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Posted by Red Snay (Member # 411) on :
I haven't had any luck finding any info about. Any word on upcoming DVD releases of Deep Space Nine season box sets?
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I heard it was supposed to come out after TNG which should be in the winter.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
TNG's season seven is scheduled to come out in the last week of December, which is, true enough, in winter, but we can be a bit more specific about it. Supposedly DS9 will be released in the same fashion, one season every other month or so throughout 2003. Presumably Voyager follows in 2004. And then Enterprise, someday. I wouldn't be surprised if they start selling it before the show has ended.

Mind you, no announcement regarding DS9 has been made, and if the TNG set is performing poorly I imagine they'll rethink their release strategy. (Though I think they've been selling fairly well.)
Posted by Just Harry (Member # 265) on :
And what about TOS? Are they going to release boxed versions of it? Or at least the 'old' DVD's in Region 2?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Not even rumors about anything new happening with TOS. I would hope, for the sake of region 2 customers, that they would take the existing files and put them in a box set, thus saving you money. But, who knows.

As for a release in the United States, I don't think that would go over very well. Surely the people who want the show have already bought it, and those who kind of like Star Trek but may not want to own the whole show have bought the episodes they wanted and are done.

Of course, that would seem to be an argument for the two episodes per disc format, an argument that is apparently quite flawed, seeing as how Paramount did not pursue it for TNG. So, I don't know. I still find it kind of hard to believe that there are enough people who want the pleasure of watching "Code of Honor" at any time of the day to justify selling the DVDs at all. Sure, I want to, but I am an abnormal, maladjusted person on the fringe of society, and not someone you want to really hang around with much, much less base a marketing assault on. But people seem to love their old TV shows on DVD, and you can't argue with a market that can support a Planet of the Apes TV show boxed set.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
No, AFAIK after the TNG seasons, Enterprise will be released on DVD. IIRC autumn or winter 2002.

There won't be Region 2 TOS DVDs AFAIK. The UK market isn't big enough and TOS DVDs in German language are unfortunately impossible. The German episodes were first cutted and then dubbed. So, the Region 1 TOS episodes have scenes, where no German dubbing is available. This means that every episode has to be redubbed. And they don't have the money for that.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It should be noted that the upcoming Enterprise release is region 2 only, and as such doesn't entirely apply to the original question.
Posted by Just Harry (Member # 265) on :
Well, perhaps it's time for the Germans to get used to the fact that there ARE other languages [Wink]
Posted by iam2xtreme (Member # 836) on :
In the Uk theres a DVD magazine called DVD Review (original!) and a while back it was in there that DS9 comes out next year exactly as TNG has. then voyager afterwards. maybe they will release the Enterprise DVDs alongside the other shows at a series a year or something. But the DS9 and voyager sets was confirmed by paramount apparently.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Just heard that Paramount plans to do Region 2 TOS season boxes. But at first they have to dub all the scenes that were left out during the original German dubbing.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
What about that horrible Nazi episode? Will it be removed?
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
I don't know but I doubt that anyone would buy an incomplete product.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
"Patterns of Force" is more than a little hamfisted, but I wouldn't call it terrible.
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
i kind of understand the disgust that German fans express in reference to that one, and it could have been done better, but i dont see that as an impetus to censor the whole thing (again). I mean, there are episodes i like a lot less and im not asking they be removed. its part of the set.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Actually, putting aside the question of quality, it does feature several swastikas. I can no longer remember what the German policy on those in films and TV is...
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
It might be a bit of a sensitive issue, but you can't really ignore it either, can you? Well, I don't think they're really going to exclude it. But IIRC, it has never been shown in Germany, so it would have to be dubbed for the first time actually [Smile] .

But ANYWAY, a boxed version of TOS would be very very cool indeed. Even if it doesn't have any extras, just having all the original episodes would be worth it.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Aren't Third Reich Iconology verboten in the Germany? They did release an edited version of Medal of Honor, I think.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
it has never been shown in Germany
I think one TV station aired it on a Star Trek day.

so it would have to be dubbed for the first time actually.
The episode was dubbed for the VHS release.

They did release an edited version of Medal of Honor, I think
They did and I have it.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
So, what do they have instead of Swastikas and such? Do they have empty white circles on the red armbands?
Posted by Prismatic EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i don't know about MOH, but RtCW made the nazi's some kind of cult for the German release. with green blood, i believe.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
IIRC they replaced the swastika with an iron cross.

And no blood in MoH: Frontline.
Posted by Daryus Aden (Member # 12) on :
They're releasing the TNG DVD's in R4 format, so I don't see why they would not do it in R2 format.
Posted by ThoughtPyminal (Member # 480) on :
Wasn't Return to Castle Wolfenstein censored in the Fatherland, too?
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
"i don't know about MOH, but RtCW made the nazi's some kind of cult for the German release. with green blood, i believe." -Prismatic Edipis Smilin' Faye Joe Valentine Fission Fanboy Reks.
Posted by ThoughtPyminal (Member # 480) on :
Shit. Okay.
Posted by Springfield Armory Snay (Member # 411) on :
You don't have to ask permission!
Posted by ThoughtPyminal (Member # 480) on :
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
What is it with moronic countries that purposefully try to forget their past mistakes? You REMEMBER the mistakes, so that you don't make them again.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Yeah, stupid Germans, what have they ever accomplished? Blow them up, I say. Then the world will finally be free from the long tyranny of beery Oktoberfests and the constant threat of a Sprockets film. Like Damocles, Mike Myers hangs above our heads!
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
You're a very, very, very strange person.

And you still are *not* the ...


Posted by ThoughtPyminal (Member # 480) on :
BWC! You cannot fool me!
Posted by Prismatic Faye Valentine Fanboy (Member # 510) on :
Originally posted by Magnus Pym Eye:
"i don't know about MOH, but RtCW made the nazi's some kind of cult for the German release. with green blood, i believe." -Prismatic Edipis Smilin' Faye Joe Valentine Fission Fanboy Reks.

nar, dude, nar.
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
What is it with moronic countries that purposefully try to forget their past mistakes?
Like the United States? Good question. [Smile]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Spike:

And no blood in MoH: Frontline.

Er, I don't think that any version of MOH has blood in it.

And what did they do about it anyway? Was it still a WWII game, or changed?

The US doesn't make mistakes anyway. It only has "tactical victories"
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Er, I don't think that any version of MOH has blood in it.
A friend of me who played the US version told me that there were blood.

And what did they do about it anyway? Was it still a WWII game, or changed?
It starts with D-Day and then you've to go on some missions in France and the Netherlands to stopp a Nazi who is constructing a new aeroplane.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
So the plot was unchanged then.

I'm sure the UK verson doesn't have blood, but my mate has the PS2 at the moment. Damn him.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :

Why I am happy: DS9! The package looks neat, and appears to be easier to manage than the unfolding TNG sets.

Why I am not happy: No commentary tracks?
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
These, I will buy to keep.

There isn't commentary on the TNG discs, either. We'll have to wait for the four-hundred dollar boxed sets to get that. Probably.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Ooooooh. I'm happy. Do the DVDs have the episode trailers on them?
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Perhaps we can see the ships designed for the Wolf 359 battlescenes that was cut from The Emissary.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Bloopers would be good - I downloaded over Kazaa some DS9 bloopers season 1-3.

It's like 2 minutes long but it is VERY funny. I was always under the impression that the DS9 set was very serious - mainly because of Avery - on the Contrary - according to these Bloopers!! Avery's doing all the mucking around! LOL! *thinking about it*

Go download it.

Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
So what are we talking about here? New DS9 DVDs every two months?

Feb - Seas 1
April - Seas 2
June - Seas 3
Aug - Seas 4
Oct - Seas 5
Dec - Seas 6
Feb - Seas 7

Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:

Yeah, stupid Germans, what have they ever accomplished? Blow them up, I say. Then the world will finally be free from the long tyranny of beery Oktoberfests and the constant threat of a Sprockets film. Like Damocles, Mike Myers hangs above our heads!
I take it you were being sarcastic, hopefully. Anyway, the majority of Germans are quite angry about the fact of all the censorship going on. Politicians are the real culprits - as (almost) always. They think we can't deal with blood in PC games, Nazi symbols and the like.

I think that's silly. All a bunch of friggin' hypocrits. I say we should accept what happened in the past and not be afraid to show the facts on TV or wherever. Sure, our people did horrible things in those days, but that can't be changed by censoring films, games, etc. The more things are censored, the more fascinated people get with all those things that were censored.

Isn't it always the case? When something is forbidden it gets really interesting??

They should rather show everything uncensored to take away the mystery about it and use it as part of the education of our young people - to show them what happened and to teach the lesson that it should never happen again, not in this country or in any other!

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