T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 709
I think we should mail Braga and Berman a couple copies of Greg Cox's 'The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh' Has any one else read it or have any idea where the sequel is going to go?
Member # 91
Fabrux read it, IIRC.I still say we were using the Vulcan calendar during TOS.
Member # 709
The fact that the Eugenics conflicts were a secret undercurrent throughout the 70s and 80s and thats why Khan was launched into space without us ever knowing would be a great way to explain away the problem. And I love Gary Seven's involvement (I'm not done yet though) The only problems would be Spock's line 'war weary populations' which could be a misnomer and the fact that the Botany Bay had gravity (perhaps scotty rigged the tractor beam to make a negative field so they would be comfortable)
Member # 661
I read some parts of it. The sequel, about the 90's, should be out in Spring '02. It's mentioned on the jacket of the book (or at the back, I forget). It probably will have some cities meeting their demise, the actual Eugenics Wars, and the escape on the Botany Bay. What I hope to see is how they got the ship and where they launched it from.[ October 03, 2001: Message edited by: Veers ] [ October 03, 2001: Message edited by: Veers ]
Member # 709
A few other notes.. the Botany Bay couldve gotten gravity from Gary Seven's bosses, if they set that up. It would be an interesting escape from that continuity problem.Another disturbing note, Roberta noted that Khan was suspected to have been fighting the Soviets with the afghans. Sounds like another filthy son of a bitch villain i know of... maybe a major war going on while we live our normal lives isnt so far fetched.. look whats actually happening
Ryan McReynolds
Member # 28
quote: Originally posted by Veers: I read some parts of it. The sequel, about the 90's, should be out in Spring '02. It's mentioned on the jacket of the book (or at the back, I forget). It probably will have some cities meeting their demise, the actual Eugenics Wars, and the escape on the Botany Bay.
Well, Greg Cox's "duty" in writing the books is to explain how the Eugenics Wars happened in our universe but we didn't even know it... so no cities should get destroyed, unless any were actually destroyed during that period. It's up to Cox to come up with a creative way to have "civilizations bombed out of existence." We'll see if he pulls it off... since he's still writing the second volume as we speak, for all we know he'll abandon that cause and just write a war novel.
Member # 709
i agree.. by the way, ive just finished with it, and i am amazed at the level of detail he put in it. he ties a lot of random events from our history together to make Khan's life seem truly frightening. And there was no mention of it being American cities that were plagued by the Eugenics wars. The comment made was that there were 'war weary populations' Anyone who watched Space Seed in 92 and said 'theres no war going on now' is dead wrong.. there are wars going on everywhere, wars we know about and wars we dont. For example: i hadnt even realized that there had bee na civil war in Afghanistan for years until i found out about it last month...
Member # 265
http://www.interfax.ruJust look at the number of little wars Russia is involved in
Member # 696
I read the book, and I really liked it, and it followed very closely to real world events, and I liked that it had that scientist working in the Antarctic who was really Flint (Requiem for Methusela, TOS) and Gillian Taylor (the marine biologist from ST4), it just made it seem even cooler. But if the books are meant to indicate that the Eugenics Wars were a covert war, that seems to contradict what Spock said in Space Seed that "These supermen took control simeltaneously in over 40 countries" And in VOY: Future's End, it looks like LA didn't have anything out of the ordinary except for the Chronowerkz building.
Member # 696
I read the book, and I really liked it, and it followed very closely to real world events, and I liked that it had that scientist working in the Antarctic who was really Flint (Requiem for Methusela, TOS) and Gillian Taylor (the marine biologist from ST4), it just made it seem even cooler. But if the books are meant to indicate that the Eugenics Wars were a covert war, that seems to contradict what Spock said in Space Seed that "These supermen took control simeltaneously in over 40 countries" And in VOY: Future's End, it looks like LA didn't have anything out of the ordinary except for the Chronowerkz building. quote: Mister Bin Laden, you are now my Where's Waldo, and, unlike those difficult books, I will find you. -Will Ferrell as George Bush on SNL 10-6-01
Member # 709
Well I think that at last count there were 190 or so (prove me wrong if i am) countries in the world.. it didnt say ANYWHERE that Khan took over USA.. just that he seized some degree of power in 40 countries, and in the end there were war weary populations. It seems to me that LA looks normal right now, despite the fact that there are dozens of wars occuring worldwide, not to mention the major conflict occuring in Afghanistan. There are cities being bombed out right now. And there are still dozens of countries ruled by those who are considered enemies of the United States and of free thinking and living populations everywhere. There has even been a major attack on US soil.. but if Voyager's crew beamed down in LA today, it would still seem pretty normal. That's America for you...I have been seeing more and more references in the book to Seven and Roberta's past missions (that would have made up their TV series had it ever gotten past the Assignment Earth pilot).. Roberta met Jack the Ripper (from 'Wolf in the Fold'.. mentioning he was on Earth in 1974), they fought enemies known as 'the Undead', discovered robot housewives from Connecticut, and time traveling aliens from Devidia II (trying again after 'Times Arrow'?) Theres even a reference to Gary Seven using Guinan as a contact for his information. beautiful!!!! [ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainMike ] [ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Member # 31
There are 193 countries.
Member # 709
Thats what i said
Member # 343
quote: Originally posted by CaptainMike: ...discovered robot housewives from Connecticut..
HA! They worked in "Stepford Wives!" That=r0xx0rz!!
Member # 31
Mike: 285 is nowhere near 193, no matter how many times you edit your post.