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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well, just a simple comment, I gave in and had a squizz at the new Romulan ship picture.

I laughed.


Oh well again with the Eaves ships... clunky looking things with useless spindly things. Gah.

Why would he just take the Klingon BoP and romulanise it?

115 decks!?!

OMG could it be more tragically fanboi?

Eaves' stuff... looks like it stepped out of a computer game.

Probert's and Sternbach's work... cinematic wonders.


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Why would he just take the Klingon BoP and romulanise it?
I don't know. Mainly because a Romulanised version of a Klingon Bord of Prey would look like a...Klingon Bird of Prey.

You're right about Probert though. Everytime I see that ship from Haven, I curse God that we never got to see it on the big screen.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
There is a thread about the new Romulan ship in the Starships Forum. Stop making new ones here.

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