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Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on January 24, 2000 07:41 PM:
Ok, just something I've always wanted to know: how, when, and where, do crews of starships go to the old-fashioned toilet? I mean, we've NEVER seen or heard anything about this in all of ST's history (except for one Voyager episode - I think it was "Course: Oblivion")

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on January 24, 2000 09:48 PM:
Well, there is the head to the aft, port side of the E-D bridge.

There is a toilet in the Brig in Star Trek: V

There is a toilet in Picard's ready room - go in through the door and pass the replicator...

Rom used to work in Waste extraction

The Bolians seem to do things... differently.

" might be easier to study
ancient societies from distant orbit than it might be to sit next to the
Guardian of Forever with a tricorder." - Baloo, January 2000

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on January 25, 2000 12:41 AM:
Zephram Cochran's line in First Contact, "Don't you people from the 24th century ever PEE?" was a clever reference to the fact that this activity is rarely mentioned aboard starships.

Consider this though: In the DS9 Tech Man diagram of the Danube Class Runabout, There's not a head in sight!! I suppose it could be one of those specialized moduals. But hey, some of those trips are pretty long...

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on January 25, 2000 03:57 PM:
There was that one DS9 ep ("Explorers, methinks). You know, the one where Sisko builds an ancient Bajoran ship just for the heck of it (in his free time, no less). The only modification he made was that of adding an artifical gravity net in the floor. Of course, that meant that the toilet facilities were still zero-g specifications. Jake apparently had some problems adjusting.

Of course, there was "The Maquis, part II", where we saw Quark and that Vulcan babe in a holding cell together for a considerable amount of time, with no toilet facility in sight...

Maybe they take hypos to take care of that, too? After the miracles the holodoc has performed, I don't think that would pose too much of a problem for 24th century medicine.

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by Xentrick (Member # 64) on January 25, 2000 05:05 PM:
I wonder, do they use the three golden sea-shells?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on January 25, 2000 05:05 PM:
There was an early TNG ep... I think it may have been "Home Soil", but I could be wrong... Anyway, there was something odd going on and Riker was in engineering, and either he or someone else commented on the fact that access had been cut off to the engineers' restroom. Or something. I might have the exact reference wrong, but they did mention a bathroom.

Col. Maybourne: "Teal'c... It's good to see you well."
Teal'c: "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you."
-Stargate SG-1: "Touchstone"

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on January 25, 2000 05:33 PM:
Why exactly is this an issue? I've been itching to watch "I, Claudius" again, but there's nary a toilet scene to be seen. Perhaps all of my favorite entertainment is defecation/urination-deprived?

"20th Century, go to sleep."


Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on January 25, 2000 05:58 PM:
"Good GOD, man! This is a twenty-year mission! You should've thought of that before we left!"

--Anonymous Starfleet officer

Really, folks. How often is the bathroom mentioned in any program, except as a comedic device?

"Ach! Captain! The toilets 'ave backed up into the warp drives, and I dinna what to do!"

--Some comedy bit I heard on the radio years ago

Really, how often in real life is the toilet a subject for conversation? Unless it isn't working or needs cleaning, I doubt you waste more than a few syllables on it all week. If you do, you're either a plumber or need more hobbies.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
--Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
Come Hither and Yawn...

[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited January 26, 2000).]

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on January 25, 2000 07:25 PM:
The obvious lack of toilets in shuttlecraft is even more glaring. Apparently, they get used for trips of weeks or more.

I wonder if the Enterprise carried the Shuttlecraft Tycho Brahe?

The above post was mulled-over, composed, and posted during time Tom would have better spent on his plethora of homework and homework-related exercises. Now don't you feel special?


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on January 26, 2000 03:36 AM:
Yeah! What about poor Scotty he just got a shuttle! arrrgh! although he's by himself and he's an engineer - the shuttle would probably be doing warp 9 by now!


" might be easier to study
ancient societies from distant orbit than it might be to sit next to the
Guardian of Forever with a tricorder." - Baloo, January 2000

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on January 26, 2000 03:09 PM:
*LOL@Tycho Brahe*

You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend far too much time reading this sort of trash.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on January 27, 2000 12:40 AM:
Perhaps those benches along the side of the aft compartment have little flip up seats revealing something of a port-o-potty. Of course, have you ever tried to do your business in a wide open room with people in uniform walking back and forth in front of you? That's called prison!! Doesn't seem like a very comfortable situation unless you're alone.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


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