Series V ideas revealed!
You may be surprised at how early this TrekToday update is, but I felt I had to rectify this error as soon as I was able to post this. Last week, when Ain't It Cool News published its report on the focus group session
where Paramount tested the waters for 3 Trek series ideas, I immediately discounted the reports, thinking they were completely fabricated. I really hate to have to say this, but - I was wrong. After asking around
some more with my regular sources, it turns out that, yes, the focus group session did happen. In addition, it is highly likely we'll be seeing an official announcement from Paramount on the new series within
4-6 weeks, at most two months. This also means that suddenly a lot more information is available on the three premises considered by Paramount, assuming the below two reports provide a correct description of what
happened during the focus group sessions. To begin with there is of course the info posted in the AICN report, but even more info has been posted to the startrek.voyager newsgroup on the official Paramount
server. One of the newsgroup's regular posters, Valar8, claimed to have attended one of these focus group sessions, organised by a marketing group presumably related to Paramount. She confirmed that three Series V
premises were suggested to the attendants, namely 'Starfleet Academy', 'Enterprise' and 'Alpha Squad'. Below you'll find a short summary of these three concepts:
The 'Starfleet Academy' idea was apparently presented on a monitor using a series of illustrations and a basic storyline and character background. The characters in this series would be Academy cadets who
would also "serve on a starship commanded by a seasoned Captain." In the series, the characters would be sent out on training missions, though
they would often end up in life-and-death situations. Valar8 rated this premise as 'Fair', as she liked the difference with current Trek, and the possibilities for new storylines. However, she also believed there
were too many 'soap opera' aspects, such as a female Vulcan cadet "who was studying the ways of humanity and seriously considering developing a romance with one of the other cadets (non-Vulcan)." Another character in
this series, which would take place after the Dominion War, would be a Changeling disguised as a Klingon.
The 'Enterprise' idea was presented in the same way as 'Starfleet Academy', and dealt with a series based in the 22nd Century. The characters in this (about which Valar8 didn't provide any details) were reportedly a lot more interesting than in 'Starfleet Academy', and
Valar8 also thought the storyline itself was rather good. However, she also thought that the series was basically just a rehash of TOS and TNG, and that they would run out of good storylines far too quickly. Valar8 rated this premise as 'Good'.
The third idea, called 'Alpha Squad', was just presented on paper, despite seeming to be the most popular of the three suggested premises.
This series would take place long after the Dominion War, with Voyager already having made it home. The series would deal with an elite force consisting of two ships and special forces officers, whose job it would
be to "be dispatched on specific missions against enemies of the Federation to neutralize threats." A few examples of such missions were also given, though except for mentioning a 'biological threat' scenario
Valar8 didn't say anything more about this. Valar8 rated this as 'Excellent', while it also was the highest-rated premise for most of the other attendants.
Keep in mind that, whichever premise is eventually selected for Series V, it could still undergo extensive changes, while Paramount could also elect to go with an entirely different premise altogether. As always,
even now that we have so many confirmations of this, treat this as you would any other rumour - it of course hasn't been officially confirmed by Paramount yet.
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"If I knew you were coming I would have baked a cake...learned to sing....stop me Gage!"
The Journeyman Project 3
For a good selection of pay-to-surf web sites go to www.refercentral.com/cammodude
The 22nd century idea is good but what I would like too see the when the Federation was formed and then dealing the with the troubles of being the "new fleet on the block"
I like the Elite Squad idea as it would be a fresh idea however I have the strangest feeling that it will be around Section 31 or it will be a big part of it.
Predict the unpredictable, but how do you unpredict the unpredictable?
"Fragile. Do not drop"
--posted on a Boeing 757
I might add that Braga said about a month ago that not one remotely accurate premise had hit the net yet. He might've been lying, but we should keep that in mind.
"...I was just up in Canada, Toronto actually. You know, they really hate you guys [Americans] up there? The funny thing is, they think you hate them back, when in fact, you just couldn't be bothered to care. Now in Ireland, it's a different story. At least we had the common decency to wait until the English invaded before we started hating them. I guess the Canadians are hating you in advance..."
-Irish Comic Ed Byrne on Canada-US relations
"Ultra Magnus is Undeniably Fun!" David Stevens, New York Magazine.
"Total Complete excitement from start to finish!" -WPIX-TV, New York
"This isn't a thrill ride, it's a rocket..." -Richard Caves, Time Magazine.
I really liked the idea of an Excelsior series. Especially when a orginial TOSer is willing and enthusiastic, which can only mean a big plus. Sulu had to be one fo the best charcters on the original 60's series, and ST:VI, which featured him on his own ship, as well as the VOY ep, really interested me in seeing more of Captain Sulu.
-Small Computer Systems Interface "Scuzzy" Emperor
Operator of the Goulag Hotel, maintainer of the workhouses.
Operator of Cargill Conglomerate Publications, http://www.cargillconglomerate.com
"If Picard was set loose on a Monopoly board, he'd try and establish peaceable diplomatic relations with Marvin Gardens and give St. James Place wide berth so that its culture could develop without interference."
L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Because I'm the passenger, and I ride and I ride.
BTW: Sol System, cool signature!
Human Class - Starfleet registry NCC-75715
Launched stardate 8311.23 - Parental Biology Yards
United Federation of Planets
"A dedication motto? What about it?" - Alpha Centauri
You are of course refering to my epicly wacky SF story included in the link, yes?
"If Picard was set loose on a Monopoly board, he'd try and establish peaceable diplomatic relations with Marvin Gardens and give St. James Place wide berth so that its culture could develop without interference."
L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Because I'm the passenger, and I ride and I ride.
Human Class - Starfleet registry NCC-75715
Launched stardate 8311.23 - Parental Biology Yards
United Federation of Planets
"A dedication motto? What about it?" - Alpha Centauri
"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
Picard: Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Do you hear me, Number One?
-Small Computer Systems Interface "Scuzzy" Emperor
Operator of the Goulag Hotel, maintainer of the workhouses.
Operator of Cargill Conglomerate Publications, http://www.cargillconglomerate.com
A scene that was cut from last season's "Rock" episode, Tsumkatse:
Rock: Do ya smell what the Rock's cookin'?
Janeway: Mr. Rock, was that you?
Tuvok: An intriguing smell ...
Er, what I mean is, thanks First. Adams is certainly someone I'm aware of, though I've tried (and perhaps failed) to keep it from just mimicing The Hitchhiker's Guide.
As for how many people have read it...oh...maybe a dozen. Just a guess, based on those I've spoken to.
Come on darkness
Lay your body down on us
We've been calling you for so long now
We're weary of your name
Camper Van Beethoven
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Pull your body for a moment from your soul.
-Small Computer Systems Interface "Scuzzy" Emperor
Operator of the Goulag Hotel, maintainer of the workhouses.
Operator of Cargill Conglomerate Publications, http://www.cargillconglomerate.com
A scene that was cut from last season's "Rock" episode, Tsumkatse:
Rock: Do ya smell what the Rock's cookin'?
Janeway: Mr. Rock, was that you?
Tuvok: An intriguing smell ...
Come on darkness
Lay your body down on us
We've been calling you for so long now
We're weary of your name
Camper Van Beethoven
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Pull your body for a moment from your soul.