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Posted by DARKSTAR on :
I think that with the Cardassian Union under Alliance control. This is waht will happen
Odo will permit access to the Gamma Quadrant for Klingon,Romulan and Federation ships. This access will only allow a certain number of ships in the Quadrant at the same time.
Talks will continue for membership of UFP and Bajor will continue to recieve aid from UFP. Bajor as of 2375 was quite profitable to invest in. I think Bajor will be a member by about 2380.
With Bajor still being considered important. DS9 will continue to be a vital Deep Spce outpost. Bajorans will continue to run it alongside Starfleet. Kira will continue to be incharge. I think Starfleet will be around there until 2400 well after Bajor become a Federation member.
When the Domonion withdrew. They destoryed most of the cities. I think with Alliance aid and governship,The planet will again become rich. The Alliance will continue to rule Cardassia until atleast 2450.
with thousands of Starships lost, planets battle scared, millions of lives lost. The UFP will step up starship production to above War levels. Science vessels will play an important part of clearing up planets. The UFP will go on a massive recruitment drive and get as many young people into the academy as quickly as possible. Ships that proved reliable during the war will become Starfleets most used ships.
Just a case of rebuilding ships. It will also be a case of recruiting more Romulans for military duty.
Just a case of rebuilding ships.It will also be a case of recruiting more Klingons for military duty.
With a massive fleet stationed in the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion will no longer be the bully of the Quadrant. Starfleet will possibly free some of the systems under Dominion control and either offer to protect or independence(if capable of self-suffieice).



Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Nice, Darkstar.

Where'd you get the idea for Federation, Klingon, and Romulan ships in the Gamma Quadrant? Just curious, but there's a rather lengthy thread in "Creative" about my own series, and THAT is its premise ...

Bajor & DS9 of course remain very important. When Bajor eventually joins the Federation, her militia will be "assimilated" (for lack of a better word), into Starfleet.

It's also a good bet that the Big Three will keep a good sized force at DS9 for a few years to come ... just in case the Dominion decides to knock ...

Cardassia and her space will be under the control of the Big Three. I'm certain that independent worlds formally under the control of the Cardassians will be set up for free elections and allowed to govern themselves. Cardassia will be rebuilt, and the Big Three will make sure they have a freely-elected government ... although, with their war-time casualties, it probably won't be a very big populace for it to govern.

I doubt Cardassia would be occupied for seventy years. Five ... maybe ten, at the extreme outside.

Do the Romulans and Klingons even need to recruit? I would think they both have a forced conscription program ...

I think the Klingon Empire was hit as hard as the Federation (Gowron was worried about an attack on Quo'nos) ...

As for the Federation ...

Recruitment into Starfleet's officer and enlisted corps is WAAAY down. Nearly everyone lost someone -- a friend, relative, lover, etcetra, during the war.

Starfleet's pre-war strength was approx. 40,000 ships ... now, she's barely able to scrape up half that, with close to 8,000 ships too badly damaged for service (and the waiting list at drydocks and other repair facilities miles long).

They've barely got the ability to keep the Fleet at 20,000 + ships, so concentration will come to expanding the exploration programs, as well as more basic needs. I think the military aspect of Starfleet will come last.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 7.5 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux
Shop Smart -- Shop "S"-Mart

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited December 09, 2000).]

Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Looks like some very nice ideas.

I also see you're getting the hang of the 'Enter' button on your keyboard. Try pushing it twice between certain chunks of text

(Quick HTML-to-UBB change in .sig)

"We survived."
"Yeah, it was some battle."
"I meant high school."

- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

[This message has been edited by Altair (edited December 09, 2000).]

Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :

The UFP, Cardassia & Bajor.
Interesting. However, and I find this to probably be the case, I think Cardassia is going to be under Allied occupation for longer than just five to 10 years. The Dominion turned it into a billion hole golf course. And to say nothing that there will be some more conservative elements in the UFP hierarchy that will want to punish Cardassia for their actions with the Dominion. This could cause problems down the road with Cardassia's "rehabilitation".

Bajor will eventually join the UFP. That's a given. They're literally in the single most strategic spot in the entire Alpha Quad. They've got it made.

As for the rest of the UFP, out of all the other powers, I think the UFP will recover the fastest and possibly for the better. However, I do see on the horizon some trouble with some worlds in their sphere of influence.

