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Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Believe it or not!: According to the IGN website Paramount has selected the prequel concept for the series V

*Tahna Note* Let's see if the link works now.......

[This message has been edited by Tahna Los (edited February 19, 2000).]

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Well, if they're gonna do a new series, the prequel is the one I would've voted for.


"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
-- William Pitt
Come Hither and Yawn...


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
It's way too Phantom Menace for me. I'd still prefer the series idea of about 200 years in the future.

Democracy simply means the bludgeoning of the people, by the people and for the people.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :

1.Everyone will just go 'eh they're just trying to pull a Phantom Menace'

2.If they can't get simple continuity right now, what hope have we got for a PREQUAL show.

3. They will ruin TOS - TOS is TOS - you can't hope to 'recreate' it.

4. Either they'll try the 60's look (expensive) - or they won't - which will be a really shit cop-out.

5. NO NEW TREK! - not for at least 5 years - and then not until they have a good idea. Sheesh.

Lets hope this is more rumour mongering - cause - I'm a frekin' big Trek fan - and If I'm not happy - 99% of other Trek fans won't be - and the general viewing audience will go 'what the fuck is this' and turn off.

Give up Paramount/Viacom - we've got enough Trek to watch already. repeat all of TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager before even thinking about any new TV series

that is at least 79+22+178+176+140 episodes = 595+ episodes. of TREK alone...

Then we have in a similar vein, 110 Babylon 5 episode, 13 Crusade episodes, 66 Stargate episodes, 60 Earth: FC episodes, 35 Farscape episodes... etc. etc. etc.

160 episodes of The X-Files, 56 episodes of Millenium... 22 episodes of Space: above and Beyond, 22 episodes of Earth 2, on and on and on and on...

"What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
If they can't get simple continuity right now, what hope have we got for a PREQUAL show.

Actually, Voyager does a great job with simple continuity (case in point: comments in "Virtuoso", "Collective", "Tsunkatse"...). It's character (and plot, to a lesser degree) continuity that people seem to want more of, while Voyager does character continuity in the vein of the non-DS9 Treks, IMO.

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
No. This has got to be more rumormongering. It just HAS to.

I simply don't trust them to be able to do a prequel within the bounds of established continuity well enough to make it watchable.

Who will they use for villains? Back to Klingons again? Old flathead, or new ridgehead?

The Romulans, who continuity claims nobody'd ever seen?

The Orions? Space Pirates, really? Slave girls, in this day and age?

Some never-seen-before, but somehow never-mentioned-again species?

How can you create dramatic tension, when you already know how the future turns out? I mean, if something threatens the Federation, you KNOW it's going to lose, because the Federation's still there in the future.

"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi


Posted by grb on :
I think a prequel show set right after first contact with the vulcans would have real promise. The sets wouldn;t be like the TOS ones, but instead like those of present day spacecraft, like the space shuttle or the International Space Station. We would get to see humantiy's first steps into the cosmos after a devastating nuclear war. The romulan war and the federation's founding wouldn; be for a century, so we'd get to see how earth went out into the cosmos alone, meeting the andorians, tellarites, orions, and other species for the first time. Parts of the show could take place on Earth, where survivors of World War 3 would be trying to survive and create a better world. I would like this show very much, and I think it would appeal to the general American adience as well. Star trek is kind of confusing sometimes, because it takes place 400 years in the future, dealing with issues that often times aren;t very important to the general viewer (e.g., borg invasion). I think an show taking place in the mid- to late- 21st century would be appealing in that it would deal with a world that the general viewer can understand and relate to.

Obviously you refuse to cooperate with me. Obviously you have no discipline to kepp the mouth shut. Obviously you don't. Let's try it that way, then you might get the hint. How many more minutes are we going to waste asking you not to talk? How many more!?!


Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
*hates the prequel idea passionately*

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
If you ask me, a prequel set in between TOS and TNG is going to very confusing. I think a prequel set before TOS is probably going to work better.

But if I could choose a new series idea, I'd go for the 'Alpha Squad' idea...

"I'm captain Kenny Redshirt of the Miranda Class USS Killedalot, NCC-1313."
"I know it is an old ship, but..."
"Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!"


