T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Pro. Portside
Member # 390
ok befor I get to the question let me say that there is a possable spoiler below (and a scarry one at that) so proced with cation. $ $ $ $ $ $ just to make shure $ $ $ $ $ In the news review seciton of the february issue of the Star Trek mag I noted that it has been comfirmed that Wesely Crusher will be back. Now my question is has anyone heard if he plays a big part in the movie or just pops in for a short time and also is this a sign of the apocalypse?
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
Yes, the apocalypse is coming. Yes, Wesley is in the movie -- I don't think anyone knows for how much of a part, though ...
David Templar
Member # 580
Some people here are hoping for a shuttle accident, others say shot out of a torpedoe tube. I'm leaning towards accidentally slitting his own throat while trying to shave his kiddy beard.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I'm hoping Troi phasers his ass after catching him gawking during the $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ wedding.
Mark Nguyen
Member # 469
The reports indicate that his appearance wil be no more than a cameo, probably not going outisde of said wedding. However, the actor himself reported going in for a "uniform fitting". Make of that what you will.
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
Yes, but the actors always refer to their uniforms as 'space suits.' So it might not be as bad as we think. Maybe his Q-like appearance will include a Starfleet uniform, Captain's pips, natch. 8)
Tahna Los
Member # 33
I think it should be "replace all instances about Romulans with Wesley".
Member # 44
Wesley Warbirds are run by forced quantum singularities!?!
Member # 144
I think it means that Wesley will be wearing civilian uniform wear like the ones he wore in the first few seasons of TNG.
Member # 661
I'm hoping the Romulans torture him and then shoot him in the face, put him in a shuttle, and crash it. Then, they put the ashes in a torpedo tube and shoot him into a star, which goes supernova shortly afterwards.
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
Wow, Wesley Crusher must be Veers' ex or something. . . 8)
Member # 661
No, I just really, really, hate that annoying kid Wesley. Oh, and after the star goes nova, a temporal anomaly flings the solar system back in time and makes Wesley repeat the incident again and again.