But in "Explorers", Sisko says that he and Jake will be sailing TOWARD the Denorias Belt in their solar ship.
Am I missing something? Could the station be positioned just outside the Denorias Belt? It seems like it's only several hundred kilometers away from the wormhole though, which is evidently inside the Belt.
Any thoughts?
"Resolve and thou art free."
All hands, abandon ship! All hand, abandon...
Frank's Home Page
"My son and I have this wonderful kind of rivalry. Since I've taken over the Mac department in our home, he's seen fit to take over the PC. I have a routine I do for him, walking down the hall, bumping into walls, doing corkscrews and stumbling. I tell him I'm a Windows operating system." - John de Lancie
I know that in the DS9 tech man, it shows a graphic of the Bajoran star system. I know it shows two comets, the one from the opening credits and presumably the one that came through the wormhole. Does it show the Belt anywhere?
"Resolve and thou art free."
[This message has been edited by Aban Rune (edited December 29, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Aban Rune (edited December 29, 1999).]