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Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
From my usual entertainment news geek...

Say goodbye to UPN: The network has decided to change its
name to the Paramount Network, effective Jan. 1. In
conjunction with the name change, the web will roll out a
new logo that incorporates the familiar Paramount band of
stars with the triangle from UPN's current logo. The
altered moniker reflects this spring's change in ownership
at UPN. Now that Viacom owns 100% of UPN, network execs
felt it was time to leverage the Paramount brand and shed
the reference to onetime co-owner Chris-Craft. (The "U" in
the network's official name, United Paramount Network,
referred to Chris-Craft's United Television division.)
(Daily Variety)

"Do you know how much YOU'RE worth??.....2.5 million Woolongs. THAT'S your bounty. I SAID you were small fry..." --Spike Spiegel

Posted by Amadeus on :
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Anyone know what those stars around the P-logo represents?

Ready for the action now, Dangerboy
Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy
Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy?
How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy?
How dare you, Dangerboy?
I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...

�on Flux, "Thanatophobia"


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Nuttin'. Nuttin' at all. I think the "Making of DS9" book has a story about this. Or was it "TNG - The Continuing Mission"? I think it was in connection with a discussion of an early TNG logo idea where the mountain would transform into the Starfleet arrowhead.

There was an office building of some sort on the way to work for this guy who was working on the logo. The office used the word 'paramount' as part of its name, and this guy began thinking "hey, a wordplay on 'paraMOUNT' might be cool for this new studio that needs this logo". So he sketched a rather pretty image of a mountain, but something was missing. Perhaps a laurel around the mountain? Naah, looked silly. Stars, then? Okay, that looked nice - and 22 simply was the number needed to do an arch of sufficient length around the mountain picture chosen.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :

Ready for the action now, Dangerboy
Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy
Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy?
How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy?
How dare you, Dangerboy?
I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...

�on Flux, "Thanatophobia"


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Ooh, a name change.

They can change the name all they want... I still don't have a visible affiliate in my area.

"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi


Posted by Black Knight (Member # 134) on :
Hmm... a billboard just went up in my town with three big letters on it.


Quantum Threshold--Redesigned!
Avalon Sector--Redesigned!

Posted by SCSImperium (Member # 397) on :
Funny how those three letters are different in our town. There's a large billboard with I R S.

Anyways, PN? How can you call a network PN? It sounds like Peanut Network. I will never adjust.

-Small Computer Systems Interface "Scuzzy" Emperor

Operator of the Goulag Hotel, maintainer of the workhouses.

Operator of Cargill Conglomerate Publications,


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