Now that the war is over, what would be done with the remaining Jem'Hadar and their ships? I doubt seriously they would be alowed to return to the Gamma Quadrant, but if they were taken into custody, the Federation would have to continue to produce Katracel White to keep them alive. And the shear number of them that would have remained would have made this very difficult. Any ideas??
------------------ "So where are the nuggets on a chicken anyway?"
Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
Perhaps the female changeling ordered the Jem'Hadar to kill themselves. The Vorta commit suicide, so why not the Jem'Hadar? Or maybe they all thought they failed their mission and killed themselves anyway. Afterall, victory is life...
------------------ The Unknown Vulcan
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Why wouldn't the Jem'Hadar be sent back to the Gamma Quadrant? That's what happens when wars are over...the troops go home.
------------------ "According to myth, the earth was created in six days. Now watch out! Here comes Genesis. We'll do it for you in six minutes." -- Dr. Leonard H. McCoy
Posted by Deep6 on :
Yeah maybe, but do you think they'd allow them to return with their ships so that they could continue to dominate the Gamma Quadrant? I doubt it. Not that they don't already have plenty of ships for this, but I'm sure the less they have, the better.
------------------ "So where are the nuggets on a chicken anyway?"
[This message was edited by Deep6 on June 16, 1999.]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Well, yes, I do think they'd let them do just that. It is Dominion space, after all, and I doubt the UFP is looking to go back to war.
------------------ "According to myth, the earth was created in six days. Now watch out! Here comes Genesis. We'll do it for you in six minutes." -- Dr. Leonard H. McCoy
Posted by warbird5 on :
I'm pretty sure that the Federation will allow themselves to return, but I doubt the Federation will give back their ships. After all, the Federation did win the war.
Posted by Dax (Member # 191) on :
I suppose it's possible the Jems killed themselves like they did in "The Ship". They seem to be rather sore loosers . Of course that would leave all there ships behind for Starfleet to play with (unless they were self destruct too). But I'm not real sure on this matter so don't quote me on it.
------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
Posted by Obese Penguin (Member # 271) on :
The Jem Hadar most likely destroyed themselfs , to them failure is not an option and when they do fail they think of it as failing The Founders .
As for their ships those will most likely be returned they would just have to sign somthing like the Germans did after WW1 stating that they wouldent use them again in the Alpha Quadrent seeing as they no longer have any territory in the Alpha Quadrent or maybe limiting them to a certain amount of ships.
------------------ "Marge .. Do you have other men in this House ? .. Radioactive men?" ~Homer "The Simpsons"
[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited January 08, 2000).]
Posted by warbird5 on :
They might've put a Versailes type treaty on the Cardassians, but not on the Doiminion. As for the Doiminion it probably gave up all its holding in the AQ and returned to the GQ. The doiminion probably can't return to the AQ. The next doiminion confrontation is probably going to be in the GQ with the Federation expanding sometime in the next 100-500 yrs I guess.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I am, or rather am pretending to be, writing a silly piece of fan fiction that intends to answer just these sorts of questions.
But to address a point, I doubt there is any treaty "placed" on the Cardassians, simply because there is no longer any Cardassian Union to place it on.
------------------ "20th Century, go to sleep." -- R.E.M.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Personally, I think that Odo's return to the link is going to have a SERIOUS effect on not only the changelings but on the whole political situation of the Gamma Quadrant...
When the Female Changeling said to destroy the Cardassians - was anyone waiting for the blight?
------------------ "All the lonely people, where do they all come from" - Eleanor Rigby, The Beatles.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The Female Changeling ordered the Jem'Hadar to stand down. They obeyed orders and did this. I find it highly unlikely that they would commit mass suicide without orders. When they did it in "The Ship", it was because they had allowed a Founder to die.
I think Odo's effect on the Female Founder and his
whoops $ $ $ $ $
return to the Link are supposed to indicate that there will be major changes in the Dominion's social philosophy. Some things I would like to see:
-The Jem'hadar are no longer engineered to be violent. Rather, their development is allowed to be more natural and they become the caretakers of the Dominion.
-The Vorta continue in their role of Administrators but loose their venomous instincts.
This sort of waters down the evil side of the Dominion and we probably won't hear too much more from them. I do think it is what the natural development of a kinder, more understanding Dominion would entail though.
------------------ "A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx