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Posted by Spekkio (Member # 729) on :
Fanboyish thought, but what ever.

Today I was watching BoBW 1/2 and FC (College kid with LOTS of free time) and I was wondering, what would have happened if in BoBW instead of the Enterprise D they had the Enterprise E? Whould that have changed the outcome of anything? Would the "E" tech have enough firepower / technoshit to slow down the cube at all?

Sorry if this is borring, but I thought what the hell I should ask it. [Smile]
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
I doubt the E-E had any weapons or capabilities the E-D wouldn't have had, save for one: the quantum torpedoes. And since we saw that even those couldn't blow up a Borg cube with a single shot, the Borg would undoubtedly simply have adapted to this weapon.

And while I'm sure the E-E can separate its saucer for emergency ditching, it's also obvious it cannot operate in "separated flight mode" - the secondary hull is a crippled wreck after the separation, completely lacking impulse propulsion and phaser armament. So Riker and Shelby couldn't have pulled off the trick that helped them rescue Picard and ultimately saved the Federation.

So probably giving Picard/Riker the E-E in "BoBW" would have doomed the entire UFP to assimilation!

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
I'd agree that the E-E doesn't bring much more to the fight other than the Q-torps (which we'd never heard of at that point of course). Supposed increases in phaser power wouldn't mean much.

I've sort of wondered in fact if the E-E is really a step up for Picard and co. or if Star Fleet just wanted to keep the Enterprise name so they put it on a somewhat more sturdy/less flashy ship in the hope that J-L won't bash it up as much.
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Indeed. I'm not very fond of assumptions like "E-E is the fastest starship out there" or "E-E is the most powerful warship out there" or "ships named Enterprise are the cream of Starfleet". It is true that the E-E during "FC" was "the most advanced", according to LaForge's possibly a bit chauvinist opinion. But apart from that, we know little about how the Sovereigns fit into the Starfleet scheme of things.

When the E-D crashed, Starfleet had three problems to cope with:

1) How to replace the ship?
2) What to do to Picard?
3) What to do to the name Enterprise?

Obviously, Picard and the name went to the new Sovereign class ship. However, it's not at all sure that this ship was the replacement of the E-D in any practical sense. More probably, the E-D was replaced by the Galaxy class USS Insignificant, with Captain Nowan in command. And Picard was indeed sent to captain a very different ship with a very different mission.

As for what that mission might be... Well, there's one thing we know for sure it wasn't - namely, Borg-hunting. The E-E was in fact FORBIDDEN from fighting the Borg by Starfleet.

Sure, Picard said he was the problem, not the ship. But if that were literally true, then Starfleet would surely have ordered Riker to put Picard in an escape pod, launch him into the Romulan Neutral Zone, and take command of the ship and fly it to Earth ASAP...

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by iam2xtreme (Member # 836) on :
Originally posted by Timo:
The E-E was in fact FORBIDDEN from fighting the Borg by Starfleet.

Sure, Picard said he was the problem, not the ship. But if that were literally true, then Starfleet would surely have ordered Riker to put Picard in an escape pod, launch him into the Romulan Neutral Zone, and take command of the ship and fly it to Earth ASAP....

Ok I haven't laughed this hard for a long time............
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
This is a Tech question. You'll find it in S&T.

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