T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Alpha Centauri
Member # 338
Last time when I was at Bernd's site, he mentioned that he would put pictures scanned from ST Mechanics on his site. What is this book? Is it worth a purchase? What does it cost, approximately?
------------------ "And as we all know, a mesolytic quantumvector resonator is commonly used to polarize isogravitic plasma-flux manifolds." Starfleet Academy's Redshirt Guide to the Starfleet, 62nd edition, 2376.
From what Bernd told me its all in Japanese, don't know about cost or where to buy from.
Member # 302
For the most part, it's the Japanese's answer for the Fact Files. And is more like a magazine publication than a book.------------------ Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Yosemite Sam: "Well, I speak loudly and I carry a bigger stick...and I use it too!" [This message has been edited by PopMaze (edited August 21, 2000).]
Alpha Centauri
Member # 338
Thanks... shame that I don't speak Japanese. ------------------ "And as we all know, a mesolytic quantumvector resonator is commonly used to polarize isogravitic plasma-flux manifolds." Starfleet Academy's Redshirt Guide to the Starfleet, 62nd edition, 2376.
If you are interested in the various models seen in all the incarnations of Star Trek, then you would enjoy owning this book. If you are a model builder, then this book is a MUST. It is probably the best photo reference of Star Trek ships available anywhere.You can purchase Star Trek Mechanics from Sasuga Japanese Bookstore for $36.80. You can find it at their site by using their search. Star Trek Mechanics is a 160-page magazine-style book. It is soft bound, but has a full color, glossy jacket. Inside are full-color photos of almost every ship seen in Star Trek. These are production stills as well as close up detailed photos of the studio models. About the only ships you won't find in Star Trek Mechanics are the ones which were purely CGI, (like the Akira, Norway, and Steamrunner classes). These are the ships in the book: USS Enterprise (All versions including "All Good Things" battleship and E) USS Voyager USS Reliant Saratoga Escape Pod USS Kyushu USS Excelsior (original and refit) USS Farragut USS Pasteur USS Defiant SS Botany Bay USS Stargazer (one photo of desk model) USS Zhukov (Ambassador Class- One photo) Galileo and Galileo II shuttles Travel Pod (ST I and II) Air Tram (ST I) Shuttlepod (Type 15 TNG - three photos) Shuttlepod (Type 18 Defiant Shuttle - one photo) Shuttlecraft (movie version) Shuttlecraft (Type 6 TNG) Shuttlecraft (Type 8 TNG) Shuttlecraft (Type 9 VOY "Speedboat shuttle") USS Rio Grande Runabout Deep Space Station K7 Deep Space Nine Vulcan Shuttle Klingon Battle Cruiser (TOS) Klingon Battle Cruiser (K'tinga Class) Romulan Bird of Prey (two photos) Klingon Bird of Prey Klingon Attack Cruiser (Vor'cha Class) Klingon Warship (Nehg'var Class) Romulan Warbird Romulan Scoutship Borg Cube Borg Sphere Borg Transwarp Ship Cardassian Warship (Galor Class) Ferengi Marauder Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Maquis Ship Kazon-Ogla Warship The back of the book features a seven page black and white section showing Greg Jein at work making various ship models and props. The entire text is Japanese but the headings for each page are also in English, so at least you will know for certain what you are looking at (like you wouldn't already know...)
Member # 302
Bernd has already started putting up images from the publication at his site.------------------ Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Yosemite Sam: "Well, I speak loudly and I carry a bigger stick...and I use it too!"
Member # 255
Is there some way to buy this book in europe? For my part especially in germany?------------------ This is how i prefer the borg... in pieces!!! -- Janeway in Dark Frontier Seventhworld, the new SciFi-Project http://www.seventhworld.de Soon to be featured StarTrek Nemesis
Alpha Centauri
Member # 338
Sounds very interesting... and if it wasn't for the heavy $36.80 price tag, I would buy it.------------------ "And as we all know, a mesolytic quantumvector resonator is commonly used to polarize isogravitic plasma-flux manifolds." Starfleet Academy's Redshirt Guide to the Starfleet, 62nd edition, 2376. [This message has been edited by Alpha Centauri (edited August 22, 2000).]