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Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I'm working on character creation and a story for an RPG I'm running, and I'd appreciate any material, canon or not, that anybody has on Deltans.

I gleaned very little from the Encyclopedia, and a little more from an old paperback "Worlds of the Federation," which is not really canon.


"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi


Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
Supposedly the deltans will be covered in the movie update for the LUG game. Of course you probably don't want to wait that long (which could be till hell freezes over considering LUG's track record.
Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :

Wear powerful perfume
Strength= 5
Intelligence = 7
Shag-bility = 10
Secret Weapons:
A variety of whips, restraining equipment and loose morals for use on sexually-repressed species.

"Cos I...HATE you!
And I...say SCREW YOU!
And I...hope you're blue too"


Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Try the script for ST:1, an old book called Dwellers in the Crucible (TOS), and *shrug...* thats all I remember

No I'm Spartacus!


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Detlans have to take a celibacy oath when joining Starfleet due to their highly mature sense of sexuality. Other species sometimes try to take advantage of this.

I read that in a book or something somewhere. Don't remember where, though...

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
I think Ilia tells Kirk that when they meet...
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Will Decker was stationed on Delta once.

I'm sure that those 'effeminate' guys with the robes and bald heads in the Chambers in Star Trek: IV who yell BRAVO! are Deltans.

"What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Yeah, I know LUG takes forever. I wish THEY'D realize that, though, and stop advertising that things will be out six months before they're finished. I've got a backlog of orders that would choke a moose.

Okay, guys, anything that ISN'T in ST:TMP?

"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well I added the speculation about the Deltans in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"

I wonder who we could contact to find out which races were present in the Federation Council Chambers in that movie.

We can see
Humans (of course)

Up the Front
-The Federation President (Human)
-The Klingon Ambassador (Klingon)
-The Vulcan Ambassador (Vulcan - Sarek)

On the sides

-1 bald Andorian
-1 hairy Andorian
-1 two clapping Tellarites
-1 Two Romulan ambassadors - they look Vulcan but they seem to be agreeing with the Klingon Ambassador about Kirk - plus they have scowls AND Sarek is already the Vulcan Ambassador.
-1 Speculation - two bald guys who shout "bravo" Deltans
-1 Two Caitians (male) one reddish brown, the other black - or at least one of them might be Caitian
- That large headed 'female' plastic headed big-eyed ambassador
- Two Ambassadors that have webbing and 'breathing' masks - and are shrouded... WILD WILD Thought just then... they could be BREEN! - an earlier uniform - or civilian/national dress... I mean considering Klingons and Romulans are there - I suspect that the council chamber is not ALL Federation worlds - and not ALL of the Federation Worlds might be represented - at that sitting.

I would so love to see a newer council chambers - but it HAS to be on the big screen - the small screen wouldn't have a big enough budget nor would it have the 'epic' feel to have 100+ races sitting together - and it CANNOT look crappy like th 'pods' etc in "The Phantom Menace" - if you look closely in that scene in TPM - you can see that they have just done a few of the pods and then copied them again and again for more 'distant' pods.

I think the Next TNG movie - with Picard and Crew bringing their findings to the Federation council would be the ULTIMATE opportunity...

Even having Bashir and co. present bringing HIS findings to the council about section 31. With Worf as the Klingon Ambassador - he would too or could too be present.

We would have to see a Ferengi presence - enter Nog - as the Nagai Son.

We would HAVE to See Lwaxana Troi

add to that: A new Vulcan ambassador - a replacement to Sarek... (maybe his advisor?)

then ALL the other races HAVE to be present from TOS's "Where No Man Has Gone Before - to "TNG's Insurrection" - the new members that Picard greeted at the start of the movie.

I am so excited just thinking about this!



"What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Well, that got off topic

First, I'm pretty sure I have an old TOS novel with globules of information about he Deltans in it, but I don't have it with me here.

I'l try and remember what book it was, but if I can't, I'll see if I can get my hands on it when I go home for the break, but don't hold your breath.

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
-Mark Twain

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Oh yes it DID didn't it!

Its a great idea - I think anyway

Don't you just WANT to see some huge PLUSH Federation chambers - and you can spend the next 10 years with it on pause trying to work out what races are which.

We could also have new versions of old favourites - Tellarites, Thalosians... Gorn, Tholian Observers...

It would be so amazing.

Of course we'd also have to have Bolians, Andorians, Betazoids, Trill, Dopterians, a representative of sentient artifical intelligence... (Data might be the elected representative) - convenient if the rest of the TNG crew would be present.

We would HAVE to See Bajorans... Hello Colonel Kira - maybe... just maybe. A Cardassian representative - GARAK?? Talarians - how about Tamarians - hopefully after Darmok some progress had been made!?! - Its things like this - little references to what has gone before - that make Trek so FREAKING cool.


"What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)


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