Klingons - well, what's for them to do? They're a warrior species and it's just a matter of time before they start kicking up some trouble, possibly with the Romulans. However in their favor is Chancellor Martok. I really do think he'll be able to keep the reigns of control on some of his "more rowdier" elements in his government.

Romulans - Who knows really how much this war has knocked em' on their pins. Either they will finally make a real raproachment with the rest of the galaxy or they will slide into isolationism again, with a possible civil war as the result.

Breen - I think the Breen knew they got used by the Dominion and I wouldn't doubt they keep to themselves for quite some time.

Ferengi - "War is good for business", "Peace is good for business." They'll do just fine.

As for the rest - who knows.


"Omae o korusu..." - Heero Yuy


Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I am taking a guess here but I think that since the war ended, Starfleet will finally decommission the old ships such as the Excelsior and Miranda class since Starfleet already is probably rebuilding their fleet probably with newer designs.

Klingons are warriors they will get along fine since all they have to do is rebuild their fleet. I don't think Martok will cause any trouble maybe expand the Empire outwards in unexplored territory perhaps.

Romulans who knows, they are just as mysterious as when they reappeared in 'The Neutral Zone"

Dominion will not cause much trouble since Odo is with the The Great Link.

Just like the Japanese after WW2 they will be helped out until they are able to take care of themsevles. Their remaining fleet will only be used as a defending force.

Predict the unpredictable, but how do you unpredict the unpredictable?


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I find it extremely unlikely that Odo, who is essentially still a newborn Founder, is going to have any great effect on patterns of behavior that have been consistant for millennia.

"I finally see that what we thought was a fun way to celebrate our love was really an expression of hostility and disrespect toward Jesus."
Bill Metz, in The Onion
Read chapter TWO of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Now with 30% more plot.


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Cardassia will be under Alliance control for about 50 years. It, should, follow the same lines as the ends of WW1 and WW2. Limit the size of their military to a certain size.

Odo may be looked at as a savior by the rest of the link, and may have a bit of control over them for that.

The Sisko may cause delays for Bajor to join the Federation, until the time is right.

Starfleet should take the older classes and cannibalize as needed. I don't think direct retirement for the majority will begin till newer classes are built. Can't have the Romulans, in their unknown strength, think that they have any kind of advantage.
Taking 3 Mirandas and making one would work. Take a 4th computer core and tell it that you are using these componets from these ships, you have access to these ships computer cores, build yourself your programming.
Also, by taking the Mark I HoloDocs and making them HoloMechs you can have a bigger work force that can interragate the subsystems they're working on. So maybe they can be relieved of being janitors.

Well, it's done, yes, the deed is done.


Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
I allways figured that Cardassian space would be divided up amongst the Allies much like in the way Germany was divided up after WW2.

*ponders that*

And there lies the seeds for the next conflict, much like in the way the Cold War developed after WW2.


"Omae o korusu..." - Heero Yuy


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Why would the Federation do this? Repeating history there... and I'm sure they'd show this fact to the other two...

"This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"

Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
Probably because it IS a human weakness to do so. And I get the feeling at times the Federation tends to look down upon "lesser civilizations" and treat them as such.


"Omae o korusu..." - Heero Yuy


Posted by Nemesis (Member # 255) on :
Yes, i agree!
* reads first post again *
But i don't think that the Federation will free any surpressed member worlds of the Dominion, that would be too interfering... besides the Dominion would be right after all about the UFP.
I don't really know what will happen to the Dominion either, but i don't think they will be peacefull.... their whole political-structure is based on conquering.
And i can't estimate Odos role in the future.

This is how i prefer the borg... in pieces!!! -- Janeway in Dark Frontier

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Posted by DARKSTAR on :

Prehaps with the Alliance in control until the end of the 24th Century(2390). I think that vessels visiting Cardassia will be restricted to just pure aid for the moment. I Don't think they're space will be divided but occupied by Alliance ships. This will consist of 1000 starships.

With Sisko now in there. The wormhole will become more vital then before as Starfleet relaunches it exploration program into the quadrant.

With increased Starfleet activity, Bajor will recieve more visitors from across the quadrant. Bajor will be a member of UFP in 2379. 10 years after coming under federation protection.

