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Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
I have been getting an odd impression lately as to Enterprise becoming more about eye candy than good viewing. When i say eye candy, i dont mean excellent graphics, i mean more of the sexual kind.
Here is something i picked up from Trektoday which is supposed to be a leaked scene in the pilot. This isnt much of a spoiler but id better still give warning.

In addition, Tucker and T'Pol get contanimated by a spore on the planet, forcing them to go through a decontamination process. This involves them stripping down to next to nothing and applying a form of phosphorous gel to themselves and each other, doing this in a "professional" manner.

And there is also this from

As for Brannon Braga, he did have one interesting thing to add. When asked about pushing the limits on television, possibly regarding sexuality such as the nude scene between Tucker and T'Pol in the pilot episode, the co-creator said, "This is pretty sexy stuff that's coming up and so far nobody's slapped our hands."

Now i bet some Trek fans are growning right now and some fans are getting excited but this worries me.
If scenes like this are going to happen, it makes me wonder how uninspired future scripts will be if they are required to use these types of scenes to keep people interested. Now that's a worry for the future of trek.

Now i know that some of the stuff above isnt official, and thats why im making no judgement until I actually see Enterprise. Thats the way ive always felt about Enterprise and its not gonna change. Only worried

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Well, if you consider Sexual humour to inherently equal immaturity and sloppy writing then I'm sure PBS will be happy to have another exclusive viewer.

It's all about execution. If, as early script reviews indicate, the scene is more of a humorous way to frame an argument between two characters rather than sheer eye-candy, then not only am I fine with it, I applaud the producers. Being a little more manic and injecting a little fun into the show is exactly what is needed to distance Enterprise from the droning boscoutyness of Voyager which became all the more apparent when it was put onscreen side-by-side with Seven's ridiculous costume. Trek was never meant to be prudish (Roddenberry was a horny old dog if anything). Bringing the show's sexual humour quotient in-line with the majority of hourlong dramas on TV today that have a similar level of seriousness is a perfectly reasonable step and in-keeping with both TOS and the fact that this show is supposed to show more contemporary humans.

That said, if the camera starts madly panning as low as they can legally go and a thumbing Jerry Goldmith porn melody begins to resonate, then reserve my place in the complaint line.

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: The_Tom ]

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Why? I thought Enterprise was about doing things differently. And Jerry Goldsmith's porn soundtracks are legendary; haven't you ever heard his score for Debbie Does Duluth? 8)
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Even if they have nudity in the episode, it'll probably just be edited out in the end, like the Stargate pilot.
Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
Well, if you consider Sexual humour to inherently equal immaturity and sloppy writing then I'm sure PBS will be happy to have another exclusive viewer.

I didn't know that the scene was to have a humourous edge to it as i dont make a habit of reading spoilers. If it was to be a witty and very funny scene, i would of course have no problem with it.(Thinking back to that cut out scene from Generations with Jordi in a bathtub, to the discust of the Klingon sisters) And if the scene is well written and has a deeper reasoning other than an accuse for some looks at some curves, then there is nothing wrong. And yes i am male, and if they have nudity + excellent episode plots, i would ofcourse have no objections

The reason i was scared is because i remembered to my horror a pathetic excuse for a science fiction show. I cant remember the name(possibly because it was to traumatic)of this british show that was about some people on a futuristic space station and the only way it could make a story worth a dollar was to add a scene of this big breasted woman in the shower or in a love scene.

There where only three episodes and it was aired at 12:00am. (It was the weekend) I then chucked in an episode of TNG to sooth my soul.

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
I don't even know where to start. . .
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The scene sounds hilarious to me.
An uptight Vulcan chick trying to keep her calm as a human male that she's already at odds with has to rub this gel all over her to keep her alive. It doesn't sound like sexual stuff to me. It sounds like comedy. It all has to do IMNSHO with the fact that the woman is a Vulcan. Because, talk about an un-Vulcan situation...

I don't know...that's just my take. And, Lord, I hope there's no porn music...

Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
The only time I believed such a thing was allowed was during the Crossover Episodes where one saw Kira with nothing but a towel over her butt.

Those eps were basically nothing more than pure insanity, IMHO.

Posted by Mr. Christopher (Member # 71) on :
Don't forget the scene in "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?" where Leeta comes running out of her shower to greet Dr. Zimmerman

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Mr. Christopher ]

Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on :
Oh damn, I just saw that episode in last night's DS9 rerun... that was a funny scene. I'm sure that scene in Enterprise would be funny, not like high sexual tension we're used to seeing in shows like Sex And The City.
Posted by HappyTarget (Member # 670) on :
TOS had lots of sexual themes in it. Anyone remember Mudds Women, Orion Slave Girls, and every one of Kirks Yomen? Surfice it to say that Kirk had a girl in nearly every episode. I agree that a little bit of sexuality is good as long as the rest of the stories are well written.
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
If they want to break new ground (which Kirk was doing by even HAVING sex in the '60s) - have two men rubbing the goo on each other. NOW watch the censors scream, and the hackles of the bible belt rise...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
To jump back to the original post (entering for sure Spoiler territory again)


There is also supposed to be a serious undertone to that decontamination scene. Apparently, Tucker and T'Pol are going to be discussing/arguing T'Pol position in the chain of command on the ship. So while it will be arousing to see Jolene Blalock in the near-nude and there will be certain comedic elements involved with to adversaries applying goop to each other, this is supposed to have a serious current.

I agree with Tom, it's all in the execution.

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"The reason i was scared is because i remembered to my horror a pathetic excuse for a science fiction show. I cant remember the name(possibly because it was to traumatic)of this british show that was about some people on a futuristic space station and the only way it could make a story worth a dollar was to add a scene of this big breasted woman in the shower or in a love scene."

