This is topic ohhh. There is an article on the more obscure races in this month's ST: The Mag! :-) in forum General Trek at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
Unfortunatly, the article doesn't list all of them, but it does list about 8 or 9 of them. These were the races seen in TMP, the Federation counsel and so forth. It said that GR was happy about the fact that the makeup and costume designers made some notes about each alien. However, sense the notes were never seen or mentioned on T.V. they aren't considered official. However, now that the notes have been printed in an official sorce of Trek info, would that make the notes official? hmmmmmm. Here they are. I don't have a scanner to scan the pics though.

Arcturians--A race of clones from the densely populated Arcturas. Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher speculated that they provided the backbone of the Federation infantry-not least because,if needed, they could clone billions of new soldiers overnight.

My guess as to why we haven't heard of them during the Dominion war is because the Federation, despite being at war, were against using these people as cannon fodder. Or something similar.

Betelgeusians--The inhabitants of the real star Betelgeuse were seven-foot-tall humanoids who were actually descended from a race of leopard-like eagles. They had claw and bone like structures like a condor, but walked upright.

Saurians--These were a lizard-like people who were cery intelligent and made excellent officers. They had the unusual ability to breathe several different gases, which made them useful members of landing parties. They were also very strong and had four hearts.

Aaamazzarites--Rather confusingly, the Aaamazzarites are referred to as Therbians. According to Robert Fletcher's notes they generated clothing from their own mouths. In fact, everything on Aaamazzara, including furniture, was produced bio-chemically, in much the same way that bees make hives.

Could this be one of the other species Tuvok had im mind when he mentioned that the Feds had encountered several races that used organic based vessels?

Kazarites--The Dr. Doolittles of the Federation, who could communicate telepathically with animals. The Kasarites also had limited telekinetic powers and could teleport themselves mentally. They were ecologists, and devoted much of their time to the care of animals, presumably because they enjoyed the conversations.

It is probably a safe bet that their ships don't have transporters.

Zaranites--Like the Benzites, the Zaranites could not breath oxygen. In order to survive on Class-M worlds, they used breathing masks and backpacks that supplied them with fluorine gas. The jewelry they wore was made from horns of the Berbbotjahaa; the top part of the necklace indicated their family, while the bottom identified each individual.

Rigellians--Believe it or not, the Rigellians were supposedly descended from a race of saber-toothed turtles. They only had one gender and reproduced by laying eggs. Their armor was principally ceremonial, and the real power lay with their attendants who gave them food.

Shamin Priests--We are provided very likklt info about the Shamin priests. The notes simply say that they were from O'Ryan's planet, which was discovered by Paddy O'Ryan in the 22nd century.

This Paddy O'Ryan. Could she be an astronomer on board the Enterprise?

K'normians--The K'normians were a mostly normal humanoid race, though they did have large foreheads not unlike the Klingons, which Fred Phillips also redesigned for TMP. The K'normians' large brains provided an eighth sense that gave them a superior appreciation of time and space.

Rhaandarites--The Rhaandarites were a simple, gregarious people who were much better at taking orders than giving them. They were very long-lived and didn't really reasch maturity untill they were 150 or so. Unfortunatly, the Rhaandarite on the Enterprise bridge was only supposed to be 85 years old.

Megarites--In their natural enviroment, the Megarites lived under water, but the Federation developed a system of injections that allowed them to survive on land for about a week. Interestingly, most of their planet is made from jade.

I hope TPTB consider having some of these guys, if not all of them, make an appearance on Enterprise. If you want to see pics of these races, they are on Page 28, 29, and 30 of the current issue of Star Trek: The Magazine.

Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Are those the notes verbatim from the magazine? Any other details? Is there in the mag a definite matching of names to faces?


Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
Yes, No, and Yes.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Yes, No, and No.

And one hopes Paddy O'Ryan isn't a she.

Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
Don't listen to Tom. The answers are Yes, no, and YES!

[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, page 178 of The Art of Star Trek already shows us pictures of most of those: Arcturians, Betelgeuseans, Saurians, Zaranites, Rigellians, and Megarites. I am curious what the others are, though.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Great stuff for my site

I'm still waiting for my TMP Special Edition Magazine, but seeing as the publisher sometimes decides to skip my 'local' vendor ('local' as in 'the only ST:Magazine vendor in the country) entirely, i'll probably won't get it (hell, every summer I can't get the ST:Mag).

Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Harry: Most of these aliens are shown on the TMP trading cards I have. I've been meaning to scan them & send them to you, but I've just been busy lately. I'll try to do them this week
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
The article isn't on the TMP issue of ST: Mag. It's on the January issue with Scott Bakula on the cover.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Can someone PLEASE post all the pictures here - since you can only get that BLASTED magazine in the US.

Also a lot of pictures of aliens can be found on the inside protective slip for the Vinyl version of the soundtrack of TMP! (I should scan them in)

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Big surprise today... They DID send me a Mag!

I present to you: The Obscure TMP Aliens:
//Removed images//

I've removed the images from my /temp folder. If you want to see them, go to my site and browse through the Federation Members site.. thus making my visitor count go up .

[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: Harry ]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
The is exactly the kind of fuel i need for my idiotic fires
A Public Service Announcement by Captain Mike
Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
uhhhhhh. ok. Thakn you Mr. Clone Guy.......I guess.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Erm...I know the mag had printed "Arcturas," but I think it's supposed to be ARCTURUS. As in the star?

Methinks it is a typo.

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I assume you are right

About the Shamin Priest and O'Ryan's planet: you can't name an already inhabited planet, or can you? "Hi, mister Shamin guy, I'm Paddy O'Ryan and from now on your planet is named after me!". So either the Shamin are not the native inhabitants, or they don't care, or they didn't have a name for their planet yet.

Anyone want to speculate on possible Federation memberships for these Shamin guys? The Mag of October 2001 (and I) have agreed most of these TMP aliens *are* members, but the Shamin are weird.

[ December 15, 2001: Message edited by: Harry ]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Well, unless you want to think that we went ahead and named Vulcan and Romulus as a favor for the people who lived there.. on T'Khasi and ch'Rihan. Buts thats way out in left field.

Maybe the Shamin Priests dont communicate verbally and had no verbal name? They seem pretty wierd, so i wouldnt put some wierd shit like that past them.

Other aliens that we may or may not have furnished with names: Acamarians from Acamar (unless its just a big coincidence their star system happens to match a Terran star name, like Rigel).. im sure theres more cases of this around
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Most places on Earth carry names today that aren't the same as the names their original inhabitants gave them. Like, well, Earth, for example.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I was watchin Menage a Troi the otherday, and Lwaxana was going to make and Arcturian fizz or frost I can't remember for Daimon Tog! ;o)

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