With Odo firmlly incharge,The Gamma Quadrant will under go radical changes. Systems recently invaded by the Dominion will be freed. Those still under Dominion control will not be treated cruelly ,some will break away and ask for Federation membership while other's choose independence. There will be a fleet here consisting of 500 Starships from UFP. 400 Starships from Klingons and 500 starships from Romulans

DS9 will continue to remain where it is. Weapons will still be upgraded incase of Odo's explusion as leader of the Dominion. Starfleet will keep a backup fleet here incase of more Dominion activity. The Defiant will also still be kept here. This fleet will consist of 50 starshps

With a fleet here and in the Gamma Quadrant. Starfleet will still keep a major pressence's here. Starfleet will allow civillian ships back into the sector. Starfleet will also keep up supply routes to DS9 and Cardassia.

With a fleet at DS9 and on the other side of the Wormhole. Starfleet will also keep a third backup fleet here. This starbase proved vital to Starfleet during the War. This fleet will consist of 250 Starships

With Fleets at 375,DS9 and in the Gamma Quadrant. A fleet will be permently stationed in Sector 001. This fleet will consist of 2000 starships. This fleet will also protect against Borg attack.

This 1 light year barrier will remain there.

This no longer exsists.


Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
So, why exactly would the UFP want to keep exploring through the wormhole? After all that is what started the war last time....

Space is big - seems they'd focus the exploration in other directions and simply replace the minefield in front of the wormhole. The Fed government could care less about Odo and whatever social reforms he may or may not be able to begin in the Dominion. Bottom line they need to avoid a fight more that they need the Gamma quad.

Rather than trying to pick another fight with the Dominion I imagine the UFP is trying to hold together the alliance with the Klingons and Romulans, they'd all gain by turning it into a trade alliance....


Posted by Gaseous Anomaly (Member # 114) on :
What war?

Re Dominion-held planets

some will break away and ask for Federation membership while other's choose independence

Not a cat's chance in hell. That would be seen as interference by the Federation. The Founders (regardless of Odo's influence) would never allow that.

Not only that, but they'd have to police a burgeoning mini-Fed through the wormhole, a situation that wouldn't make Starfleet planners very happy. Far too vulnerable to attack from whoever.

2,000 starships in Earth's vicinity!?
Are you raving mad? Where are you going to keep them - in a box?
50 starships in Earth orbit is plenty sufficient for a Borg attack - Early Warning systems would be the key should a Borg fleet decide to come a-knocking.

And mining every asteroid in the system with nukes wouldn't hurt either, for feck's sake.
There's no such thing as overkill when it comes to killing.

I thought civilian ships were allowed in the Bajoran sector during the war.
What war?

Odo firmly in charge? Firm, as in jelly-like?

Hmm, nothing else to bitch about. Carry on.

Go Mad.
Go Evil.
Just GO.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
In charge of what, by the way? The Great Link? I don't think you quite understand what the name implies.

"I finally see that what we thought was a fun way to celebrate our love was really an expression of hostility and disrespect toward Jesus."
Bill Metz, in The Onion
Read chapter TWO of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Now with 30% more plot.


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Well, give the guy a break. He's discovered paragraphs. Punctuation still needs work, though. That, and pulling his head out his ass.

"I do prefer the arse, but you can't dismiss the leg. They're joined at the hip, so to speak."

- Liam Kavanagh


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Isn't that insult reserved for Omega?

Sheesh people, you've gotta come up with some new ways to rib each other. The variations on arse and head are getting tiresome.

Anyway, I've always thought that Sol had fairly good punctuation.

"I am in one of those rare periods of life where I am convinced I am a sexy devil."- Simon "Sol System" Sizer

Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
People seem to have missed the point that the war didn't actually touch the Dominion at all. The ships they sent to the AQ were undoubtledly new ones which were built for that purpose. Their current doctrine and system will continue in the gamma quadrant, as will their military strenght. Which I have no doubt is far greater than the combined AQ powers.

As for Odo, he may have returned to the link, to heal his people, but making galactic policy? I think not. He's barely a teenager by their standards.

Re: Russia in WWII

"Hey, we butchered Poles! Thats OK."
- DT.


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I largely agree, Daryus. However, I don't think the Dominion could just shrug off their losses. They might not be crippling, but it seems some damage was done.

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On a series of events
I cannot explain
Olivia Tremor Control
Read chapters one and two of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Read, read, read, read, read me now.


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Picture the Dominion as the U.S. after the fiasco in Vietnam. They'll be looking for someone to guide them, and Odo, who has bucked tradition for so long, might be the one to do it.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 7.5 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux
Shop Smart -- Shop "S"-Mart


Posted by warbird5 on :
Nice anaglogy Jeff,

The Doiminion is basically just a bit weaker than they were at the beginning of the war. Their entire Gamma Quadrant fleet was left unscratched, well...except for those 2800 ships "lost" in the wormhole.

