T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
I laughed! Watch: http://travel.priceline.com/promo/shatner_return.asp?session_key=5D0011AC3F0011AC20040120104422d1aa00995003&plf=pcln&refid=HPPROMO5&refclickid=0104SHATNER
You may have to hit te "refresh" button to see the download links.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I'm at work and don't want to download... but is it the one where they're firing him and there's a surprise guest?
I saw it last night and I'm thinking, "There's no way they'll get him to show up at the end of this... Oh my lord they did."
It was pretty funny.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Yeah, it's taht one. I think the commercial would've been hysterical if it was Bakula replacing him though....
Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge
Member # 144
That would be scary actually... but Nimoy showing up is hysterical.
Member # 1095
It would have been even funnier if the new CEO came by and it was Patrick Stewart.
Member # 31
It would have been funnier if I hadn't guessed the ending the first time I ever saw an ad for this... ad.
Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge
Member # 144
Imagine if they got a Klingon to replace Shatner...