Sovereign (NX-74222)

"Captain, the Sona crew are willing to negotiate a cease fire. It may have something to do with the fact that we have 3 minutes of air left."
-- Worf

Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
-- In time of war the law falls silent.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well about 36 years... yeah - although acts like a kid - not particularly awe-inspiring - or maybe thats because I know a lot of people - especially at Sci-fi/Trek things act like Man-children...

" might be easier to study
ancient societies from distant orbit than it might be to sit next to the
Guardian of Forever with a tricorder." - Baloo, January 2000

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Just so you know, Alexander is three-quarters Klingon, not one-quarter. :-)

"If you attempt to return the device to the store, and you are missing one single peanut, the store personnel will laugh in the chilling manner exhibited by Joseph Stalin just after he enslaved Eastern Europe."

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I can see it now...

Star Trek: Messed Up Crew!

Now all you need to do is give them a ship that doesn't work quite right either...

The USS Neuroses?

Waitaminnit... naive, optimistic, blunders in where its not wanted, even when it just wants to help.. crewed by conflicted, confused people...

It's The USS US Foreign Policy!!!

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson

[This message has been edited by First of Two (edited January 21, 2000).]

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Hey, First of Two... but doesn't characters with such traits make them more believable and approachable... OK not ALL of them have problems, but It would create an interesting boiling pot of character interactions

Ezri - her "different" joining, Joran, Worf/Julian thang... space sickness - hey she IS a counsellor too...

Alexander - The Klingon who just NEVER fitted in - even less than Worf... Dead mother, raised by Human parents - wierd-ass Father - even by Klingon standards - like Spock torn between two worlds, trying to find acceptance in either world is very hard

Jake - Mother dead very early in his life, THEN looses his Father to powers way beyond his control, Lived in Starfleet nearly all his life cause of his Father's assignments - yet he choose to be a writer... and hey he's gotta write Anslem.

The Chief from Valiant - Human - but born on the moon - has VERY strong feelings for home... feels betrayed and destroyed by Starfleet, because of her situation with Red Squad... sorta needed to be 'deprogrammed' almost - now is wary of Authority figures... Friends with Nog and Jake because of their passed experience...

The Doctor - Caring sole - but tortured, herself by the cruelty of the death of her father at the hands of the Jem'Hadar. Could have her as a Bajoran - bitter Irony - her mother was tortured to death by Cardassians during the occupation - actually JUST before they abandoned Bajor - which was equally devastating - since if it was a month or a week earlier she would be still alive... in a way she blames her mother for not being 'strong' enough against the Cardassians. Can confide in Jake her true feelings since they have been through similar situations i.e. with both being raised by thier father Father... Both Jake and "The Doctor" have been raised well but are sort of lost with out such stablising figures in their lives... With her being Bajoran too - it might have her mixed feelings being always so near the son of the Emissary.

side note this is just flying out! woohoo!

Nog, the man made from wartime - much like his idol - Cheif O'Brien... tries to take the Chief from The Valiant under his "wing"... Still dealing with his leg - knowing that he'll always have to deal with it - and that he has fears that "What if the leg 'fails' and this might put the Captain or his friends in Danger"

Nog, too has become sort of an idol to Ferengi everywhere - male and female - Joining Starfleet, serving under Sisko, being at DS9, fighting in the war and ALSO - having a father who is The GRAND NAGUS...

The Captain - is semi-jealous of Nog - THIS Captain was on an exploritory mission on the far side of the Federation and never joined the war - many of his Academy friends are dead - and here is Nog ( a FERENGI! ) A war hero...

He feels he can confide in Jake - he thinks that some of the Ben Sisko's brilliant command might be passed on by Jake? - He can only hope. The Captain, also is very distrusting of The Romulan that has been assigned to his ship... everyone else has managed to find a new found connection with the Romulan people and vice versa - from their partnership in the War... yet the Captain when he left for his deep space mission - was still VERY anti-romulan...

Alexander feels he has to HATE this Romulan with a passion - since it was Romulans who killed his Grandparents and it was Romulan collaborators like Duras who killed his mother yet - the two are becoming fast friends - finding both their "fish out of water" situations to be a common bond towards friendship...

hmmmmmm that just all came out... I'm getting excited... some more later, maybe.

Andrew Rayfield

" might be easier to study
ancient societies from distant orbit than it might be to sit next to the
Guardian of Forever with a tricorder." - Baloo, January 2000

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I hate to say this, but I think First is right. Your characters have just a few too many problems. I can just imagine that one day they all snap. The Valiant girl curls up in a corner of the bridge and cries for home. Somebody mocks Alexander, so he tears out their heart and eats it. Jake gets depressed over his parents' deaths and hangs himself in his quarters. Nog decides that, to prove he is just as capable as everyone else even w/ one leg, he'll steal a suttle and fly it right up to a star and pull away at the last moment, but he messes up and flies right into it. And, of course, Ezri goes schizo when all her personalities decide to split apart and manifest themselves individually.

Actually, that might make for an interesting movie... :-)

Col. Maybourne: "Teal'c... It's good to see you well."
Teal'c: "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you."
-Stargate SG-1: "Touchstone"

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :

Well its better than giant Salamanders isn't it?

" might be easier to study
ancient societies from distant orbit than it might be to sit next to the
Guardian of Forever with a tricorder." - Baloo, January 2000

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Oh, yes, infinitely! *LOL*

Col. Maybourne: "Teal'c... It's good to see you well."
Teal'c: "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you."
-Stargate SG-1: "Touchstone"

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