The Doiminion is just as strong but they have been humilated by a weaker force. It will take them at least a decade to get over this horrendous defeat.

AS for Odo, he probably has a say in the Link but he's power is at the most a bit more than the rest of the changelings.

[This message has been edited by warbird5 (edited December 14, 2000).]

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
Of course, you don't know, and so can't say for certain.

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world." - Dave Barry

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Let's go ask whomever is over in charge at Paramount. I'm sure they'll know. Probably when someone pays them a large amount of money.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 7.5 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux
Shop Smart -- Shop "S"-Mart


Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
Ahh, however I was under the impression that those 2800 ships were in fact most likely newly built, and sent over specifically for the purpose of an AQ war. However either way, losing 2800 ships a far less of a deal for the Dominion than it is for the Federation.

Mostly due to the fact that jem'hadar are easily replaced, whislt humans aren't.

Re: Russia in WWII

"Hey, we butchered Poles! Thats OK."
- DT.


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
The Federation lost, what, 11000 souls during Wolf359 and that was like 48 ships, how many Vortas and changelings do you think were on those 2800 ships??

These guys were certain they would win, and they were right, had it not been for da prophets. I DO think it cost them much, it's unheard of to lose an armada in .3 seconds.

Here lies a toppled god,
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.

-Tleilaxu Epigram


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Maybe they were 'disposed of' in a similar manner to the wannabe prophet from "Accession". Even though the timeline had been restored - they still remembered what happened... maybe even though the Dominion fleet might have been wiped from time... everyone still remembers them?


"This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"

Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
My point is that it is not such as crippling loss to the Dominion as it would be to the Federation.

Re: Russia in WWII

"Hey, we butchered Poles! Thats OK."
- DT.


Posted by BlueElectron (Member # 281) on :
You guys basically have it all figured out

However, Dominon lost the war on the Alpha quad, that doesn't mean their military forces were completely destoryed. Consider that the Dominion is a military state to begin with, whose stability depends on military oppression, they probabaly have a lot more military stock-up to begin with then the UFP before the war even started.

In DS9, it was mentioned several time that Dominon's ship building capability surpass that of the UFP. Even with Dominon's alpha forces all wiped out, their ship building capability still remain intact in the Gamma quad, not to mention that Jammies are breed in tubes not enlisted, so no shortages of ships and personall.

Odo will prove to be a great influence to the link, but I dought one person can do that much change to a whole population of conservative minds.

What's my conclusion? The Dominon was wounded during the war, but manage to pull away with it's claw and teeths still intact, so the Fed will probably just stay away from Gamma quad, and lick their own wound instead. For those world that wanted to seperate from Dominion, I wish them luck, cuz it's probably not possible to do so

If a diamond is a woman's best friend, why does a man has to settle for a dog?


Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
What about some kind of treaty with the Dominion, like the Founders did with the simulation in 'The Search' (IIRC)?

Would it have some profits for the Dominion?

And what about the Borg vs. the Dominion? Surely, when the Borg care to come all the way to the AQ, they would have had some contact with the Dominion? Maybe in a few decades the Dominon and the Federation will sign some silly anti-Borg treaty?

"There's no such thing as overkill when it comes to killing."
-Gaseous Anomaly, December 11, 2000
Titan Fleet Yards - Harry Doddema's Star Trek Site


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Thinking about disappearing ships... maybe the Klingon fleet that 'disappeared' in Breen space during the "Second Empire" was done by the Prophets? Maybe later brought forward in time... to help the Klingons in a time of struggle?

"This is cooling, faster than I can..." Tori Amos "Cooling"

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Or maybe the Borg ate them for breakfast? It could also have been the Q playing the usual games, or the Organians getting pissed off when the Klingons did some R&R on their planet along the way, or the Breen simply slaughtering the fleet. Or most probably, substandard ships failing all at the same time when their warranties ran out.

In any case, Klingons apparently don't mind sending and losing huge fleets. It may weaken them for a while, but it's not gonna make them rethink their policies or anything.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
The Federation and the Dominion may sign all the treaties they like, but taking on the Borg is well beyond their combined abilities.

Re: Russia in WWII

"Hey, we butchered Poles! Thats OK."
- DT.


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