I've racked my brains over this, and I still have no idea of what TV show you could be referring to.

British sci-fi equals three things:
Blake's 7
Red Dwarf
Dr Who

And that description doesn't fit any of them.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Damn. The British have all the good shows!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"An uptight Vulcan chick trying to keep her calm as a human male that she's already at odds with has to rub this gel all over her to keep her alive. It doesn't sound like sexual stuff to me. It sounds like comedy. It all has to do IMNSHO with the fact that the woman is a Vulcan. Because, talk about an un-Vulcan situation..."

Erm... No. It would be the exact opposite. To a Vulcan, it's logical that they would be mostly-naked and rubbing stuff on each other. It's necessary to save themselves. There would be nothing sexual about it.

Archer would be the one having trouble keeping his underpants from popping off...

Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
WEll remember, Vulcans have this aversion to being touched. Or isn't that canon? If it is a one liner thing from TOS, who wants to lay odds on whether they'll bring this out in said scene?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Vulcans have never been very tactile. The unofficial (as far as I know) explanation has to do with their low level telepathic abilities. But, as I said, I'm not sure it's ever come up onscreen.
Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
I've racked my brains over this, and I still have no idea of what TV show you could be referring to.

The show i was thinking about had a cast that all spoke in a british accent with the exception of two characters i think. Thats why i thought of it as being British. Unless it was American-Brit. It only lasted for 3 episodes i think.

Probably three pilots

Yes i did notice the error after their was a criticism. And please dont make anything out of it unless it is really bad.And ofcourse i could be making an arse of myself if it wasnt directed at me

[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :

[ July 17, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
The scene sounds funny to me to. I quoted that at the spur of the moment with out knowing that it was supposed to have a humerous edge. This was supposed to be mentioned in previous spoilers from Broken Bow. I dont usually read spoilers and thats why i didnt know.

Although the second quote i made is clear and i dont have a problem with it. Its just that when i was looking around i found two mentions of scenes that involved stipping down, i put two and two together and thought "ive only read two spoilers and there is already mentions of two stripping down scenes and maybe it is gonna be a regular thing.

I no longer think this at the moment and im gonna wait before i make my judgement just like i have with the qualms about the Enterprise looking to modern.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Well, his English is improving. As for this "British" SF TV show, I'm stumped as well. There was. . . oh! Wait! No, not Star Cop (don't ask. Please God, don't ask), but there was a short-lived show produced by Sky about 5 years ago. I only know because I read about it in SFX recently. Unless anyone in the UK has the mag to hand, I'll dig it out tonight and get the gen on it.
Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
My english improving?, maybe i just dont go over everything i write. I type what i think. And i dont seem to remember making any obvious errors. Any way

The name sky does sound sort of familiar, but then again i could be simply wrong. And i wouldnt like to relive it either.

Note: the edit was to place something i forgot to write

[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Well, you see, our thinking goes like this: writing English like an eight-year-old makes you look stupid. We don't want to read posts by stupid people, and we don't want to spend our time ploughing through endless unpunctuated unformatted mis-spelled (although I gotta admit I'm not sure how to spell that - misspelt?) guff. Unless you are eight years old, in which case it's debatable whether you should be on internet bulletin boards like this one!

I don't know. Maybe I'm wasting my time here. Maybe most other people are incapable of writing short messages like emails and checking them as they go along. You should see some of the messages I get from people at work. Thank Christ they have secretaries to write proper letters.

Oh, and by the way - Space Island One. 8)

Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
Get stuffed.

I come here for 1 reason.
To have discussions with other Star Trek fans.

If i make mistakes, it is because 1. I type to fast.
2.Because i am to busy thinking about something i have a problem with.

I have been noticing posts from angry people, saying "Why are you people so angry and unwelcoming".

Now i know why!!

If you have something up your arse, go to the flameboard. Dont bring me down with you. And i am not 8 years old(but im suspectiong you are).

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Nah, he's older than time itself.

I think the main reason he's being so hard on you is that your Australian. We'd expect this sort of thing from a yank, but an Aussie really should know better.

(BTW, it's not that people around here are unwelcoming. It's just that they take the piss out of each other all the time. Friendly-style).

Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
Okay ill take it as if he was trying to take the piss out of me friendly style. Its just that i had no indication of that. And as you can see im new here, which didnt help.

[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
Another thought just crossed my mind. What if Vogon Poet is a big time fan of the show Space Island One. That would explain it as well.

Funny enough, i looked at the link he provided and it had a viewers review entitled "someone hand me a gun" lol

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Sheesh. I'm so unappreciated. And I've never even seen an episode of Space Island One. B(
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
why all the commotion over a little sexuality in Star Trek? Sexuality is a very large part of a healthy human's life. Seeing a human react to a Vulcan - who logicly strips down to save her life, may have a humorus outcome when the mostly male crew reacts in an uncomfortable way.
Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
I'm wondering if this vessel is military or civilian.

If the former, there will be no 'vatnot' aboard.

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I want to ask about Star Cop.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
It was just cheap, crap quasi-SF (ie near-future) with zero FX budget. Think Bugs but worse. If that's possible.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
*thinks Bugs but worse*

I've got Space Precinct.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Good. Now take away the fake-looking FX sequences and the fake-looking aliens. Take away anything resembling sex appeal (farewell, Simone Bendix; farewell, too, Ted Shackleford and, er, the other guy, if your tastes are that way inclined). Imagine a crsuty old lead character � la Morse or Frost, but without any of the endearing traits or acting ability. Now add a pacing similar to that of Last of the Summer Wine. And you're there. 8)
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :

My dear God no!

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