[This message has been edited by Altair (edited February 19, 2000).]

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Altair: A prequel set before TOS is the one that I hate. A TOS-movie-era series I would like to see. However, there'd be so many continuity messes that it wouldn't be worth it, really.

Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges."
Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!"
-Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Uhm.. OOPS..

*edits his previous message*

There, that's better...

"I'm captain Kenny Redshirt of the Miranda Class USS Killedalot, NCC-1313."
"I know it is an old ship, but..."
"Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!"


Posted by Black Knight (Member # 134) on :
I really don't like this idea.

"I am a hyena. A hyena is an animal who laughs when there is nothing funy to laugh at. This is the sound a hyena makes. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha."--W.E.B. Griffen, Semper Fi


Posted by Brown_supahero (Member # 83) on :
Not another series, TV is too saturated with star trek. I don't want another series with recycled Generations stories. Star wars only comes out in twenty year intervals and has gross the same amount of cash as trek and has a better nostalgia with the fans

For all you Fighting needs


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :

He said Star Wars is better than Star Trek!!

Somebody get me the tar, feathers, boa constrictor, and cattle prod!!!


Of course you know, the REAL reason all the Star Wars sequels didn't come out right after each other is because... *drum roll* Lucas wanted better FX for his movies.

(and of course, BUILDING the massive nostalgia -- which a lot of people consider to have been very much LET DOWN by the most recent movie -- had a little to do with it.)

This is why (surprise, surprise) the latest three are being churned out all at once, now that CGI is catching up to imagination.

Anyway, the Trek Prequel idea is horrid, in my opinion, as there's no room for drastic possibilities. Oh, it might be interesting from a simply curious and trek-historical standpoint, but that's not all that much to base a dramatic television series around. They'd be better off letting someone write a series of books (Like the new, Post ST:TMP, Pre ST:TWOK multibook series coming out this summer) about the history of the Federation, and declaring them Canon, or creating an OFFICIAL Federation History book (maybe write it like a school History textbook.)

Well, I'd buy it.

"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I think Star Wars is better than Star Trek too.

Frank's Home Page
"This song is dedicated to everyone in the audience tonight...WITH ONE EYE!" - John Linnell

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Well, Frank, you think Star Wars and B5 are better than Star Trek, and yet you hang out at a Star Trek board.

[This message has been edited by Elim Garak (edited February 19, 2000).]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
This is supposed to be a general sci-fi board.

Frank's Home Page
"This song is dedicated to everyone in the audience tonight...WITH ONE EYE!" - John Linnell

Posted by jh on :
First of all, Frank, ewwwww! B5 AND Star Wars are better? I had no idea and now I'm so disappointed.

Second, you know, we could look on the bright side and say that a prequel series might actually help to clear up some of the knotty problems we have with Trek history. No doubt they're going to make some things more confusing but with one or two eps here and there we might 'gasp' have something canon to base all our speculation on about (among other things) The Earth-Romulan wars, the Great Schism on Vulcan, the Andorians and Tellerites, the list goes on...

Kiff! I have bedded a woman. Inform the crew.
- Zap Brannigan


Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
I'll come to Frank's side this ONE time... I think Star Wars is much better than Star Trek... B5 on the other hand...

Anyways, I feel sorry for those who feel let down cuz of Episode 1. I have watched the original Star Wars over and over again, and when Episode 1 came out, I watched it 7 times. each time I enjoyed it thoroughly. I even liked Jar Jar. When I saw Star Wars Ep. 1, I watched it as a kid, because that's what it was meant for. I wasn't let down at all.

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
Woody Allen


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Gah! SW is not better than Trek! The only comparable show that might be better than Trek is Stargate, and that's comparing it to the Trek that currently being made, so the comparison may not be the best...

Jay Leno: "In the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', what did the goose lay?"
"Bosco": "Everybody."
-The Tonight Show, "Jaywalking"

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
I think they should just make a spin off ..

Who says that Star Trek always has to be about the darn Feds ... Make a series based on the Klingons .. or the Romulans ... Or ANYTHING different than the Feds..

I'm not saying don't have the Feds in it .. I'd like to see Star Trek from the other side; a different perspective ..

