T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 524
Hey all. I've done some searching of the forums here, but had no luck turning up what I'm looking for, so I thougth I'd ask...
Does anyone know if there is a list anywhere of the door plaques seen on the TOS Enterprise? I'm sure someone somewhere has gotta have written them all down.
Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
Member # 1090
I was just thinking about those yesterday! In addition to a comprehensive list, does anyone know what the "product" is called they used for the signage? We have some of it in the office, but it was installed years back. It consists of a plastic lamination with a colored layer on top, white underneath, and the lettering engraved or routed out of the colored layer.
What is this stuff called? Anyone know of a supplier?
Member # 265
There's the ever-present "Turbo Lift 7" sign: ttp://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/04_MW/pages/04_MW-057.htm
And bunch more from Trek5: The clearest shot I could find: http://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/39_MM/pages/39_MM-048.htm
http://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/01_WNMHGB-r/pages/01_WNMHGB_014.htm http://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/01_WNMHGB-r/pages/01_WNMHGB_020.htm http://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/01_WNMHGB-r/pages/01_WNMHGB_126.htm (seems to be painted by hand) http://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/01_WNMHGB-r/pages/01_WNMHGB_144.htm
I don't know where this is supposed to be: http://www.trek5.com/caps/tos/09_BOT/pages/09BOT_235.htm
Aban Rune
Member # 226
quote: Originally posted by Harry: I don't know where this is supposed to be:
On the Phaser Coolant Tank, silly.
Member # 524
Thanks for that. What I'm really looking for are what the signs actually say on the regular series doors. For instance, I was watching Journey to Babel ysterday, and there are the black signs by many of the doors, but there are also red signs for warnings, such as the CAUTION AUTOMATIC DOOR sign outside the hangar deck (the black sign for which misspells it "hanger"), and another one appears on the Mirror Mirror screen cap .
Additionally, there are blue signs with arrows that point to various facilities. Two of these are seen in Babel as Kirk leads Sarek and Amanda into engineering.