I think it's a cool idea.

And as far as Star Wars being better than Trek.. I disagree ... Everything is solved by using Auxilliary Power and there's Jar Jar ... ACK .. I can't stand Jar Jar...

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:

[This message has been edited by Alshrim Dax (edited February 20, 2000).]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
I don't recall anything being solved with auxillary power in Star Wars...however, I do recall everything being solved by magic particles in Star Trek.

Frank's Home Page
"This song is dedicated to everyone in the audience tonight...WITH ONE EYE!" - John Linnell

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Agrees with TSN about Stargate.

I just want to say ALL the ideas that we have heard S-U-C-K!

That alpha squad - that Marines thing - is soo pathetic and laughable - and anything pre anything else will become too dated... that rumour combining section 31 with borg tech GUAGGHHHHHH!


I think the execs should just have a good look at what is going on... new trek now - is a no no, new trek now - with the creative team/ideas being rumoured - is an even bigger no no...

Give trek a rest - regather your forces... take a well earned rest... be realistic - stop trying to cashin on other series successes... at least DS9 was an original idea.

now we've got storylines just trying to use "Boldly going where everyone has been before"


"What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)


Posted by Dane Simri (Member # 272) on :
Aren't we kind of crucifying the baby with the bath water here or something? Besides, this is probably just another dose of wishful-thinking-fan-rumour-drivel.


"...and there was war in heaven..." The Bible, Revelation 12:7


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
There's a hell of a mixed metaphor... *L*

Jay Leno: "In the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', what did the goose lay?"
"Bosco": "Everybody."
-The Tonight Show, "Jaywalking"

Posted by Alshrim Dax (Member # 258) on :
Frank.. let me refresh your memory...

Star Wars - Ep IV - First movie ...
Millenium Falcon gets hit with a couple of Tie Fighter Laser Blast ... Skywalker makes sarcastic remarks about the Falcon being a piece of crap .. Solo tells Skywalker that the Falcon is the fastest ship in the quadrant or something .. tells Chewy to brace for Hyper-Space --- they get hit again ... sparks fly .. Solo transfers Auxilliary Power .. and boom they go to hyerspace...

Zoom to Ep. V Empire strikes back... Skywalker flying his snow-speeder .. their making their final approach to blast away at an Empirial Whatever-Walker ... snow-speeder get hit ... skywalker uses Auxilliary power ....

TO later in the Movie ... Lando Uses Auxilliary Power to stablize the Falcon as when they are inside the new Death Star.

And it goes on and on..

As for Star Trek problems being solved by Particles.. well.. all of life's scientific problem are solved that way.... but i don't think that statement is true at all.. In WoK, Spock died to solve a warp problem .. School Projects have been used to give 2 secs of warp power to an old ship, matching shield harmonics are used to give an attacking ship an advantage in battle, transfering life-support and all other non-essential power is used to boost weapons efficiency to give a fight ship one last ditch effort to win a war ... .. etc. etc...

Need I say anymore .. I'm sure i can come up with a few more for ya...

-There can be only Nine !! ..mmm.. maybe 10 !!

- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax:


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
You seem to be confusing random dialog with important plot points.

You just said that all of life's scientific problems are solved by magic particles. (I'm referring to tetryons and polarons and such here.)

I'll ignore the absurdity of the school project thing, and just bring up "transfering life-support and all other non-essential power is used to boost weapons efficiency..." Would non-essential power be...auxillary power?

Frank's Home Page
"This song is dedicated to everyone in the audience tonight...WITH ONE EYE!" - John Linnell

Posted by Mythril (Member # 286) on :
I would prefered the commando forces trek idea. As stated before there is not much room to work with continutiy wise. Now if it was a breif miniseries then i would not mind.

Just out of curriosity woul Tuvok be in it considering he served on the excelsior.

I am not responsible for the stupidity of other people.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well after the 'Khitomer' mission - Tuvok said he resigned from Starfleet.

"What a wonderful and amazing scheme have we here of the magnificent vastness of the Universe! So many Suns, so many Earths...!" - Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds, Their Inhabitants and Productions (ca 1670)


Posted by Dane Simri (Member # 272) on :
I live in a place where I can't get ANY Trek on TV, so I'm reading a lot of ST books to get my fix Starting last August, some of the ST books released have included one part of a twelve-part serialized novel called (I think) "Birth of the Federation..." Now I know the books are canon-fodder but do you suppose they're testing fan reaction to stories from this time frame? In other words, do you suppose this lends credence to the prequel rumour?


"...and there was war in heaven..." The Bible, Revelation 12:7


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I doubt it. For one thing, if this was last August, they would have been planning it way before then. I don't think they were even considering ideas at that time, much less had they picked one. Plus, they would have put out books about all the ideas to see which one the most people liked.

Besides, the majority (or at least a significant percentage) of the viewing audience probably doesn't even look at the books, so it wouldn't really be an accurate way to assess people's reaction.

Jay Leno: "In the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', what did the goose lay?"
"Bosco": "Everybody."
-The Tonight Show, "Jaywalking"

Posted by Marko Latin on :
Who'll wote for the execution of Jeff Raven and all those who say that Star Wars is better than Star Trek?

Dream the end...dreams are everything...


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
People whose taste in entertainment is distorted?

Frank's Home Page
"We were leaving New York this morning and we were checking in at the gate at the airport and the attendant said, 'You must be musicians,' and I said, 'Yes,' and she asked, 'What's the name of your band?,' and I said, 'We're called the Statesmen,' and she said, 'Oh, I've heard of you!'. I think if we'd said, you know, 'We're the Green Egg,' or something, she would have said the same thing." - John Linnell

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
Star Wars is more entertainment-oriented that Trek, yes.
Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
But succeeds far less often. :P

"No way man!
I've served my time in hell, and I ain't going back...
Not without a fight!"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, define "entertainment." Hearing about tetryons is less interesting to me than seeing the evolution of a society.

Frank's Home Page
"We were leaving New York this morning and we were checking in at the gate at the airport and the attendant said, 'You must be musicians,' and I said, 'Yes,' and she asked, 'What's the name of your band?,' and I said, 'We're called the Statesmen,' and she said, 'Oh, I've heard of you!'. I think if we'd said, you know, 'We're the Green Egg,' or something, she would have said the same thing." - John Linnell

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
The evolution of a society? what? Star WARS?

Excuse me I'll give you SEVEN, AMAZING Trek episodes that deal with the evolution of society:

First Contact - TNG (episode)
Real Life - Voy
Living Witness - Voy
The Mark if Gideon - TOS
The Vengeance Factor - TNG
The Masterpiece Society - TNG
Homeward - TNG

they are but a few.

"Who wouldn't be the one you love
Who wouldn't stand inside your love." - Stand Inside Your Love, The Smashing Pumpkins

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
The evolution of a specific society, seen through the eyes of those who are affected by it. Not 45 mins of "prime directive" stuff.

Frank's Home Page
"We were leaving New York this morning and we were checking in at the gate at the airport and the attendant said, 'You must be musicians,' and I said, 'Yes,' and she asked, 'What's the name of your band?,' and I said, 'We're called the Statesmen,' and she said, 'Oh, I've heard of you!'. I think if we'd said, you know, 'We're the Green Egg,' or something, she would have said the same thing." - John Linnell

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
First, I want to know where the "twenty years between Star Wars films" figure came from. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Return of the Jedi was 1983, and The Phantom Menace was 1999. That, to me, is 16 years. Plus the fact that, apart from that, the films have all (or will all) come out 2-3 years after each other, suggests to me that someone is talking out of their bottom.

Now, everyone else can shut up. Both Star Wars and Trek are good. They are different beasts. They please different people. Natch.

B5 is better though.

Haven't the books been called something Marvel like, something like "Star Trek: year one"? And haven't Michael Jan Friedman's been extremely successful? Previously incuable insomniancs have now been able to get to sleep without any trouble.

Hey, anyone remember when Star Trek books used to have different plots? The books by people other than Peter David I mean?

"I'd give anything to be able to turn invisible. I wouldn't use my powers to beat people up, but use them to protect the girl's locker room."
Xander Harris


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